Curriculum Vitae

I was born in Ankara, Turkey. I received my B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees from Department of Statistics of Hacettepe University. I was an Erasmus student at University of Malta Statistics and Operation Researches Department in the Fall Semester, 2008-2009. Before joining here, I was a research assistant at Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences at the Middle East Technical University. I was a visiter Ph.D. student at Leuven Biostatistics and Statistical Bioinformatics Centre, University of Leuven, September 2015-September 2016. I have been working as a professor at Department of Statistics of Hacettepe University, since April 2022.

Current Research Interests:

Applied statistics, Categorical data analysis, Log-linear models, Agreement, Design of experiments.

Detailed C.V.(.pdf)