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Short Bio

I was born in 88' in Ankara. I received my B.Sc. & Ph.D. degrees from Bilkent University (Physics) in 2009 & 2016 respectively. Before starting as an assistant professor at Hacettepe University in 2021, I worked as a postdoc at NANOTAM (Bilkent University), as a lecturer at Universität Graz (Austria) and as a researcher at NANOTAM, in chronological order. My research areas include (theoretical) condensed matter physics, quantum optics and quantum information & computation.

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Courses given

--> Undergrad Level <--
+ Mechanics +
+ Electricity & Magnetism +
+ Electromagnetic Waves +
+ Introduction to Quantum Information & Computation +

--> Master's Level <--
+ Quantum Information & Computation I +
+ Quantum Information & Computation II +

--> Ph.D. Level <--
+ Advanced Condensed Matter Physics +
+ Statistical Field Theory I

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Condensed Matter Physics: Condensed Matter Physics covers a vast amount of interesting topics. From those my spesific interest is on the systems that display unconventional superconductivity, such as Bose-Einstein Condensation of Excitons, a.k.a. Exciton Condensation.

Parity-Time Symmetry: After Carl Bender's groundbreaking studies in late 90's, concept of PT-symmetry has been adopted in many different field of physics, including optics, photonics, acoustic, optoelectronics and condensed matter physics. My recent research concentrates on formulation of PT-symmetric theories for condensed matter systems.

Quantum Optics & Quantum Computation: I study light-matter interaction in different geometries. A recent focus being on the Penrose unilluminable room geometry. I also study exciton-polariton condensates.

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Group Members

Güneş Göçmen (Master's Student, 2023-)
Özgür Güven (Ph.D. Student, 2023-)
Ramazan Mert Tütük (Undergraduate Student, 2024)
Enes Puşulu (Master's Student, 2021-2023)


12. E. Ö., Non-Hermitian Dynamics without all-to-all Coupling in Odd-Channel Systems, KOJOSE, 7, 179 (2024).
11. E. Ö., N-channel parity-time symmetry, EPL, 144 30002 (2023).
10. E. Ö., Ekmel Ozbay, Ibrahim Ozdur, Four-channel parity-time symmetry, EPL, 140, 10001 (2022).
9. E. Ö., Faruk Uyar, Tolga Kartaloglu, Ekmel Ozbay, Ibrahim Ozdur, A parity-time-symmetric optoelectronic oscillator with polarization multiplexed channels, Journal of Optics, 24, 055802 (2022).
8. E. Ö., Tuğrul Hakioğlu, Ekmel Ozbay, Scattering of spin-1/2 particles from a PT-symmetric complex potential, EPL, 131, 11001 (2020).
7. E. Ö., Ekmel Ozbay, Epsilon-near-zero waveguides for quantum information applications: a theoretical approach for n-qubits, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 87, 114402. (2018).
6. E. Ö., Andriy Serebryannikov, Ekmel Ozbay, Costas M. Soukoulis, Broadband mixing of PT-symmetric and PT-broken phases in photonic heterostructures with a one-dimensional loss/gain bilayer, Scientific Reports 7, 15504 (2017).
5. E. Ö., Ekmel Ozbay, Humeyra Caglayan, Tunable Zero-index Photonic Crystal Waveguide for Two-qubit Entanglement Detection, ACS Photonics 3, 2129 (2016).
4. E. Ö., Tuğrul Hakioğlu, CDW-Exciton condensate competition and a condensate driven force, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 85, 084706 (2016).
3. Tuğrul Hakioğlu, E. Ö., Mehmet Günay, A measurable force driven by an excitonic condensate, Applied Physics Letters 104, 162105 (2014).
2. Tuğrul Hakioğlu, E. Ö., Mehmet Günay, Robust ground state and artificial gauge in DQW exciton condensates under weak magnetic field, Physica E 62, 10 (2014).
1. Tuğrul Hakioğlu, E. Ö., Radiative dark–bright instability and the critical Casimir effect in DQW exciton condensates, Solid State Communications 151, 1045 (2011).

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Open Positions

To apply for a Master's or Ph.D. position, please directly contact me.


Voice: +90 297 72 33
Email: egeozgun@hacettepe.edu.tr
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