Yeri Ve Tarihi / Place
& Date of Birth Hekimhan
/ Malatya - 11.04.1963
Uyruğu / Citizenship Türkiye Cumhuriyeti / Turkish Republic
Evlilik Durumu / Marital Status Evli
/ Married
Görevi / Present Position Yardımcı Doçent / Assist. Prof. Dr.
*İş Adresi / Business Address Hacettepe University (HÜ)
of Geological Engineering,
Eng. Section,
Beytepe, 06800 Ankara-Türkiye
Telefon / Telephone +90(312)
297 77 60
/ Fax +90(312)
299 20 34
e-posta / e-Mail kurttas@hacettepe.edu.tr
Web http://yunus.hacettepe.edu.tr/~kurttas/
Dönem / Period Okul / School Derece / Degree
1977-1980 Deneme Lıisesi Diploma
High School Diploma
Hacettepe Üniversitesi,
Hazırlık Okulu Sertifika
University, English Preparatory School Sertıfika
Hacettepe Üniversitesi,
Hidrojeoloji Müh. Hidrojeoloji
Müh. Diploması
Universityö Hydrogeological Eng. Bsc., Engineer (Hydrogeology)
1985-1989 Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Jeolojı Müh. Jeoloji Yüksek Müh.
East Technical University, Geological Eng. Dept MSc.
In Geological Engineering
1991-1997 Hacettepe Universitesi, Hidrojeoloji Mühendisliği Hidrojeoloji
Müh. Doktorası
University, Hydrogeological Engineering PhD
in Hydrogeology
1987-1999 Hacettepe University,
Hydrogeological Engineering Research
Universitesi, Hidrojeoloji Mühendisliği
1989-1991 Military Service Hydrogeological
Askerlik, MSB İnşaat Emlak Hidrojeoloji Mühendisi
1999-2005 Hacettepe University,
Hydrogeological Engineering Assist.
Prof. Dr.
Universitesi, Hidrojeoloji Mühendisliği
Yard. Doç.
2005-2012 Internatıonal
Atomıc Energy Agency (IAEA) Isotope Hydrologist
Uluslararası Atom Enerji Ajansı İzotop Hidroloğu
2012- Hacettepe University,
Hydrogeological Engineering Assist.
Prof. Dr.
Universitesi, Hidrojeoloji Mühendisliği
Yard. Doç.
Hidrojeoloji / Hydrogeology
Isotope Hydrogeology / İzotop Hidrojeolojisi
Su Kaynakları Planlama,
geliştirme ve yönetimi
/ Water Resources planning, developing and management
Kuyu Hidroliği /
Well Hydraulics
Göl Hidrolojisi ve hidrojeokimyası
/ Lake hydrology and Hydrochemistry
Yeraltısuyu İzleme Teknikleri / Groundwater Tracing
Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri
(CBS) / Geographical Information System (GIS)
· Lecturer in Applied Hydrogeology, Groundwater Engineering, GIS, Well Hydraulics, Irrigation and Drainage courses
International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH)
Chamber of the Geological Engineers of Turkey (JMO)
Research Papers & Proceedings
/ Araştırma Makaleleri
ve Bildiriler
Bayari,C.S., Denizman,C.
ve Kurttas, T., 1990, The Zindan Cave; A Joint Product of Phreatic and Vadose Ground
Water Flow: 1st National Speleology Symposium, 11-13 May, 1990, Bosphorus
University, Istanbul-Turkey (abstract only)
Bayari,C.S. and Kurttas, T., 1993, Geochemistry of
Regional Groundwater Flow In the Aladag Karstik Aquifer (Eastern Taurids) :
Effect of Flow Conditions, Symposium for the 25th Anniversary of Earth Sciences
at Hacettepe University, November, 15-17 1993, Ankara, Türkiye (abstract only).
Ekmekçi,M. and Kurttas, T., 1993, Evaluation of Hydrochemical
Studies in Aksu River Basin from the standpoint of water Pollution, Symposium
for the 25th Anniversary of Earth Sciences at Hacettepe University, November,
15-17 1993, Ankara, Turkey (abstract only).
Degirmenci, M., Bayari, C.S., Denizman,
C. and Kurttas, T., 1994, Caves
in Conglomerate, Köprüçay Basin:
Western Taurids-Turkey, The National Speleological Society Bulletin (Journal
of Cave and Karst Studies), ISSN 0146-9517, USA, v.56, no.1, pp.14-22
Kurttas, T., Karahanoglu,
N., 1994, Modeling of Adana Plain(Turkey) by Means of
Finite Difference Method, Proceedings of the 15th Anniversary of Çukurova University, Faculty of Engineering and
Architecture, Adana Çukurova University, Journal of
Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Special Issue, pp.103-122.
· Ekmekçi, M., and Kurttas, T., 1994, Comparison of Hydrochemical Properties of Four Karst Basins in Southern
Turkey, Int. Syp. on Changing Karst
Environments: Hydrogeology, Geomorphology and Conservation, 13-23 September
1994, Huddersfield-Oxford, England,.
ISSN 0263-760X
· Bayari, C.S.,
Kurttas, T. and Temel, A., 1994, An Inventory of
Karstic Caves in The Taurus Mountain Range (Southern Turkey): Preliminary
Evaluation of Geographic and Hydrologic Futures, Cave and Karst
Sciences, Conference Abstracts, 21(1), 4, 1994. ISSN 0263-760X
· Bayari, C.S.,
Kurttas, T. and Temel, A., 1994, Hydrogeology, Hydrogeochemistry, and Geochemistry of the
Biogenic Travertines in the Lower Zamanti Basin
(Eastern Taurids-Turkey), Cave and Karst Sciences, Conference
Abstracts, 21(1), 5, 1994. ISSN 0263-760X
· Ekmekci,
M. and Kurttas, T. , 1994, Monitoring and Evaluation of Hydrogeochemical changes in the
Köprüçay River Basin, Southern Turkey, Cave and
Karst Sciences, Conference Abstracts, 21(1), 10, 1994. ISSN 0263-760X
Bayari, C.S., Kurttas, T., 1995, Geochemistry
of Regional Groundwater Flow in Aladag
Karstic Aquifer, Eastern Taurids-Turkey. Effect
of Flow Conditions, Turkish J. Earth. Sci., vol.4., p. 29-37
Günay, G., El-Bedewy, F., Ekmekçi,
M., Bayari, S., and Kurttas, T., 1997, Cave Sannur: A
Crescent Shaped Cave Developed in Alabastar,
Eastern Desert, Egypt,; Proceedings 5th International Symposium and Field
Seminar on Karst Waters and Environmental Impacts, Antalya, Turkey, 10-20
September 1995, (Eds: G. Günay and A. I. Johnson), Balkema Publ., Rotterdam, pp. 257-263
Bayari, C.S., Kurttas,
T., 1997, Algae: An Important Agent in Deposition of Karstic
Travertines: Observations on Yerköprü Travertines, Aladaglar, Eastern Taurids-Turkey; Proceedings 5th
International Symposium and Field Seminar on Karst Waters and Environmental
Impacts, Antalya, Turkey, 10-20 September 1995, (Eds: G. Günay and A. I.
Johnson), Balkema Publ.,
Rotterdam, pp. 269-280
Kurttas, T., Günay, G. ve Gemalmaz, A., 1997, Determination of Submarine springs by
using Remote Sensing Techniques, III. Seminar on Remote Sensing Techniques and
Applications in Turkey, Bursa, 16-18 May 1997, pp. VIII-42-53.
· Bayarı, C. S., Kurttaş, T. ve
Tezcan L., 1998, Density Driven mixing Dynamics of Lake Köyceğiz, SW Turkey, American
Geophysical Union 1998 Spring Meeting, May 26-29, 1998, OS21A-19
· Kurttas,
T. and Bayari, S.,1999, Salinization
effect of Seawater Fluctuations on coastal springs; Example of Gökova Karstic Springs, Bulletin of Earth Sciences
Application and Research Center of Hacettepe University, n21, pp.185-200.
Kurttas, T., Bayari,
C. S. ve Günay, G., 1999 Long-term observations on the seawater contribution
rate in the Gökova Plain Karstic Springs (SW Turkey)
as revealed from
oxygen-18, chloride and 87Sr/86Sr data,
IAEA, Final Project Coordinating Meeting, Isotope Hydrology Techniques in Water
Resources Management (RAW/8/002), Damascus, Syria, 21-25 February
· Kurttas,
T., Bayari, C. S. ve Tezcan, L., 1999, Determination of Sea
Water Intrusion Rate and Possible Aquifer Rocks by Means of Hydrochemical
and Isotopic (18O, D, T AND 87Sr/86Sr)
Techniques (Gökova Karstic Springs, SW Turkey),
International Symposium on Isotope Techniques in Water Resources Development
and Management, Vienna, Austria, 10-14 May 1999, Book of Extended Synopses,
IAEA-SM-361/76P, pp.247-248 (poster)
· Bayari, C. S., Kurttas, T., ve Tezcan, L., 1999 Investigation of
Dynamics in a Meromictic Lake (Lake Köycegiz, SW
Turkey): Stable Isotopes and Hydrochemistry, International Symposium on Isotope
Techniques in Water Resources Development and Management, Vienna, Austria,
10-14 May 1999, Book of Extended Synopses, IAEA-SM-361/24P, pp.150-151 (poster)
Kurttas, T., Günay, G., ve Gemalmaz, A.,
2000, Karst Hydrogeology of Gökova, Guide Book of International Symposium and Field Seminar on
Present State & and Future Trends of Karst Studies, (ed. G. Günay),
International Research and Application Center for Karst Water Resources,
Ankara, pp 22-35
Kurttas, T., Bayari,
C. S. ve Tezcan L., 2000, Determination of Gökova
Karstic Springs discharge into the sea: Hydrologic Budget, Remote Sensing and
Mixing-cells Model, Earthsciences and Mining Congress
of 75th Anniversary of Turkish Republic, Ankara, 2-6 November 1998,
vol II, pp.531-556
· Bayari, C. S., Kurttas, T. ve Tezcan L., 2000,
Dynamics of Lake Köycegiz: Environmental Isotopes and
3D In-situ Density Measurements, Earthsciences and
Mining Congress of 75th Anniversary of Turkish Republic, Ankara, 2-6
November 1998, vol II, pp.515-530
· Kurttas,
T., 2000, Environmental Isotope Hydrology, Seminar on Geotechnic and Groundwater, General
Directorate of State Hydraulic Works, 18-22 September 2000, Gümüldür,
Izmir, pp. 135-144
· Bayari, C.S., Kurttas, T., and L., Tezcan , 2001. Dynamics
of Lake Köycegiz, SW
Turkey: An Environmental Isotopic and Hydrochemical
Study, Proceedings of the final co-ordinated meeting of a Co-ordinated Research project
Use of Isotope Techniques in Lake Dynamics Investigations, Rehovot,
Israel, 10-13 March 1997, IAEA Technical Documents, no. 1206, pp. 73-96,
Vienna, Austria
· Kurttas,
T., Tezcan, L., Bayari, C. S., Meriç, B.T., Dogdu, M.S., Atilla, Ö.A., Dogdu,
N. and Akan B., 2001 Modelling the Dynamics of the Long-Term Isotopic and Hydrochemical Changes in Central Anatolia (Turkey),HÜ- IAEA Research Contract no. 10804/R0, Progress Report
no. 1, Hacettepe University, Geological Engineering Department, Ankara, 28p.
· Kurttas,
T., Tezcan, L., Bayari, C. S., Meriç, B.T., Dogdu, M.S., Atilla, Ö.A., Dogdu,
N. and Akan B., 2001 Modelling the Dynamics of the Long-Term Isotopic and Hydrochemical Changes in Central Anatolia (Turkey),HÜ- IAEA Research Contract no. 10804/R0, Progress Report
no. 2, Hacettepe University, Geological Engineering Department, Ankara, 17p.
· Kurttas,
T., 2002, Karişim Sularinda
Kökensel Katkilarin Belirlenmesi (Estimation of the Contribution of the Water
Sources in the Mixed Waters), Hidrolojide İzotop Tekniklerinin Kullanilmasi Sempozyumu
(Proceedings of the Symposium on Using Isotope Techniques in Hydrology), State Hyraulic Works, 21-25 October 2002,
Adana, pp. 297-312
· Bayari, S. and Kurttas, T., 2002, Coastal and submarine karstic
discharges in the Gokova Bay, SW Turkey, Quaterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology,
2002, v35, n4: pp.381-390
Kurttas, T., 2003,
Surface Waters (Rivers), Seminar on Isotope Techniques in Hydrology;
Environmental Isotopes and Applications,
General Directorate of
State Hydraulic Works, 20-24 October 2003, Ankara
· Aydar,
E., Gourgaud, A.,Ulusoy,
I., Digonnet, F., Labazuy,
F., Sen, E., Bayhan, H., Kurttas, T. and
A. Ü. Tolluoglu, 2003, Morphological analysis of
active Mount Nemrut stratovolcano, eastern Turkey:
evidences and possible impact areas of future eruption, Journal of Volcanology
and Geothermal Research, 2571 (2003), pp. I-12
Kurttas, T. and L.
Tezcan, 2005, Isotope hydrology of Nemrut Caldera, 2nd
Seminar on Isotope Techniques in Hydrology, General Directorate of State Hydraulic
Works, 26-30 September 2005, Gümüldür, Izmir (Oral
· Ulusoy,
I., Ersoy, O., Labazuy, P., Aydar, E., Cubukcu, E., Bayhan, H., Gourgaud,
A. and Kurttaş, T.,
2006. Pioneer Seismic Network installed on an Anatolian volcano:
Mount Nemrut (Eastern Turkey). Fourth Conference of
Cities on Volcanoes, Abstracts Volume. pg. 113.
Ulusoy, I., Ersoy,
O., Labazuy, P., Aydar, E., Cubukcu,
E., Bayhan, H., Gourgaud, A. and Kurttaş, T., 2006.
Self-Potential and image analysis of Mount Nemrut
(Eastern Turkey): An approach to the hydrothermal system Fourth Conference of
Cities on Volcanoes, Abstracts
Michel, R., Aggarwal, P., Kurttaş, T., Araguas Araguas, L. and
Kulkarni, K.M.,
2006, The use of tritium in river base flow to understand long-term changes in
water quality. European Geosciences Union General
Assembly 2006 Vienna, Austria, 02 07 April 2006. Geophysical Research
Abstracts, Vol. 8, 01444, 2006. SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU06-A-01444 (Poster)
· Michel, R., Aggarwal,
P., Kurttaş, T., Araguas Araguas,
L. and Kulkarni, K.M., 2007.The use of tritium in river
base flow to understand long-term changes in water quality. International
Symposium on Advances in Isotope Hydrology and its role in Sustainable Water
Resources Management (IHS2007), Vienna International Centre (VIC), 21 - 25 May
2007, Vienna , Austria (Abstract)
· Michel,
R. L., Aggarwal, P., Kurttas, T., Araguas Araguas, L. And K.M. Kulkarni, 2007, The use of tritium in
river base flow to understand long-term changes in water quality, Proceedings of the International
Symposium on Advances in Isotope Hydrology and its role in Sustainable Water
Resources Management, (IHS2007), 21-25 May 2007, Vienna, Austria, Vol. 1., pp.
Aggarwal, P.K., Alduchov, O., Araguás Araguás, L., Dogramaci, S., Katzlberger, G., Krız, K.,
Kulkarni, Kurttaş, T., Newman, B. D. and A. Pucher, 2007, New
Capabilities for Studies Using Isotopes in the Water Cycle, EOS,
Transactions, American
Geophysical Union, 88, 537-538.
M., Tezcan, L., Kurttaş, T., Açıkel, S. and
S.Yüzereroğlu, 2008. Hydrochemical and Isotopic Assesment
of Sea Water Mixing in Gökova (Muğla)
Coastal Karstic Springs, Proceedings of III. National Symposium Of Isotope Techniques In Hydrology, 13-17 October 2008,
İstanbul / TURKEY, pp. 294-306
· Ekmekci,
M., Tezcan, L., Dorfliger, N., Bakalowicz,
M., Kurttaş, T., Jouvencel, B., Atilla- Tezcan,
O., Yüzereroglu, S., 2009. Brackish coastal and
submarine springs: alternative water resources for water scarcity in Gökova area, Turkey. Proc. of Workshop on Environment and
Resources. Association of Academies of Sciences in Asia, İzmir, Turkey
(2527 September 2009).
Aggarwal,P.K., Sukow, A., Araguas, L.,
Voss, C.I., Vitvar, T., Froehlich, K., Newman, B.D.
and T. Kurttas, 2009. H21G-02 Recent
IAEA Initiatives in Groundwater Dating and Their Role in Improving Water
Resources Assessment and Availability, 2009 American
Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl.,
Abstract H21G-02
Aggarwal, P.K., Aráguas-Aráguas, L., Kulkarni, K.M., Kurttas, T., Newman, B.D. and
A. Tanweer, 2009. Laser Spectroscopic Analysis of Liquid Water Samples for
Stable Hydrogen and Oxygen Isotopes,
IAEA Training Series No.35, 36p., Vienna, Austria
Aggarwal, P., Araguas-Araguas, L., Newman, B., Kurttas, T., Dunning, C., Gremillon, P., and S. Terzer,
2010, Using Groundwater Age And Other Isotope
Signatures For Large-Scale Assessments Of Groundwater Resources, GSA Denver
Annual Meeting (31 October 3 November 2010), Paper No. 81-10
Aggarwal, P. K., Araguás-Araguás,
L.J. ,Groening, M., Kulkarni, K. M., Kurttas, T.,
Newman B.D. and Tomas Vitvar, 2010.
Chapter 2, Global Hydrological Isotope Data and Data Networks, J.B. West
et al. (eds.), Isoscapes: Understanding movement,
pattern, and process on Earth through isotop Examination
of Global River Systems Using Stable Isotope Methodse
mapping Springer Science + Business Media, pp. 33-50
· Newman, B., Michel, R., Aggarwal, P., Araguas-Araguas, L., Kurttas, T., and T. Vitvar , 2010, Examination of Global River Systems Using Stable Isotope
Methods. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2010 Vienna, Austria, 02 07
May 2010. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU2010-12074.
· Aggarwal,
P.K., Araguas, L., Groening, M., Newman, B.D., M.,
Kurttas, T.,Papesch, W., Rank, D., Suckow, A. and T. Vitvar,
2010. Long term tritium monitoring to study river basin dynamics: case of the
Danube River basin. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2010 Vienna,
Austria, 02 07 May 2010. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol.
12, EGU2010-11865 (Poster)
· Aggarwal,
P., Suckow, A., Newman, B., Araguas, L., Groening,
M., Voss, C., Vitvar, T., Froehlich, K., and T.
Kurttas, 2010. Better characterization of young and old groundwater systems
through improved groundwater dating by isotope methods. European Geosciences
Union General Assembly 2010 Vienna, Austria, 02 07 May 2010. Geophysical
Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU2010-11775 (Oral)
· Acikel, S., Ekmekci, M., Tezcan,L., Kurttas, T. and
D. Ozbek 2011, Conceptualization of a Brackish Coastal Karst System:
Implications For Resilience of a Groundwater Dependent Wetland, European
Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011 Vienna, Austria, 03 08 April 2011.
HS10.1/GM8.1, Wed, 06 Apr 2011, 08:00 - Wed, 06 Apr 2011, 19:30, Hall A, A393
Ben Moussa A, Zouari K. and T. Kurttas,
2011, Hydrochemical
and isotopic investigation of groundwater salinisation
in the Hammamet-Nabeul aquifer system, north-eastern
Tunisia, Proceedings of an International Symposium on
Isotopes in Hydrology, Marine Ecosystems, and Climate Change Studies,
27 March-1 April 2011, Vol 2., pp. 203-2014
Michel, R., Aggarwal, P.K., Araguás Araguás, L.L., Newman, B.
and T. Kurttas, 2011, Use of isotopic data to determine influence of seasonal
effects in rivers, Proceedings of an International Symposium on Isotopes in
Hydrology, Marine Ecosystems, and Climate Change Studies, 27 March-1 April
2011, Vol 1, pp. 203-210
· Newman,
B.D., Aggarwal, P.K., Kurita, N., Kurttas, T., Poeltenstein,
L. and M. Van Duren, 2011, Laser Based Stable Isotope Analysers:
Some Basics and Some New Applications (Invited), Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 88, 537-538.
· Wassenaar, L. I., Ahmad, M., Aggarwal, P., Van Duren, M., Pöltenstein, L., Araguas, L. and T. Kurttas,
2012, Worldwide proficiency test for routine analysis of δ2H
and δ18O in water by isotope‐ratio mass spectrometry and laser absorption
spectroscopy, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, Volume 26, Issue 15,
pages 16411648, 15 August 2012
· Kurttas,
Türker, 2014, Understanding
Origin of Salinization in Coastal Groundwater Systems by Isotope Techniques,
Workshop on Sharing Experiences in Karst Water Resources in the Middle East,
27-29 May 2014, Ankara, Turkey (Abstract only)
Michel, B., Aggarwal, P., Araguás, L.,
Kurttas, T., Newman, B. and Tomas Vitvar, 2015, A
simplified approach to analyzing and comparing historical and recent tritium
data in surface waters, Hydrological Processes, 15 February 2015,
Vol.29, issue 4, pp. 572-578, (wileyonlinelibrary.com) DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10174, WOS:000347848900008
· Kurttas, T. and L. Tezcan, 2018, Nemrut Kaldera Göllerinin Su Kaynakları Potansiyeli (Water Resources Potential of Nemrut Caldera Lakes), Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergis, (Süleyman Demirel University, Journal of Natural
and Applied Sciences), Volume 22, Issue 2, pages 823-831, DOI: 10.19113/sdufbed.93985. Retrieved from http://dergipark.gov.tr/sdufenbed/
Arslan, Emine and
T. Kurttaş, 2018, Floods and Quality Problems in Transboundary Water,
Maritsa River, National Symposium on Hydrogeology and Water Resources, 27-29
September, Ankara Proceedings of
National Symposium on Hydrogeology and Water Resources, 27-29 September
2018, Ankara, pp. 325-332
Yurteri C. and T.
Kurttaş, 2021, Su Kütlelerinde Yüzey Sıcaklığının
Çok Bantlı Landsat Uydu Görüntüleri Yardımıyla Belirlenmesi:
Seyfe Gölü Örneği (Determination of Surface Temperature in
Water Bodies with the Use of Multi-Band Landsat Satellite Images: Case Study of
Seyfe Lake), Uluslararası Çevrimiçi
Mühendislik ve Doğa Bilimleri Konferansı IOCENS
21 Sempozyumu 5-7 Temmuz
2021, Abstract Book, p.159, http://iocens21.gumushane.edu.tr/tr/bildiri-kitapcigi/bildiri-ozet-kitapcigi/
Yurteri C., Karadavut, A. E. and T. Kurttaş, 2021,Yarışlı
Gölü (Burdur) Yüzey Alanı Değişiminin Çok Zamanlı Landsat Uydu Görüntüleri Kullanılarak Saptanması (Determining Changes in the Surface Area of
the Yarışlı Lake (Burdur) Using
Multi-Time Landsat Satellite Images), Uluslararası Çevrimiçi Mühendislik ve Doğa Bilimleri Konferansı IOCENS
21 Sempozyumu 5-7 Temmuz
2021, Abstract Book, p.160,
Yurteri C. and T.
Kurttaş, 2021, An Estimation of the Hydrologic Water Budget Components of
the Seyfe Lake Basin By Using Hydrologic Characteristics and
Hydrometeorological Data, 4th International Conferences on
Engineering Science and Technology (ICONSTEST2021), 8-10-September-2021 Budva, Montenegro, http://iconst.org/Page/GetPdf?filename=est_2021.pdf , (Abstract only) p.18
Yurteri, C. and T. Kurttaş, 2021.
Uzaktan algılama ve CBS teknikleri
kullanılarak Seyfe Gölü
(Kırşehir) yüzey alanının zamansal değişiminin analizi
(Analysis of temporal changes on the surface area of the Seyfe Lake (Kırşehir) using remote sensing and GIS
techniques), Gümüşhane Üniversitesi
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. 10.17714/gumusfenbil.848873, V 11, n 4,
Yurteri, C. and T.
Kurttaş, 2022. Hydrogeochemical and Isotopic Investigations of Kıran (Mucur-Kırşehir)
Hot and Mineralized Waters, Central Anatolia, Turkey, European Geothermal
Congress 17-21 October 2022, EGEC Geothermal 2022 Berlin, Germany, ISBN
978-2-9601946-2-3, https://www.egec.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Yurteri-Hydrogeochemical-and-Isotopic-Investigations-of-Kran-109_ExtAbstract.pdf , 7p.
Yurteri, C. and T. Kurttaş, 2022, Drought Analysis and
Monitoring of Climatic Changes with Standardized Precipitation Index (SYI)
Method: A Case Study of Seyfe Lake Basin, 4th International Disaster
and Resilience Congress, Climate Change and Safe Cities, 19-22 October 2022, ISBN: 978-605-72775-0-3 https://idrcongress.org/uploads/files/AbstractsofidRc2022-1.pdf, p.251(Abstract).
Yurteri, C., Kurttaş,
T., 2021. Assessment of anthropogenic impacts and climatic factors on the
shrinkage of Seyfe Lake (Central Anatolia, Turkey) during the past 35 years
(ICNOST- EST, 2022, Budva Karadağ, 4th
International Conferences on Science and Technology Engineering Sciences and
Technology ICONST EST 2021, Budva-Montenegro, Budva,
8-10 Septemberl 2021).
Yurteri, C. and T.
Kurttaş, 2023, Yüzey ve Yeraltısu
Kaynaklarının Çevresel
İzotop Teknikleri Kullanılarak Değerlendirilmesi:
Seyfe Gölü Havzası Örneği, 6. Ulusal Hidrolojide İzotop Teknikleri Sempozyumu, 9-11 Ekim 2023, Artvin, pp. 87-101
Yurteri C, Kurttaş T.
Determination of surface temperature in water bodies with the use of multiband landsat satellite images: Case study of Seyfe Lake. Sigma J
Eng Nat Sci 2023;41(6):1144−1156. DOI: 10.14744/sigma.2023.00138
Aggarwal, P.K., Kurttas, T., Newman,
B.D. and A. Tanweer, 2009. Laser Spectroscopic Analysis of Liquid Water Samples
for Stable Hydrogen and Oxygen Isotopes,
IAEA Training Series DVD, Vienna, Austria
Aggarwal, P.K., Newman, B.D. and T. Kurttas, 2010. Overview of
Laboratory Isotope Analysis Methods for Water Resources Studies, IAEA Training Series DVD, Vienna, Austria
Project Reports / Araştırma
projesi Raporları
· Günay, G., Ari,
A., kanBayari, C.S., Kaçaroglu,
F., Kurttas, T., Tezcan, L.,
Varol, Z., 1988, Investigation of the Pollution of Water Basins and
Determination of the Quality Classes in These Basins: Example Application for
the Population Forecasts and Industrial Inventory in The Seyhan and Sakarya
Basins, Hacettepe University Earth Sciences Application and Research Center,
423 p.,
Ekmekçi, M., Kurttas, T., El Khatip,
H., Akkus, A.N., Tezcan, L., Törk, K., Bektas, D.,
Altinay, B., 1992, Pollution and
Remediation of the Surface water Pollution in the Antalya Basin, Hacettepe
University International Research and Application Center for Karst Water
Resources, Ankara, 2vol., 168p.
· Günay, G., Ekmekçi, M., Bayari, C.S., Kurttas, T., 1994, Cave Sannur Expedition Report, Hacettepe University-
International Research and Application Center for Karst Water Resources,
Ankara, 100p.
· Evirgen,
M., Günay, G., Kocaefe, S., Tezcan, L., Ekmekçi, M., Ugurlu, A., Onacak, T., Kurttas, T., Gökçe, F., Çelik, H., Dogdu, M.S., 1994, Hacettepe University-Turkish Electricity
Institution, Study on the Environmental Impacts of Ash Dam in Kemerköy Thermic Power Plant Project, Ankara 121p.,
Bayari, C.S., Kurttas, T.,Temel,
A., Tezcan, L., Ekmekçi, M. and Tunoglu,
C., 1995, Hydrogeochemical and Geochemical Investigation of the Karstic
Travertine Deposits of the Lower Zamant Basin (Aladaglar):
Hacettepe University International Research and Application Center for Karst
Water Resources, Scientific & Technical Research Council of Turkey, Project
No. YBAG-108, Earth Marine Atmospherical Sciences and
Environmental Researches Grant Group Ankara, 121p.
Bayari, C.S., Kurttas, T., Çakir, B., Tezcan, L., 1995,
Environmental Isotope Study of Lake Köycegiz, SW
Turkey. HÜ-IAEA Research Contract no :RB-7997,
Progress Report no.1, Hacettepe University International Research and
Application Center for Karst Water Resources, Ankara, 16p.
Bayari, C.S., ,
Kurttas, T., Çakir, B. and Tezcan, L., 1996,
Environmental Isotope Study of Lake Köycegiz, SW
Turkey. HÜ-IAEA Research Contract no :RB-7997 Progress
Report no.2, Hacettepe University International Research and Application Center
for Karst Water Resources, Ankara, 64p.
Günay, G., Ekmekçi, M., Simsek, S, Sisman, M., Atilla, A.Ö., Babayigit, H.G, Kurttas, T.,
Topuz, B., Erdogan, S., Köse, O., Karabulut, A., Eren, T., Kuyu
K., 1996, Karst Investigation Project of Kirklareli (Kiyiköy)-Pabuçdere Dam, Final
Report of 1st Phase Studies, Hacettepe University- Istanbul Municipality,
General Directorate of Istanbul Water ve Sewerage, 76p.
Ekmekçi, M., Kurttas, T., Sisman,
M., 1998, Berke Dam and HeppTracing Experiments at the RB-175 Grouting Gallery
and D/S Cofferdam, Hacettepe University International Research and Application
Center for Karst Water Resources, Ankara, 97p.
Simsek, S., Bayari, C.S.,
Sisman, M., Dogdu, M.S.,
Özyurt, N.N., Öncel, E., Muslu, F., Tezcan, L., Ekmekçi,
M., Erdogan, S., Kurttas, T., Babayigit, G., Topuz, B. ve Güleç, S., 1998,
Investigation of Lake Mogan Bottom Mud, Hacettepe University - Prime Ministry,
Gen. Dir. of Specially Protected Areas, 208s.
· Determination
of physical and chemical features of seawater at the Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant
Site, Turkish
Electrical Power Production Authority, Hacettepe University, 1999
· Environmental
Impact Assessment of Karkamis-Birecik 154 kV Power
Line, Turkish Electrical Power Production Authority, Hacettepe University, 1999
· Environmental
Impact Assessment of Karkamis-Suruç 154 kV Power
Line, Turkish Electrical Power Production Authority, Hacettepe University, 1999
Bayari, C.S. and Kurttas, T., 1997, Environmental Isotopic Investigation of the Gökova and Iskele springs,
Hacettepe University Research
Fund, Project no:, Final Report, Ankara, 219p.
Bayari, C.S., ,
Kurttas, T., 2000, Hydrologic, Hydrochemical, Geochemical and Environmental Isotopic
Investigation of Turkish Lakes: Lake Köycegiz Pilot
Project: Scientific & Technical Research Council of Turkey, Project No.
YDABÇAG-201, Earth Marine Atmospherical Sciences and
Environmental Researches Grant Group, Ankara, 143p.
Kurttas, T., Tezcan, L., Ekmekçi,
M., Atilla, A.Ö., Doğdu, N., Aydin, H., Övül,
G., Topuz, B., Yavuz, D., Coşkuner, T., Öncel E.
ve Muslu, F., 2003, Uluabat Lake- Mustafakemalpaşa
River System Sediment Accumulation Research Sub-Project, Republic Of Turkey,
Ministry Of Environment, Directorate Of Environmental Protection, Division Of
Sensitive Ecosystems And Protected Areas, Final Report, 202p.(in Turkish)
· Ekmekçi, M. Aydın, H., Soylu, M. E., Tezcan, L. ve
Kurttaş, T., 2005, Karst Sistemlerini Paleohidrolojik Kayıt Arşivleri Olarak Değerlendirme Olanaklarının
Araştırılması: Harmanköy Beyyayla (Bilecik) Karst Sisteminin Paleohidrolojisinin İncelenmesi,
Final Raporu, H. Ü. Bilimsel
· Kurttas,
T., Tezcan, L., Ekmekçi, M., Atilla, A.Ö., Dogdu, N., Aydin, H., Övül, G., Topuz, B., Yavuz, D., Coskuner, T., Öncel E. ve Muslu, F., 2003, Uluabat Lake- Mustafakemalpasa
River System Sediment Accumulation Research Sub-Project, Republic Of Turkey,
Ministry Of Environment, Directorate Of Environmental Protection, Division Of
Sensitive Ecosystems And Protected Areas, Executive Summary, 13p.(in English)
Books, Book
Chapter & Lecture Notes / Kitaplar,
Kitap Bölümleri ve Ders Notları
Günay, G., Kurttas, T., Kaçaroglu, F., Degirmenci, M., Denizman, C., 1992, Laboratory Manual for
Hydrogeology, H.Ü. Engineering Faculty Publ. No:10, Beytepe, Ankara, (in English)
Kurttas, T., Günay, G.,and A. Gemalmaz, 2000, Karst
Hydrogeology of Gökova,
Field Seminar Guide Book of International
Symposium and Field Seminar on Present State & Future Trends of Karst
Studies-Karst 2000, Marmaris, Turkey, 17-26
September 2000, (Ed. G. Günay) International Research and Application Center
for Karst Water Resources, pp.22-35, ISBN:975-491-098-7
Aggarwal, P.K., Araguas-Araguas, L.J., Groening M., Kulkarni, K.M., Kurttas, T., Newman, B and A.
Tanweer, 2009, Laser Spectroscopic Analysis of Liquid Water Samples for Stable
Hydrogen and Oxygen Isotopes, IAEA Trainig Course
Series no.35, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 42p.ISSN 1018-5518
Aggarwal, P. K., Araguás-Araguás, L.J. ,Groening, M.,
Kulkarni, K. M., Kurttas, T., Newman
B.D. and Tomas Vitvar,
2010. Chapter 2, Global Hydrological Isotope Data and
Data Networks, J.B. West et al. (eds.), Isoscapes:
Understanding movement, pattern, and process on Earth through isotope mapping Springer
Science + Business Media, pp. 33-50
T., Günay G., Gemalmaz A. (2022) Karst Hydrogeology of MuğlaGökova Karst Springs.
In: Caves and Karst of Turkey - Volume 2. Cave and Karst Systems of the World.
Springer Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-95361-4_12 (ISBN: 978-3-030-95363-8)
Thesis / Tezler
1989 Finite Difference Modelling of the Adana (Turkey) Plain
Groundwater Basin, M.Sc. Thesis, Middle East Technical University, Institute of
Pure and Applied Sciences, Ankara, 120 p.
· Kurttaş,
T., 1989, Adana (Türkiye) Ovası Yeraltısuyu
Havzasının Sonlu Farklar Yöntemiyle Modellenmesi, Orta Doğu
Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilinmleri Enstitüsü, Yüksek
Lisans Tezi, Ankara, 120s. (İngilizce)
1997 Environmental Isotope Study of Gökova
(Mugla) Karstic Springs, Ph. D. Thesis Hacettepe
University, Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, Ankara, 220p.
· Kurttaş,
T., 1997, Gökova (Muğla) Karst Kaynaklarının Çevresel
İzotop İncelemesi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü,
Doktora Tezi, Ankara, 220s. (Türkçe)
Yönetilen Tezler / Supervised Msc and PhD
Yüksek Lisans Tezi / MSc Thesis
· Abdullah Dirican, 2003. Ankara'da yağış ve su buharının
çevresel izotop içeriklerinin zamanla değişiminin incelenmesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü,
Ankara, 51s.(YÖK Tez no
Abdullah Dirican, 2003. Investigation
of temporal variation of environmental isotope contents in precipitation and
water vapour in Ankara, MSc Thesis.
Hacettepe University, Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, Ankara, 51p.
Derya Aktaş Karaoğlu, 2003. Afyon-Akarçay
havzasında kloroflorokarbon
(CFC) esaslı yer altı suyu geçiş zamanının belirlenmesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara, 86s.(YÖK Tez no 131029)
Aktaş Karaoğlu, 2003. Determination of the chlorofluorocarbon
based groundwater residence times of Afyon-Akarçay
basin, MSc Thesis. Hacettepe University, Institute of Pure and Applied
Sciences, Ankara, 86p.
Emine Arslan Karadavut, 2024. Büğdüz Alt Havzasi (Burdur) Hidrolojik Modeli, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara, 75s., Ankara (YÖK Tez no 900279)
Emine Arslan Karadavut, 2024. Hydrological Modelling Of
Büğdüz Sub-Basin (Burdur),
MSc Thesis. Hacettepe University, Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences,
Ankara, 75p.
Tezi / PhD Thesis
Cansu Yurteri,
(2015-2023). Seyfe Gölü (Kırşehir) Havzasının Hidrojeoloji
İncelemesi, Doktora Tez Çalışması, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri
Enstitüsü, 428s., Ankara (YÖK Tez no 799119),
Cansu Yurteri,
(2015-2023). Hydrogeological Investigation
of Lake Seyfe (Kırşehir) Basin, PhD Study,
Hacettepe University, 428p, Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences
Investigation of the Pollution of Water Basins and Determination
of the Quality Classes in These Basins: Example Application for the Population
Forecast and Industrial Inventory in The Seyhan and Sakarya Basins, Hacettepe
University Earth Sciences Application and Research Center, H.Ü.-General
Directorate of Environment, Project no 1608-88/010,1987-1988, in English and
Turkish (Research Associate)
Pollution and Remediation of the Surface water Pollution in the
Antalya Basin, Ministry of Environment 1991-1992, (Research Associate)
Cave Research Expedition to Sannur
Cave-Eastern Desert, Egypt: Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency,
September-October 1994, (Research Associate)
Hydrogeochemical and Geochemical Investigation of the Karstic
Travertine Deposits of the Lower Zamanti Basin (Aladaglar):
Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey, Project No. YBAG-108,
1993-1995, (Research Associate)
Hydrogeologic Aspects of Groundwater Protection in Karst Areas;
Present State and Future Trend of Groundwater Contamination in Antalya
Travertine Plateau: COST-65 Hacettepe University-Eurepean
Union Joint Project, 1992-1995,(Research Associate)
Hydrologic, Hydrochemical, Geochemical
and Environmental Isotopic Investigation of Turkish Lakes: Lake Köycegiz Pilot Project: Scientific & Technical Research
Council of Turkey, Project No. YDABÇAG-201, 1995-1995, (Research Associate)
Environmental Isotope Study of Lake Köycegiz,
SW Turkey. HÜ-IAEA Research Contract No. :RB-7997,
1994-1997, Part of Co-Ordinated Research Programme: Isotope Techniques in Lake
Dynamics Investigations, 1994-1997, (Research Associate)
Environmental Isotopic Investigation
of the Gökova and Iskele springs, HacettepeUniversity Research Fund, Project no:
Modelling The Dynamics Of The Long-Term
Isotopic And Hydrochemical Changes In Central
Anatolia (Turkey), HÜ-IAEA Research Contract No. :10804/R0, Part of
Co-Ordinated Research Programme: Isotope Response To Dynamic Changes In
Groundwater Systems Due To Long-Term Exploitation, 1999-(continue), (Principal
Scientific Investigator)
Establishment of Hydrogeological Laboratories for Karst Water
Resources Research and Education: United Nations Development Programme-
Hacettepe University joint Project Code TUR/81/004 (1983-1986), Period covered
Support To The Field Base of International Research Center For
Karst Water Resources:United
Nations Development Programme-Hacettepe University joint Project Code
TUR/85/007 (1986-1993), Period covered 1986-1993