1.             (with A. Ç. Özcan and Y. Tiras ) On Prime Submodules, Far East J. Math. Sci. 4(2), 163-168 (1996).

2.            A Study on Prime Submodules, Banyan Mathematical Journal, Vol:3, 27-32 (1996). 

3.            A Note on Left Perfect Rings, Hacettepe Bulletin of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Vol: 26, 67-70 (1997).

4.            (D1)-Modules with Summands Having Local Endomorphism Rings, Far East J. Math. Sci., Special Volume, Part II, 145-152 (1998).

5.            Finite Direct Sums of (D1)-Modules, Turkish Journal of Math., Vol: 22(1),  85-91 (1998).

6.            (with A. Harmancı and P. F. Smith) On Å -Supplemented Modules, Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 83(1-2), 161-169 (1999). 

7.            (with P.F. Smith and W. Xue) Rings Whose Modules Are Å -Supplemented, Journal of Algebra 218, 470-487 (1999).

8.            Characterizations of Right Perfect Rings by Å -Supplemented Modules, International Conference on Algebra and it’s Applications (Ohio University, U.S.A.), March 25-28,1999 Contemporary Mathematics, Vol:259,313-318 (2000).

9.            A Generalization of Quasi-projective Modules, Far East J. Math. Sci., 2, No:3, 483-488 (2000).

10.            On Lifting Modules, Comm. in Algebra, 28, No : 7, 3427-3440 (2000).

11.            Modules which are self-projective relative to coclosed submodules, the Euroconference "Rings,Modules and Representations-Constanta 2000", An. Şt. Univ. Ovidius Constanta Vol. 8(2), 47 - 51 (2000) .

12.            (with W. Xue) Generalizations of Lifting Modules, Acta Mathematica Hungarica, Vol:91(3) 245-253 (2001). 

13.            Rings Whose Modules Are (D12) , East-West Journal of Math. Vol. 3(1), 81 - 86 (2001).

14.            An Approach to Extending and Lifting Modules by Modular Lattices, Ind. J. Pure and Appl. Math. 33(1), 81 - 86 (2002).

15.            Discrete and Quasi-discrete Modules, Comm. in Algebra, Vol:30(11), 5271-5280 (2002) .

16.            (with Christian Lomp) On Lifting LE-Modules, Vietnam Journal of Mathematics 30:2 ,167-176 (2002).

17.            (with Nil Orhan) CCSR-Modules and Weak Lifting Modules, East - West Journal of Math., 5(1), 89 - 96 (2003).

18.            (with Gonca Gungoroglu) Copolyform and Lifting Modules, Far East J. Math.Sci., 9(2), 159 - 165 (2003).

19.            (with A. Harmancı) A Relative Version of the Lifting Property of Modules, Alg.Coll., 11(3), 361-370 (2004).

20.            Characterizations of Discrete and Quasi-discrete Modules, Soochow Journal of Mathematics , 31(2), 179-185 (2005).

21.             (with Rachid Tribak) On Lifting Modules and Weak Lifting Modules,  Kyungpook Math. J. 45, 445-453 (2005).

22.            (with Nil Orhan) Characterizations of Lifting Modules in terms of Cojective Modules and the class of B(M,X),  Inter. J. of Math. 16(6), 647-660 (2005).

23.            On Coclosed Submodules,  Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 36(3), 135-144 (2005).

24.            (with Rachid Tribak) When M - cosingular Modules are Projective, Vietnam J. Math.  33(2), 1-8 (2005).

25.            (with Nil Orhan), Hollow Dimension of Modules, Journal of Zhejiang University Science, Vol:6A (10), 1055-1057 (2005).

26.            On non-M-cosingular Completely Å - Supplemented Modules, App. Categor. Struct. 16, 249-254 (2008) (Algebras and Coalgebras Conference in Cairo (2006)).

27.            (with Nil Orhan) Generalization of Weak Lifting Modules,  Soochow  Journal of Mathematics, 32(1) , 71-76 (2006).

28.            (with R. Tribak) On {\overline ZM )-semiperfect Modules,  East-West Journal of Math. 8(2), 193-203 (2006).

29.            (with Nil Orhan), Direct sums of Lifting Modules,  East - West Journal of Math. 9(1), 53-62 (2007).  

30.            (with Nil Orhan and Rachid Tribak) On Hollow - lifting Modules, Taiwanese J. M., 11(2), 545-568 (2007).

31.            (with Nil Orhan and Rachid Tribak) Direct Summands of Å-supplemented Modules, Algebra Colloquium, 14(4), 625-630 (2007).

32.            (with Tamer Kosan) H - supplemented Duo Modules,  Journal of Algebra and its Applications, 6(6), 965-971 (2007).

33.            (with T. Kosan and F. Kaynarca) On non-\delta-M-cosingular Completely Å-\delta_M-supplemented Modules,  Ring Theory 2007 (Proceedings of the  Fifth China-Japan-Korea Conference) (September 10-15, 2007), 189-199.

34.            (with Nil Orhan) On The Relative (Quasi-) discreteness of Modules, Ring Theory 2007 (Proccedings of the Fifth China-Japan-Korea Conference) (September 10-15, 2007), 225-234.

35.            (with Nil Orhan and Rachid Tribak) Cohereditary Modules in σ[M], Modules and Comodules, Trends in Math.(Int. Conference on Modules and Comodules, Dedicated to Robert Wisbauer), 265-279 (2008).

36.            (with A.C. Ozcan and M.F. Yousif) On Some Injective Modules in σ[M],  Modules and Comodules, Trends in Math.(Int. Conference on Modules and Comodules, Dedicated to Robert Wisbauer) 313-329 (2008).

37.            (with Yosuke Kuratomi) On  Epi-projective Modules,  East-West Journal of Math., 10(1), 27-35 (2008).

38.            (with Saad Mohamad and Nil Orhan) Mixed Injective Modules, Glasgow Mathematical Journal, “Rings and Modules (conference in honour of Patrick F. Smith’s 65th birthday)”, Portugal (September 16-19, 2008), 111-120.

39.            (with Saad Mohamed ) Weak Lifting Modules with Small Radical, Ring and Module Theory, Trends in Math. (International Conference on Ring and Module Theory, Turkey) (August 18-22, 2008), 135-140.

40.            (with R. Tribak) On T - noncosingular Modules, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Soc.,80, 462-471 (2009).

41.            (with Yahya Talebi and A.R. Moniri Hamzekolaei) On Rad-Å-supplemented Modules, Hadronic Journal 32, 505-512 (2009).

42.            (with R. Tribak) On Dual Baer Modules, Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 52, 261-269 (2010). 

43.            (with Yosuke Kuratomi) On Generalized Epi-projective Modules, Mathematical Journal of Okayama University, 52, 111-122 (2010).

44.            When is a Fully Idempotent Module a V-module?, Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie, 53(101), No:4, 387-391 (2010).

45.            (with M. Nematollahi and Y. Talebi) On H-supplemented Modules, Algebra Colloquium 18 (Spec 1), 915-924 (2011).

46.            (with J. Clark and Rachid Tribak) Supplement Submodules of Injective Modules, Comm. Alg., 39, 4390-4402 (2011).  

47.            (with Patrick F. Smith, Rachid Tribak and Nil Orhan Ertaş) On Fully Idempotent Modules,  Comm. Alg., 39, 2707-2722 (2011).  

48.            (with Rachid Tribak and Patrick F. Smith) When Does an AB5* Module Have Finite Hollow Dimension? Colloquium Mathematicum, Vol. 124, No:2, 191-204 (2011) .

49.            (with Yahya Talebi and A.R. Moniri Hamzekolaei) H-Supplemented Modules with respect to a Preradical, Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 12, No: 1, 116-131 (2011).

50.             KT-Bimodules And Weak KT-Bimodules, Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 10(3), 509-519 (2011).

51.             A Note an ADS* Modules, Bulletin of  Mathematical Sciences, 2, 359-363 (2012).

52.            (with Eylem Toksoy and Rachid Tribak) Noetherian and Artinian Lattices, IJMMS, Volume 2012, Article ID 157169, 8 Pages.

53.            (with Berke Kaleboğaz  and Patrick F. Smith) Direct Sums of Semi-projective modules, Colloquium Mathematicum, Vol. 127, No:1, 67-81 (2012).

54.            (with Eylem Toksoy and Rachid Tribak) A  Note on Endomorphism Rings of Semi-Projective Modules, Mathematical Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 112A(2), 93-99 (2012).

55.            (with Yosuke Kuratomi) On  Mono-injective Modules and Mono-ojective Modules, Mathematical Journal of Okayama University, 55, 117-129 (2013).

56.            (with Tayyebeh Amoozegar)  A Note On Noncosingular Lifting Modules, Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 64, 1572-1574 (2013).

57.            (with Pedro A. Guil Asensio)  Rings Whose Pure-injective Right Modules Are Direct Sums of Lifting Modules, Journal of Algebra, 383(June 1), 78-84 (2013).

58.            (with Eylem Toksoy)  Absolute Co-supplement and Absolute Co-coclosed Modules,  Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Volume 42(1), 67-79 (2013).

59.            (with Yahya Talebi and A.R. Moniri Hamzekolaei) On Rad-(D12)-Modules, Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Ovidius Constanta, 21(1), 201-208 (2013).

60.            (with Rachid Tribak) On (D12)-Modules, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 43(4), 1355-1373 (2013).

61.            (with Tayyebeh Amoozegar) Annihilator-Small Submodules, Bull. Iranian Math. Soc. 39(6), 1053-1063 (2013).

62.            (with Eylem Toksoy and P.F. Smith) On Dual Baer Modules, “The 31st  Ohio State-Denison Mathematics Conference” (Columbus, Ohio, 2012), Contemporary Mathematics, 609, 173-184 (2014).

63.            (with Patrick F. Smith, Rachid Tribak and Nil Orhan Ertaş) Some Rings for which the Cosingular Submodule of every Module is a Direct Summand, Turk. J. Math., 38, 649-657 (2014).

64.            (with Tayyebeh Amoozegar Kalati and Y. Talebi)  t- Dual Baer and t-Lifting Modules, Vietnam J. Math., 42(2), 159-169 (2014).

65.            (with Berke Kaleboğaz) A Study On Semi-projective Covers, Semi-projective Modules and Formal Triangular Matrix Rings, Palestine J. Math., Vol:3(Spec 1), 374-382 (2014) (International Conference on Algebra in Honour of Patrick Smith and John Clark’s 70th Birthdays, Balıkesir-Turkey) (August 12-15, 2013).

66.            (with Berke Kaleboğaz) On Coretractable Modules, Hokkaido Mathematical Journal, 44(1), 91-99 (2015).

67.            (with Pedro A. Guil Asensio and Ashish Srivastava) Modules Invariant Under Automorhisms of Their Covers and Envelopes, Israel Journal of Mathematics, 206, 457-482 (2015).

68.            (with Berke Kaleboğaz and P.F. Smith) Some Generalizations of Quasi-projective Modules, Algebra Colloquium, 22 (Spec 1), 727-738 (2015).

69.            (with N. Orhan Ertaş and R. Tribak) Direct Sums of ADS* Modules, Boletin de la Sociedad Mathematica Mexicana, 22, 33-46 (2016).

70.            (with Pedro A. Guil Asensio, Ashish Srivastava and B. Kaleboğaz)  Modules which are Coinvariant Under Automorphisms of their Projective Covers, Journal of Alg., 466, 147-152 (2016).

71.            (with S. Crivei) On Some Radicals and Proper Classes Associated to Simple Modules,  J. Algebra Comb. Discrete Appl., 4(2), 123-129 (2017) (Proceedings of the Conference NCRA, IV, Lens, 2015).

72.            When Automorphism-coinvariant Modules are Quasi-projective, Communications in Alg..45(2), 688-693 (2017).

73.            (with N. Orhan Ertaş and R. Tribak) On Weak Rickart Modules, Journal of Algebra and its Applications, 16(9), 1750165 (28 pages) (2017).

74.            (with R. Tribak) On Baer-Kaplansky Classes of Modules, research project (under the project FBB-2015-8797 from the Research Fund of Hacettepe University), Algebra Colloquium, 24(4), 603-610  (2017).

75.            (with S. Crivei) Weak Rickart and Dual Weak Rickart Objects in Abelian Categories, Communications in Alg., 46(7), 2912-2926 (2018).

76.            (with I. Kikumasa, Y. Kuratomi and Y. Shibata) On Dual of Square Free Modules, Communications in Alg., 46(8), 3365-3376 (2018).

77.            (with Nil Orhan Ertaş and Rachid Tribak) A Variation of Coretractable Modules, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, 41, 1275-1291 (2018).

78.            (with N. Orhan Ertaş and R. Tribak) On Dual Rickart Modules and Weak Dual Rickart Modules, Algebra and Discrete Math., 25(2), 200-214 (2018).



79.            (with Pedro A. Guil Asensio and Ashish Srivastava)  Modules Invariant Under Monomorphisms of their Envelopes, Contemporary Math. Volume 715, 171-179 (2018) (in honor of Bruno J. Mueller).

80.            (with G. D’Este) Pseudo Projective Modules which are not Quasi Projective And Quivers, Taiwanese J. Math., 22(5), 1083-1090 (2018).

81.            (with R. Tribak) Retractable and Coretractable Modules over Formal Triangular Matrix Rings, Bull. Iranian Math. Soc., 45, 429-445 (2019).

82.            (with R. Tribak)  A New Approach to Dualize Retractable Modules, Contemporary Mathematics, Volume 727, 211-221 (2019) (Proceedings of the Conference NCRA, V, Lens, 2017).

83.            (with S. Crivei) Baer-Kaplansky Classes in Grothendieck Categories and Applications (under the project FBA-2017-16200 from the Research Fund of Hacettepe University), Mediterranean Journal of Math., 16:90, 1-17 (2019).

84.            (with Y. Kuratomi and Y. Shibata) On Image Summand Coinvariant Modules and Kernel Summand Invariant Modules, Turkish J. Math., 43, 1456-1473 (2019).

85.            Endomorphism Rings of H-supplemented Objects in Abelian Categories, Asia Mathematika, 3(3), 34-40 (2019).

86.            (with S. Crivei and R. Tribak) Transfer of Splitness with respect to a fully invariant short exact sequence in Abelian Categories, Comm. Algebra, 48(6), 2639-2654 (2020).

87.            (with S. Crivei and R. Tribak) Baer-Kaplansky Classes in Categories : Transfer via Functors  (under the project FBA-2017-16200 from the Research Fund of Hacettepe University),  Comm. Algebra, 48(7), 3157-3169 (2020).

88.            (with F. Kaynarca and G. D’Este) Isomorphism Problem for Uniserial Modules over an arbitrary Ring, Comm. Algebra, 48(9), 4027-4036 (2020).

89.            (with F. Kaynarca and G. D’Este) Extensions of Uniserial Modules, Rend. Sem. Math. Univ. Padova, Volume 144, 73-86 (2020).

90.            (with S. Crivei and R. Tribak)  A Baer-Kaplansky Theorem in Additive Categories (under the project FBA-2017-16200 from the Research Fund of Hacettepe University), published in the proceedings of the 8th China-Japan-Korea International Symposium On Ring Theory (held at Nagoya in August 26-31, 2019)   (2021).

91.            (with M. K. Berktaş, S. Crivei and F. Kaynarca) Uniqueness of Uniform Decompositions in Exact Categories, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, Volume 225, Issue 6, (June 2021), 106621.

92.             (with S. Crivei) Relatively Divisible and Relatively Flat  Objects in Exact Categories, Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 20(5), (22 pages) (2021).

93.            (with S. Crivei) Relatively Divisible and Relatively Flat Objects in Exact Categories: Applications, Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communictaions and Computing (for the proceedings of NCRA 2019) 32, 365-384 (2021).

94.            (with M. Cortes-Izurdiaga, P.A. Guil Asensio and Srivastava), Endomorphism Rings via Minimal Morphisms,  Mediterranean Journal of Math. 18:152 (2021).

95.            (with G. D’Este) Baer-Kaplansky Theorem for Modules over Non Commutative Algebras, KYUNGPOOK Mat. J., 61, 213-222 (2021).

96.            (with G. D’Este and R. Tribak) D3-modules versus D4-modules--Applications to Quivers, Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 63, 697-723 (2021.

97.            (with S. Crivei and G. Olteanu) F-Baer Objects with respect to a fully invariant short exact sequence in Abelian Categories, Communications in Algebra,  49, 5041-5060 (2021).

98.            (with M. Medina-Barcenas and Y. Kuratomi) A Study On Dual Square Free Modules, Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 32(2), 267-279 (2021).

99.            (with S. Crivei and R. Tribak) Split Objects with respect to a fully invariant short exact    sequence in Abelian Categories, Rend. Sem. Math. Univ. Padova, 147, 1-41 (2022).

100.            (with B. Kaleboğaz) D4-objects in Abelian Categories: Transfer via Functors, Communications in Algebra, 50(2), 687-698 (2022).

101.            (with B. Kaleboğaz) (D4)-objects in Abelian Categories, Algebra Colloquium, 29(2), 231-240 (2022).

102.            The Schröder-Bernstein Problem for dual F-Baer modules, Journal of Alg. and Its Appl., 21(7), 2250131 (6 pages) (2022).

103.            (with M. K. Berktaş) The Schröder-Bernstein Problem for objects in Grothendieck     Categories, Asia Mathematika, 6(2), 56-60 (2022).

104.            (with B. Kaleboğaz) On F-cosmall morphisms,  Commun. Fac. Sci. Univ. Ank. Sér. A1 Math. Stat. 71(4), 968-977 (2022).

105.            (with G. D’Este and R. Tribak) Baer-Kaplansky Classes of Vector Spaces and Modules Determined by Numerical Invariants, Communications in Algebra, 51(3), 1089-1104 (2023).

106.            (with F. Kaynarca and G. D’Este) Almost Projective Modules over Non Hereditary Algebras,  NCRA-VII Proceedings (2022), Contemporary Math. Amer. Math. Soc., Volume 785 (2023).

107.            (with G. D’Este) The Schröder-Bernstein Property for Modules over Algebras, Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society Simon Stevin, 30, 19-30 (2023).

108.            Subrings of Endomorphism Rings Associated with Right Minimal Morphisms, Communications in Algebra, 51(8), 3188-3194 (2023).

109.            (with S. Crivei and G. Olteanu) Weak Rickart and Dual Weak Rickart Objects in Abalian  Categories: Transfer via Functors, Bulletin Mathematique de la Société des Sciences Mathématiques de Roumanie (Bulletin of the Romanian Mathematical Society), 66 (114) No:2 189-207 (2023).

110.            (with S. Crivei, S.M. Radu and R. Tribak) CS-Baer and Dual CS-Baer Objects in Abelian Categories, Journal of Alg. and its Appl., 22(10), 2350220 (30 pages) (2023).

111.            A Study on  the π-dual Rickart Modules,  Journal of the Iranian Math. Soc., 4(2), 235-245 (2023).

112.            (with R. Tribak) Some results on simple-direct-injective modules, KYUNGPOOK Mat. J., 63, 521-537 (2023).

113.            (with R. Tribak) π-dual Baer Modules and π-dual Baer Rings,  Moroccon J. Alg. and  Geometry with Applications, 2(1), 108-123 (2023). 

114.            (with Z. Başer) An Investigation of the Baer-Kaplansky Property, São Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 12, 121-125 (2024).

115.            (with M. R. Vedadi) On the Baer-Kaplansky Theorem for Injective Modules, Rev. Real Acad. Cienc. Exactas. Fis. Nat. Ser. A-Mat. RACSAM, 119(1), Paper No:1,  10 pp. (2025).

116.            (with G. D’Este and Fatma Kaynarca) Perspectivity of Modules and Direct Complements Almost Unique, accepted in Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. (2025).

117.            (with S. Crivei and R. Tribak)  On Dual Relative CS-Baer Modules, accepted in Contemporary Mathematics, (2024).

118.            (with G. D’Este and Rachid Tribak) A Variation of Supplement Submodules, submitted (2023).

119.            (with G. D’Este and Fatma Kaynarca) Almost Projective Modules are Rare, submitted (2023).

120.             (with S. Crivei and G. Olteanu)  Transfer of  F-Baer Objects with respect to a Fully Invariant Short Exact Sequence in Abelian Categories, submitted (2025).

121.             (with R. Tribak) Some Results on Modules whose Direct Complements are Almost (Essentially) Unique, submitted (2025).

122.            (with R. Tribak) An Answer to Dung and Smith’s Question for Semi-artinian V-modules, preprint.

123.            (with R. Tribak), On Testing Rings, preprint.

124.            (with G. D’Este and Fatma Kaynarca) Modules with a proper waist, preprint.