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DEMiREL, Özcan


March 1,  1943  at Sapanca, Adapazarı/Turkey

Married to Nursel Civelekoğlu, Aug. 10, (Oct. 29), 1968

Children : Hakan Levent (born September  8, 1969) and

Okan (born  March 14, 1973)


Bişkek 8 Cadde  N. 24/6  Deniz Apt. Emek, 06510 Ankara / Turkey 

Hacettepe University, Faculty of Education. 06532 Ankara / Turkey

Phone-Office :+90 312 - 297 85 50- 85 57

Home  :+90 312 - 223 83 20

Fax :+90 312 - 299 20 27

E-Mail :





Professor of Curriculum and Instruction

Hacettepe University, Ankara / TURKEY






1954  -  60

Arifiye Teacher Training School, Sakarya,

1960  -  61

Adapazarı  High School, Sakarya

1961  -  64

Gazi Teacher Training College, Department of  English Language Teaching,


Ankara, (Major, English Language Teaching; Minor, Physical Training)

1971  -  73

Hacettepe Uni. Ankara ,  B.A. in Educational Sciences,

1973  - 75

Hacettepe Un. Ankara,  M.A. in Curriculum  Development and Evaluation

1975  -  79

Ankara  Uni.  Ankara,  Ph.D. in Curriculum Development and Instruction,





From  2001

National Coordinator, The European Language Portfolio – (The Council of Europe)


“Preparing Turkish Model(s) of the European Language Portfolio in the      Ministry of National Education”

From  2000

Member of Executive  Committee,  Institute  of  Social  Sciences, Hacettepe University

2001- 2003

Co-director, Support to Basic Education Project – (European Union)


“Support to the Basic Education in Turkey, especially in the eastern  and south-eastern part of Turkey”

2000 -2001

Head,  Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Education, Hacettepe U

1997- 2000

Senate  Member of Hacettepe University “Spokesman of the Faculty of      Education”

From 1997

Turkish Delegate of  the Council of Europe, Language Policy Division, “On behalf of the Ministry of National Education”

From 1991

Head, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education,  Hacettepe University “Responsible of academic and administrative affairs”

From 1989

Professor of Curriculum and Instruction, Teaching staff at the Department of Educational   Sciences,  Hacettepe University.

1997 -1998 

Curriculum  Development Specialist in the Feasibility Study Project of  Secondary Education  in the Ministry of National Education supported by the World Bank.”Preparing alternative curricula for secondary education including technical and vocational education”

1992 -96   

Curriculum  Development Specialist  and  Member of  Project Co-ordination Unit, National Education Development Project at the Council of Higher Education supported by  the World Bank “Responsible for coordinating and preparing new curricula for specific teaching subjects such as English, Maths, Biology, Natural Sciences and Social Sciences subjects at secondary school levels”


Member of  Executive Committee, Faculty of Education (representative of professors in the faculty)

1983 -89  

Associate Professor of Curriculum and Instruction,  Hacettepe University,

1984 -86  

Vice-Dean, Faculty of Education, Hacettepe University,


“Responsible of academic  and administrative  affairs”

1983 - 84  

Acting Head, Founder of Department of Foreign Languages Education, Faculty of Education , Hacettepe University,

1974 - 83 

English Instructor, School of Foreign Languages, Hacettepe University.

1977- 79

Head, Department of Basic English, School of Foreign Languages,   Hacettepe University, “Responsible of academic and administrative affairs”

1964 - 74   

Teacher of English, Malatya, Tekirdağ and Ankara Commercial High Schools, Ministry of National Education, “Teaching English as a second language”

1972 - 74   

Deputy Principal, Ankara Commercial High School,

1960 - 61   

Elementary School Teacher, K.Sögütlü, Sakarya,





















ENGLAND, London:  West  London College, Study on  Proficiency in English and Commercial Correspondence




SCOTLAND, Stirling University, Summer Course on “Communicative Language Teaching Methodology” offered   by the British Council.


Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC),  Conference on  “Youth Problems. A paper presented on the problems of  Turkish Cypriot  University Students in Turkey.”


USA, 20th TESOL Convention, Anaheim-California   Research on Computer Assisted Language Learning, invited by the USA Government on IVP Programme


USA, CIES Conference, Pittsburgh. presented  a paper on “Education and Changing Social Realities in Turkey”.


HUNGARY, Pudapest, Pecs, XVIIth FIPLV World Congress  presented a paper on  “A Curriculum Design for Life-long Language Learning.” Toured AUSTRIA.


The NETHERLANDS, Amsterdam. The 16th Annual Conference on Teacher Education. A paper presented on “A  Curriculum Model for Teacher Education in Europe”.


SWITZERLAND, Rüschlikon-Feusisberg/Zürich. Inter-Governmental Symposium. “Transparency and Coherence in Language Learning in Europe. Objectives, Evaluation, Certification” . Presented a paper on “A  Curriculum Model for Life-long Language Learning.”


ENGLAND, Oxford. Oxford University. Invited by  Oxford University Press to attend the ELT Symposium  on “Focus on the Language Teacher”.


Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus(TRNC), invited by the Minister of Education, to the Conference on  “Reformation on Education System”.  presented a paper on “Foreign Language Education ? or Foreign Language Medium  Education?.”


ENGLAND.  visited  9 universities for graduate and post graduate students who are planned to send abroad by the World Bank-YÖK Project. (Manchester, Leeds, Nothingham, Birmingham, Bristol, London)


KUWAIT.   presented a paper on “Curriculum Practices for Equity and Excellence in the Turkish Educational System”  The Public Authority for Applied Education and Training. Human Resources Development An Investment Conference, Kuwait,  Nov. 30th - Dec. 4th, 1996




GREECE- Thessaloniki, invited by Greek Educational Society to establish Balkan Society for Pedagogy and Education and to meet educators of Balkan Countries on November 20 - 23, 1997 and elected as the Vice-President of the Society .


BULGARIA -Sofia, invited by the University of Sofia, Faculty of Primary and Preschool Education in order to attend the Administrative Committee of the Balkan Society for Pedagogy and Education on March 27-28, 1998.


Toured ITALY- Rome, Florence and Venice on April 3 - 11, 1998


SLOVAKIA - Bratislava, ESP Seminar on June 18-20, 1998CZECH REPUBLIC- Prague


EGYPT - Cairo, International Conference on Teaching English as a Foreign Language , presented a paper on “Developing Integrated Skills through Multiple Intelligences in EFL Classes”  on December 8-10,1998


AUSTRIA, Innsbruck. invited by the Laguage Policy Division, The Council of Europe, to attend the conference on “Linguistic Diversity and Democratic Citizenship in Europe on May 10-12, 1999


GREECE- Thessaloniki, invited by Greek Educational Society to attend the conference on Balkans- Greece and Europe and the meeting of the Administrative Committee of the Balkan Society for Pedagogy and Education on December  17 - 19, 1999


CZECH REPUBLIC– Prague, invited by the Language Policy Division, The Council of Europe, to attend the conference on “European Year of Languages 2001 Seminar  for National Coordinators” on March 9-11, 2000


GREECE- Thessaloniki, invited by Greek Educational Society to participate the general meeting and the meeting of the Administrative Council of the Balkan Society for Pedagogy and Education on the 21 and 22 of April, 2000 and elected as the Vice-President of the Society .


ENGLAND - Manchester,  invited by the Laguage Policy Division, The Council of Europe, to attend the conference on “European Year of Languages 2001 2nd  Seminar  for National Coordinators” on October 19-21, 2000


toured MALAYSIA-Kualalumpur, SINGAPORE, THAILAND-Bangok-Pattaya


FRANCE-Paris, invited by the Laguage Policy Division, The Council of Europe, to attend the Seminar on “Communication Education and Relations with Media” on January 26-27, 2001


SWEDEN- Lund, invited by the Laguage Policy Division, The Council of Europe, to attend “Opening Event of the European Year of Languages 2001” on 18-20 February 2001- as The Representative of Turkey


CZECH REPUBLIC – Prag, invited by the Laguage Policy Division, The Council of Europe, to attend the seminar on the Introduction of the European Language Portfolio on 23 – 24 February 2001.


PORTUGAL – Coimbra, invited by the Laguage Policy Division, The Council of Europe, to attend the seminar on the Implementation of the ELP on 28-30 June 2001


BELGIUM – Brussels, invited by the Laguage Policy Division, The Council of Europe, to attend “Closing Event of the European Year of Languages 2001” on 6-9 December 2001- as Turkish Representative.


ITALY – Torino-Turin invited by the Laguage Policy Division, The Council of Europe, to attend the seminar on the Implementation of the ELP on 14-17 April 2002


Turkish Republic of North Cyprus - Famagusta. Invited to present a paper on “Portfolio-Oriented Foreign Language Education in Turkey”, Famagusta, North Cyprus, Eastern Mediterranean University, First International Education Conference: Changing Times, Changing Needs, 8-10 May 2002     (Keynote speaker)


LUXEMBURG, invited by the Laguage Policy Division, The Council of Europe, to attend the seminar on the Implementation of the ELP on 16-19 October 2002


FRANCE – Strasbourg.  invited by the Laguage Policy Division, The Council of Europe, to attend the conference on “Languages, Diversity,Citizenship: Policies for Plurilingualism in  Europe” on 13-15 November  2002 as a Turkish delegate


FRANCE - Strasbourg.   invited by the Laguage Policy Division, The Council of Europe, to plan the ELP seminar which will be held on 23-25 October 2003 in İstanbul-Turkey


MACEDONIA -Ohrid-Üsküp, invited by  the Balkan Society for Pedagogy and Education to attend the conference on “Intercultural Education” and also the meeting of the Administrative Committee of BASOPED  on May 08-13, 2003. (re-elected as the Vice–Prisedent of the Society) 


RUSSIA toured Moscow and St. Petersbourg by the river boat on  4-13 August 2003


BULGARIA - Sofia.  invited by  the Balkan Society for Pedagogy and Education to plan the international symposium which will be held in Sofia in 2004 and   attend the meeting of the Administrative Committee of BASOPED  on 17-19 September 2003.


FRANCE- Strasbourg. invited by the Language Policy Division, The Council of Europe, to attend the Policy Forum: “Global Approaches to Plurilingual Education” on 28-29 June  2004 as Turkish delegate.


BULGARIA - Sofia. Presented a paper on the International symposium which was held in Sofia on 02-03 July 2004.


NORWAY-DENMARK. toured Norwegianfjords, Oslo and Bergen by Orient Lines Cruise on 18-29 July 2004 and visited Copenhagen and Aarus in Denmark.


SPAIN – Madrid, invited by the Language Policy Division, The Council of Europe, to attend the seminar on the Implementation of the ELP on 29 September-2 October  2004


SERBIA and MONTREGON - Belgrade.  invited by  the Balkan Society for Pedagogy and Education to plan the international symposium which will be held in Belgrade in 2005 and   attend the meeting of the Administrative Committee of BASOPED  on 25 October 2004.



 Ministry of National Education,


The Council of Higher Education



 Turkish Radio and Television Corporation

 Ministry of Finance and Customs

 Turkish Education Association,



 Turkish     :  Mother tongue,      English     :  Fluent,         German    :  Poor


 Graduate Theses and Dissertations supervised

 Dr. Demirel has supervised  43  doctoral dissertations and  46 graduate theses up to now on Curriculum and Instruction and teaching  English as a foreign language.

 Graduate Students:

 A. Ph. D. Students and their dissertations

  1. F. Vildan Egelioğlu, 1989. “Okuduğunu Anlama Düzeyinin ve Öğrenme için  Ayrılan Zamanın Bilişsel  Öğrenme Düzeyine Etkisi” (The Effect of reading comprehension level and Time-on- Learning Tasks on Cognitive Learning)
  2. 2. Güzin Büyükkurt,     1989 . “Yöntem Farklılığının Erişiye Katkısı” (Contribution to the student achievement of using different teaching methods)
  3. Aydan Ersöz, 1990. (Gazi University) “Coursebook analysis and design for ELT(English Language Teaching) in the State Schools in Turkey”
  4. Saba Yalçın, 1994.”Metinden Öğrenme İlkelerine Göre Hazırlanan Ders  Kitabının Öğrenci Erişisine Etkisi”  (The effect of  the textbook prepared for the principles of learning through context on student achievement)
  5. Meltem Eney, 1994. (Gazi University)” Attitudes of  students toward computer (CALL) and Writing with a Word Processor 
  6. 6. Nurdan Kalaycı, 1994. “İlkokul II. Sınıf Hayat Bilgisi Dersini Okutan Öğretmenlerin Bu Dersteki Etkinliklere Ayırdıkları Sürenin Değerlendirilmesi”     (The evaluation of time-on-teaching activities in Life Sciences in the primary second grades)
  7. Selma Parıltı, 1995. “İlkokul  Fen Öğretiminde Hedef Davranışların Kazandırılması ile Bilişsel Öğrenmelerin Kalıcılığı  ile İlgili Yaklaşımlar” (Approaches related to the retention of cognitive learning and attaining the behavioural objectives in primary science courses)
  8. İlhan Oktar, 1995. “Geleneksel, İşbirliği ve Ödüllü Değişim Ekonomisine Dayalı Öğrenmenin Öğrenci Erişisi Üzerine Etkisi” (The impact of token economy, cooperative and conventional learning on the student achievement)
  9. Özler Çakır, 1995. “Büyükölçekli Kuralların Öğretiminin Okuduğunu Anlamaya Etkisi” (The effect of teaching macrolutes on reading comprehension)
  10. Feza Orhan, 1996. “Bilgisayar Ders Yazılımlarını Değerlendirmek için Bir Model Önerisi” (A proposed model for the evaluation of the courseware materials)
  11. Hakkı Sayın, 1996. “İletişim Fakültelerindeki Basın-Yayın Eğitimi Programlarının Değerlendirilmesi”  (Gazi Uni.) (Evaluating the Press and Media curricula in the Faculties of  Communication)
  12. İ.Hakkı Mirici, 1997. “Designing a Reading curriculum for preparatory classes of Engineering faculties”  (Gazi Uni.)
  13. Esed Yağcı, 1997. “Sınıfiçi Demokratik Öğretimin Öğrenci Erişisi ve Akademik Benlik Kavramına Etkisi” (The effect of the inter-class democratic instruction to the student achievement and academic self-concept)      
  14. Tülay Üstündağ, 1997  “Vatandaşlık ve İnsan Hakları Eğitimi Dersinin Öğretiminde Yaratıcı Dramanın Erişiye ve Derse Yönelik Öğrenci Tutumlarına Etkisi” (The effect of creative drama in teaching Civics and Human Rights course on student achievement and attitudes)
  15. Hülya Pehlivan, 1997 “Örnek Olay ve Oyun Yoluyla Öğretimin Sosyal Bilgiler Dersinde Öğrenme Düzeyine Etkisi” (The effect of teaching through case study and games in Social Studies course on learning outcomes)
  16. 16. Banu Yangın, 1998 “Dinlediğini Anlama Becerisini Geliştirmede ELVES Yönteminin Etkisi”   (The effect of  ELVES method on developing listening comprehension skills)
  17. Derya Oktar Ergür, 1998 “Hacettepe Üniversitesi Dört Yıllık Lisans Programlarındaki Öğrenci ve Öğretim Üyelerinin Öğrenme Stillerinin Karşılaştırılması” (The comparison of  learning styles of  lecturers and senior students at Hacettepe University)
  18. Kevser Baykara, 1999 “İşbirliğine Dayalı Öğrenme Teknikleri ve Denetim Odakları Üzerine Bir Çalışma” (A study on cooperative learning techniques and locus of control)
  19. Ali Murat Sünbül, 1999 “Öğrenme Stratejilerinin Öğrenci Erişi ve Tutumlarına Etkisi” (The effect of learning strategies on students’ achievement and attitudes)
  20. Aytunga Oğuz 1999 “Derste Not Almanın Öğrenme ve Hatırlama Düzeyine Etkisi” (The effect of taking notes during the lecture on learning and recalling)
  21. Bahattin Acat, 2000 “Dilin İşlevselliği Yaklaşımına  Göre Hazırlanan Türkçe Öğretim Programının  Temel Dil  Becerilerinin Kazanılmasına  Etkisi”, (The effect of functional approach-based Turkish curriculum on attaining the basic language skills)
  22. Semih Şahinel, 2001 “Eleştirel Düşünme Becerileri ile Tümleşik Dil Becerilerinin Geliştirilmesi” (Developing integrated language skills through creative thinking skills)
  23. 23. Nilay Talu, 2001 “Gözden Geçirme Stratejisi ile Desteklenmiş Çoklu Zeka Kuramı Uygulamalarının Başarı, Tutum ve Kalıcılığa Etkisi” (The effect of implementations of  Multiple Intelligence theory supported with reviewing strategies on achievement, attitudes and retention)
  24. 24. Orhan Akınoğlu, 2001 “Eleştirel Düşünme Becerilerini Temel Alan Fen Bilgisi Öğretiminin Öğrenme Ürünlerine Etkisi” (The effect of critical thinking skills based  to science education  on learning outcomes)
  25. 25. Gülsen Bağcıoğlu Ünver, 2002 “Öğretmen Adaylarının Öğrenci Merkezli ÖğretimiPlanlama, Uygulama ve Değerlendirme BecerileriniGeliştirme” (Developing student-teachers planning, practicing and assessing abilities upon student-centered teaching)
  26. 26. Yurdagül Güneş, 2002  “Biyoloji Programının Değerlendirilmesi Üzerine Bir Araştırma”,  (A research on evaluating the Biology curriculum)
  27. 27. Sıla Ay, 2002 (Ankara Üniversitesi) “Okuduğunu Anlama Becerilerini Geliştirmede Çoklu Zeka Kuramının Etkisi” (The effect of the theory of multiple intelligences on developing reading comprehension skills)
  28. 28. Binnur Genç İlter, 2002 (Ankara Üniversitesi) “Oluşturmacı Yaklaşımla İngilizce Yazma Becerisini Geliştirmenin Öğrenci Başarısına etkisi”, (The effect of developing writing skill through constructivism on student achievement)
  29. 29. Cavide Demirci, 2003 “Fen Bilgisi Öğretiminde Etkin Öğrenme Yaklaşımının Erişi, Tutum ve  Kalıcılığa Etkisi”, (The effect of active learning approach in science education on achievement, attitudes and retention)
  30. 30. Sıvacı, Sadık Yüksel, 2003 “Sınıf Öğretmenliği Son Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Matematik Alan ve Meslek Bilgisi Yeterlikleri ile Derse Yönelik Tutumları” (Subject-matter competencies on mathematics course and professional competencies of  last year students at the Department of  Primary Education and their attitudes)
  31. 31. Özlem Saka, 2004 (Ankara Üniversitesi)  “İngilizce Dersinde Uygulanan İzleme Testlerinin  Öğrenci   Başarısına Etkisi” (The effect of formative tests administered in English courses on student achievement)
  32. 32. Bünyamin Yurdakul , 2004 “Yapılandırmacı Öğrenme Yaklaşımının Öğrenenlerin  Problem Çözme Becerilerine, Biliş-ötesi Farkındalık ve Derse Yönelik Tutum Düzeylerine Etkisi İle Öğrenme Sürecine Katkıları” (The effects of constructivist learning approach on learners’ problem solving skills, meta-cognitive awareness, and attitudes towards the course, and contributions to learning process)


In Progress

  1. Necla Köksal – Reflective teaching
  2. Alper Başbay – Layered curriculum
  3. Eda Erdem – Problem-based instruction
  4. Şebnem Sunengin – Web-based language teaching
  5. Meltem Aktaş – Learner autonomy in the ELP
  6. Nihat Uyangör – Curriculum evaluation – Civics education
  7. İbrahim Tuncel – Hidden curriculum
  8. Dursun Köse – Testing in CEF
  9. Bengü Aksu – Authentic assessment in language teaching
  10. Yusuf Şahin – Teaching Turkish as a foreign language in Germany
  11. Aytaç Torun – The ELP implementation for adult learners


 B.        M.A. Students and their theses

  1. Neşe Işık, 1986. “Yabancı Dille Eğitim Yapan Okulların  Giriş  Sınavı Hakkında V.Sınıf Öğretmenlerinin  Görüşleri”  (The fifth grade class teachers opinion on the entrance exam of foreign-language medium schools)
  2. Selma Parıltı,  1988  “TED Ankara Koleji Vakfı Özel Lisesi Orta Kısım Birinci Sınıfta  Hazırlık Okulundan  ve İlk Kısımdan Gelen Öğrencilerin İngilizce Dersindeki Başarıları”   (The difference between academic success of  students who come from preparatory class and the English-medium primary school, TED Ankara college)
  3. Nilüfer Sezer, 1989. “Bilgisayarlı öğretimin ilkokul 5. sınıf öğrencilerinin Matematik erişisine etkisi” (The effect of computer-assisted mathematics instruction on student achievement)
  4. Gürcan Ültanır, 1989. “Dönüt ve düzeltmenin Almanca yazılı anlatım erişisine etkisi”, (The effect of feedback and correctives on the student achievement in German writing course)             
  5. Ahmet Remzi Uluşan, 1989. (Gazi University)  “Language aptitude tests”
  6. Yavuz Atlı, 1990. (Gazi University) “Teaching reading at elementary level”
  7. Osman Kurtkan Kapıcıoğlu, 1990. “Kara Harp Okulu yabancı dil öğretmenlerinin eğitimde araç-gereç kullanımına ilişkin görüşleri” (Language teachers opinions on using technological devices at Military Colleges)
  8. Zeki Kaya, 1990. “Bağ Kur Genel Müdürlüğü’nce düzenlenen bilgi işlem kursuna katılanların eğitim proğramı hakkındaki görüşleri” (Opinion survey on in-service training programmes  of  Social Welfare Institutions)
  9. Derya Oktar Ergür,1991. “Kamu Sektöründe Çalışan Yüksekokul Mezunu Görevlilerin Hizmetiçi Eğitim Kapsamında Yabancı Dil Eğitimi ile İlgili  Görüşleri” (Civil servants opinion on foreign language education in the context of in-service training activities)
  10. Hülya Pehlivan, 1992. “Öğretmen Liselerinin Öğretmen Yetiştirmedeki Yeri“ (The role of teacher training high schools on teacher education)
  11. Selma Üstün, 1992. “Hacettepe Üniversitesi Öğretmenlik Sertifikası Programı Hakkında Öğrencilerin Görüşleri ve Tutumları” (Students opinions and attitudes on the teaching certificate programmes offered by Hacettepe University)
  12. Yusuf Budak, 1992. “İletişimci Yaklaşımın Yabancı Dil Eğitim Programlarındaki Yeri” (The role of  the communicative approach in foreign language education curricula)
  13. 13.Yurdagül Olçum, 1992.   “İlkokuma Yazma Öğretiminde Karşılaşılan Güçlükler Konusunda Öğretmenlerin Görüşleri”  (Teachers opinion on the difficulties of teaching first reading and writing)
  14. Gülgün Bangir, 1993.  Sınıf içi iletişime ilişkin öğretmen-öğrenci davranışları, görüşleri ve önerileri  (Teacher and student behaviours, opinions and suggestions on  the interaction in the classroom)
  15. Nurten Demir, 1994. “İlkokul Dördüncü ve Beşinci Sınıf Türkçe Öğretiminde Pekiştirme, Katılım ve Dönüt-Düzeltme Değişkenlerinin Bir Arada Kullanılmasının Öğrencilerin Erişilerine Etkisi” (The effect of using reinforcement, involvement, feedback and correctives together on student achievement in the fourth and fifth grade Turkish courses)
  16. Banu Yangın, 1994.  “İlkokul Öğretmenlerinin Türkçe Dersindeki Davranışları” (Class teachers behaviours and attitudes in teaching Turkish)
  17. Koray Bilen, 1995. (Gazi  University)  “How to Solve the Problem of Fear of Making Mistakes in the Learner’s Mind”? 
  18. Abdurrahman Kılıç, 1995.  “İlköğretim Matematik Dersi Programının Planlama, Uygulama ve Değerlendirme Çalışmalarına Getirdiği Katkı ile ilgili Öğretmen ve Müffettiş Görüşleri” (The teachers and inspectors opinions  related with the contribution on planning, application and evaluation of the primary mathematics curriculum)
  19. Yurdagül Güneş, 1996. “Yabancı Dil Ağırlıklı Liselerde Eğitim ve Öğretimle İlgili Sorunlar Hakkında Öğrenci, Öğretmen ve Yönetici Görüşleri” (The principals, teachers and students opinions on the educational  problems of the intensive language teaching schools)
  20. Bahattin Acat, 1996 “Okuma Güçlükleri ile Okuduğunu Anlama Becerisi Arasındaki İlişki Düzeyi” (The relationship between reading difficulties and the reading comprehension level)
  21. Gülsen Bağcıoğlu, 1997 “Genel, Mesleki ve Teknik Eğitim Fakültelerindeki Öğretmenlik Uygulaması Dersine İlişkin Öğretim Elemanı ve Öğrenci Görüşleri” (The  lecturers and students opinions on  teaching practice course in general, vocational and technical education faculties)
  22. Semih Şahinel, 1997 “Sınama Durumlarına İlişkin Öğretim Elemenlarının Görüşleri” (English instructors opinions on language testing situations)
  23. Dilek Peçenek, 1997  (Ankara Üniversitesi) “İletişimci Yaklaşımda Öğretim Tekniklerinin Yeri”  (The Specific teaching techniques in the communicative approach)
  24. Sıla Ay, 1997 (Ankara Üniversitesi) “Yabancı Dil Öğretiminde Dramanın Kullanımı”  (Using drama in foreign language teaching)
  25. Aygül Şıklar, 1997 (Ankara Üniversitesi) “Türkiye’de İsponyalca Öğretiminde Öğrencilerin Karşılaştıkları Güçlükler. (The Problems that the  students face in  Spanish teaching in Turkey)
  26. 26. Gürcü Koç, 1998 “Öğretmenlik Uygulaması Dersinin Gazi Üniversitesi Mesleki Eğitim Fakültesi Öğrencileri Üzerindeki Etkisi” . (Effects of teaching practice course on student-teachers at the  Faculty of Vocational Education, Gazi University)
  27. 27. Gülhanım Ünsal, 1998 (Ankara Üniversitesi)    “Fransızca Öğretiminde Sesletim Güçlükleri’ (Les Difficultes de prononciation de l`enseignement du Français, - Pronunciation difficulties in teaching French)
  28. 28. Şebnem Sunengin Çakır, 1999 (Ankara Üniversitesi)  Yabancı Dil Öğretiminde  Bilgi Teknolojisinin Yeri” (The Role of information technology in foreign language teaching)
  29. 29. Özden Akın Çiftçi,1999  “TPAO Genel Müdürlüğü Çalışanlarının Katıldıkları Hizmet İçi Eğitim Etkinliklerine İlişkin Görüşleri” (The Turkish Petroleum Corporation Employees opinion on  in-service training activities)
  30. Süleyman Tarman, 1999  “Program Geliştirme Sürecinde Çoklu Zeka Kuramının Yeri” (The place of  the  theory of multiple intelligences in curriculum development process)
  31. Bahar Şevkat Özvarış,1999 “Hacettepe Halk Sağlığı Vakfı ‘İlk Yardım Eğitim Programına ‘ İlişkin Katılımcı Görüşleri”. (The participants opinions on in-service training program for “first aid training skills” conducted by Hacettepe Public Health Foundation)
  32. Özlem Işık, 2000 “Yabancı Dil Öğretmenlerinin Hizmet İçinde Eğitilmesi” (Training foreign language teachers through in-service teacher training programmes)
  33. Songül Demirezen, 2000 “İlköğretimde Kullanılan Öğretim Stratejisi, Yöntem ve Tekniklerine İlişkin Öğretmen Görüşleri” (Class teachers opinions on teaching strategies, methods and techniques used in primary schools)
  34. Candan Obuz, 2001 “Hayat Bilgisi Dersinde Çoklu Zeka Kuramının Etkisi” (The effect of multiple intelligence theory on the learning process in the life sciences course)
  35. Eda Erdem -2001 “Program Geliştirmede Yapılandırmacılık Yaklaşımı”, (The constructivist approach in curriculum development)
  36. Meltem Aktaş –2002 (Ankara Üniversitesi) “Çok  Dillilik  Bağlamında İtalyanca  Öğrenen Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Karşılaştıkları Sorunlar” (The Problems of Italian learning university students in context of multilingualism)
  37. Canay Demirhan, 2002 “Proje Tabanlı Öğrenmenin Öğrenci Başarısına Etkisi” (The effect of project-based learning approach on student achievement) 
  38. Zeynel Hayran, 2002 “İlköğretim Türkçe Dersi Öğretim Programı İçeriğinin Düzenlenmesine İlişkin Görüşler”. (The opinions on redesigning the content of Turkish curriculum at primary education)
  39. Ayla Yıldız Arseven,, 2003 “İlköğretim 7. Sınıf Matematik Ders Kitaplarına İlişkin Öğretmen, Öğrenci ve Uzman Görüşleri” (Teachers, students and experts opinions on the seventh grade mathematics textbooks)
  40. 40. Osman Vaiz,   2003 “Proje Tabanlı Öğrenmede Portfolyoların Kullanımı ve Öğrenme Sürecine Yansımaları” (The implementation of portfolios in project-based learning and their reflections on learning process)
  41. Makbule Yurtluk, 2003  “Proje Tabanlı Öğrenme Yaklaşımının Matematik Dersi Öğrenme Süreci ve Öğrenci Tutumlarına Etkisi” (The effect of project-based learning approach on mathematics learning process and student attitudes)
  42. Filiz Yıldız Özkaran, 2003 “Etkin Öğrenme Yaklaşımının Türkçe Öğretiminde Kullanılmasına İlişkin Öğretmen Görüşleri” (Teachers opinion on using active learning approach in Turkish course)
  43. Sıddıka Oruç, 2004 Drama in Primary education
  44. Ebru Şenkaya – Syllabus design for writing courses
  45. Candan Büge – Comparison of ELT curricula in Turkey and Finland
  46. Ayşe Esra Özkan – Web-based mathematics instruction