Çağatay Tavşanoğlu - activities/information   Türkçe - English
  Main page Activities Publications Courses        
  Education Teaching experience      
  1998 BSc degree on Biology at Hacettepe University, Turkey 2001-2010 Ecology Lab. (undergraduate, Department of Biology at Hacettepe University)      
  2002 MSc degree on Ecology at Hacettepe University, Turkey 2012-2013 Ecology and the Environment (undergraduate, at Hacettepe University)      
2008 PhD degree on Ecology at Hacettepe University, Turkey 2013-2016 Go (undergraduate, at Hacettepe University)
    2013-2017 Training Course (undergraduate, Department of Biology at Hacettepe University)      
  Thesis defence panels / PhD sufficiency exams / PhD monitoring commiteee 2017-2020 Scientific Research Techniques and Publication Ethics (graduate, Department of Biology at Hacettepe University)      
  38 M.Sc. theses (Hacettepe Univ., Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Univ., Middle East Technical Univ.) 2011-2019 Environmental Biology-I (undergraduate, Department of Biology at Hacettepe University)      
  26 PhD sufficiency (Hacettepe Univ., Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Univ., Middle East Technical Univ., Gazi Univ., Akdeniz Univ., Ankara Univ., Karabük Univ.) 2015-2020 Environmental Biology-II (undergraduate, Department of Biology at Hacettepe University)      
  18 Ph.D. monitoring commitee (Hacettepe Univ., Istanbul Univ., Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Univ., Middle East Technical Univ., Gazi Univ.) 2010- Advanced Environmental Biology (graduate, Department of Biology at Hacettepe University)      
  17 Ph.D. theses (Hacettepe Univ., Ankara Univ., Gazi Univ., Middle East Technical Univ., Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Univ., Uludağ Univ., İstanbul Technical Univ., Boğaziçi Univ.) 2013- Fire Ecology (graduate, Department of Biology at Hacettepe University)      
    2014- Global Change Ecology (undergraduate, Department of Biology at Hacettepe University)      
    2018- Ecology (undergraduate, Department of Biology at Hacettepe University)      
  Ph.D. theses supervised        
  2024 Mina Cansu Karaer. Seasonal variability of the diet, gastrointestinal helminth diversity, and stress hormone levels of the mountain gazelle (Gazella gazella). Hacettepe University (supervisor: Çağatay Tavşanoğlu, co-supervisor: Tolga Kankılıç)      
  2023 Elif Deniz Ülker. The comparison of climatic niches, plant functional traits, and the late Quaternary refugia of oaks (Quercus) distributed in different biomes of the western Palearctic region. Hacettepe University (supervisor: Çağatay Tavşanoğlu)      
  2022 İrem Tüfekcioğlu. Assessing the resistance and resilience capacity of low elevation Mediterranean woody vegetation to fire and climate change based on plant traits and recommendations for forestry practices. Hacettepe University (supervisor: Çağatay Tavşanoğlu)      
  2021 Duygu Deniz Kazancı. Drivers of among-population variability in fire-related traits in Turkish Red Pine (Pinus brutia Ten.). Hacettepe University (supervisor: Çağatay Tavşanoğlu)      
  2021 Nursema Aktepe. Variability of the flammability of plants in Turkish Red Pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) forests at population, species and community levels, and the relationship of this variability with the fire regime. Hacettepe University (supervisor: Çağatay Tavşanoğlu)      
  M.Sc. theses supervised        
  2024 Mehmet Göktuğ Öztürk. Spatiotemporal patterns of lightning-induced wildfires in Turkey. Hacettepe University (supervisor: Çağatay Tavşanoğlu)      
  2024 Esra Nur Bayşahan. Possible effects of climate change on the germination of Mediterranean plants at different elevations in İzmir-Bozdağ. Hacettepe University (supervisor: Çağatay Tavşanoğlu)      
  2024 Pınar Kütküt. The effects of post-fire restoration applications on the woody plant community in a Turkish red pine forest. Hacettepe University (supervisor: Çağatay Tavşanoğlu)      
  2023 Nartjan Özden. Change in the functional trait structure of pollinator bee community along a land use gradient. Hacettepe University (supervisor: Çağatay Tavşanoğlu, co-supervisor: Yasemin Güler)      
  2022 Zeynep Ladin Coşgun. Change in functional trait structure of plant communities along an elevational gradient in southwestern Anatolia. Hacettepe University (supervisor: Çağatay Tavşanoğlu)      
  2021 Ekin Kaplan. The effect of plant diversity on seedling establishment of Diplotaxis tenuifolia in the Central Anatolian steppe. Middle East Technical University (supervisor: C. Can Bilgin, co-supervisor: Çağatay Tavşanoğlu)      
  2019 Cansu Ülgen. Functional trait patterns of plants of Anatolian steppes. Hacettepe University (supervisor: Çağatay Tavşanoğlu)      
  2019 Cihan Ünal Değirmenci. The ecological importance of the seed germination rate and the comparison of various germination rate estimation methods. Hacettepe University (supervisor: Çağatay Tavşanoğlu)      
  2019 İrem Tüysüz. The effect of plant-derived smoke and smoke-isolated chemical karrikinolide on the germination and early seedling growth of some ornamental plant species. Hacettepe University (supervisor: Çağatay Tavşanoğlu)      
  2018 Anıl Bahar. Modelling of fire frequency and vegetation cover effects on Mediterranean vegetation dynamics. Hacettepe University (supervisor: Çağatay Tavşanoğlu)      
  2018 Özlem Özüdoğru. Effects of small-scale disturbance on plant communities of Central Anatolian steppe. Hacettepe University (supervisor: Çağatay Tavşanoğlu)      
  2017 Gökhan Ergan. The relationship between Mediterranean plants and fire, and the determination of fire ephemerals. Hacettepe University (supervisor: Çağatay Tavşanoğlu)      
  2016 İsmail Bekar. The role of anthropogenic and natural factors in shaping recent fire regimes in Mediterranean ecosystems. Hacettepe University (supervisor: Çağatay Tavşanoğlu)      
  2015 Elif Deniz Ülker. Effect of the Late Quaternary climate changes on the geographic distribution in Quercus robur L. (Pedunculate oak). Hacettepe University (supervisor: Çağatay Tavşanoğlu, co-supervisor: Utku Perktaş)      
  2014 Duygu Deniz Kazancı. Determination of post-fire germination properties of Mediterranean plants. Hacettepe University (supervisor: Çağatay Tavşanoğlu)      
  2013 Şükrü Serter Çatav. Determination of post-fire germination properties of Cistus salviifolius L. (Cistaceae). Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University (supervisor: Köksal Küçükakyüz, co-supervisor: Çağatay Tavşanoğlu)      
  Editor & reviewer in SCI journals        
  Editorial Board Member in Scientific Data (2014-)        
  Guest Editor of the special section in Environmental Research (2011)        
  Reviewer: Seed Science Research (2014 [2], 2015, 2017, 2018 [3], 2020 [2], 2021, 2022, 2023), Turkish Journal of Botany (2010, 2018, 2022, 2023), Folia Geobotanica (2018, 2021, 2023), Forest Ecology and Management (2018, 2024), Rangeland Ecology and Management (2022, 2023), Journal of Vegetation Science (2017, 2021), International Journal of Wildland Fire (2009, 2010), Plant Biology (2015, 2018), Global Ecology and Biogeography (2022, 2023), Geoderma (2011 [2]), Turkish Journal of Zoology (2019, 2021), Applied Vegetation Science (2018, 2023), Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry (2011), Annals of Forest Science (2013), Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management (2015), Science of the Total Environment (2015), Botany (2016), Plant Ecology & Diversity (2017), Scientific Reports (2017), Journal of Plant Research (2017), South African Journal of Botany (2018), Austral Ecology (2018), IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (2018), Canadian Journal of Forest Research (2019), Plant Ecology (2019), African Journal of Ecology (2020), Journal of Environmental Management (2020), Fire Ecology (2023), Scientific Data (2024), Ecology (2024), Science of the Total Environment (2024), iForest (2024)      
  Member of scientific societies/groups/centers        
  Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Society (Turkey)      
  Eurasian Dry Grassland Group      
  British Ecological Society        
  Hacettepe University Land Ethic Research and Apllication Center - Executive board member        
  Nature Conservation Center (Turkey) - Executive board member        
  Middle East Technical University Ecosystem Research and Apllication Center - Advisory board member        
  Scientific Meetings Organised        
    2. International Meeting of Fire Effects on Soil Properties     ---     The abstract book      
  3rd Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Symposium      
  Web sites & blogs        
    Ecology Journals - http://www.ekolojinet.com/journals.html        
    Merdiven Go Blog -  http://merdivengo.blogspot.com/ (in Turkish)        




Go game



Amateur  go player at 1 kyu level. European Go Database page


Member of Turkish Players' Go Association (2004- )

  Member of Hacettepe University Go Club (2000- )