Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Eğitim Fakültesi,   06532  Beytepe/ANKARA

8. İngilizce Öğretmenliği Sertifika Programı



Dersin Kodu  ve Adı

İngilizce Öğretim Yöntemleri 
(English Language Teaching Methodology)

Dersin Günü, Saati ve Yeri

Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday,      16:30—19:20                               Room: 


2003—2004  Bahar Dönemi

Öğretim Elemanı

Dr. Süleyman Sadi SEFEROĞLU
      Ofis       :     Bilgisayar ve Öğretim Teknolojileri Eğitimi Bölümü  (BÖTE)
      Tel         :     (312) 297-71 76
      e-Posta  :     sadi at hacettepe.edu.tr
      Web       :     http://yunus.hacettepe.edu.tr/~sadi/





Course Description:

Why do people learn languages?  What a native speaker knows.  What a language student should learn.  Language learning and language teaching. Teaching and the productive skills, Introducing new language structure, Practice, Communicative activities, Teaching vocabulary, Receptive skills, Class management, Planning.




1.        1.        To enable the students to focus on the theoretical and practical aspects of  language teaching.

2.        2.        To equip the students with the theory and the implementation of theory in teaching listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar, and vocabulary in EFL settings.

3.        3.        To enable the students to evaluate and develop language teaching tasks and activities in line with the theories and approaches.




Harmer, Jeremy  (1991).  The practice of English Language teaching (New Edition).  Longman Handbooks for Language Teachers.  New York:  Longman.  


Supplementary Textbooks:

Brown, H. Douglas  (1994).  Teaching by principles: An Interactive approach to language pedagogy.  Upper Saddle River, NJ:  Prentice Hall Regents. 

Doff, Adrian  (1992).  Teach English: A Training course for teachers.  Trainer’s Handbook.  Cambridge Teacher Training and Development.  Cambridge, England:  Cambridge University Press. 

Doff, Adrian  (1999).  Teach English: A Training course for teachers.  Teacher’s Workbook.  Cambridge Teacher Training and Development.  Cambridge, England:  Cambridge University Press. 

Larsen-Freeman, Diane  (1986).  Techniques and principles in language teaching.  New York:  Oxford University Press. 

Richards, Jack C., & Rodgers, Theodore S.  (1990).  Approaches and methods in language teaching: A Description and analysis.  Cambridge, England:  Cambridge University Press.

Ur, Penny  (1996).  A Course in language teaching: Practica and theory.  Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.

Willis, Jane  (1991).  Teaching English through English:  A Course in classroom language and techniques.  Longman Handbooks for Language Teachers.  Essex, England:  Longman.



Demircan, Ömer  (1990).  Yabancı dil öğretim yöntemleri.  İstanbul:  Ekin Eğitim-Yayıncılık ve Dağıtım. 

Demirel, Özcan  (1999).  İlköğretim okullarında yabancı dil öğretimi.  İstanbul:  Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Yayınevi. 

Demirel, Özcan  (1992).  ELT methodology.  Ankara: USEM Publications. 

Demirel, Özcan  (1990).  Yabancı dil öğretimi.  Ankara: USEM Yayınları.




Attendance and active student participation is essential in every phase of this course. Readings from the main course books are assigned for each week. You are required to come to the classes having read the assigned material.  Each class session, you should come prepared with written notes on every assigned reading. You may note anything of interest to you, but be sure to address the following questions:

(1)     (1)     What are the important points made?

(2)     (2)     What critique can you make of approach, method, and content?

(3)     (3)     What applications or implications do you see for teaching?


Every week a couple of your classmates will present one aspect of language pedagogy.  Each group should present the important points made in the assigned material and provide examples for classroom tasks and activities in relation with the readings.  For example, a group presenting “oral practice” should mention not only all potential techniques that can be employed to provide students oral  practice in different areas of language, but also present samples of oral practice tasks and activities.  The presenters will act as the teachers and the class will act as the English language learners where necessary.  Each person presenting should prepare for a 10 minute presentation. 


On the day of his/her presentation, every presenter will come to class with

è- A set of 4 questions:

·         ·         one discussion,

·         ·         one multiple choice,

·         ·         one fill-in-the blanks, and

·         ·         one true-false question

based on the readings supposed to be covered.  An answer  key should also be provided with the questions. 

è- Each presenter is required to turn in a summary of the readings s/he was supposed to have done. 

è- Each presenter is required to prepare a material for his/her presentation.  

It is important that you turn in the questions and the summary report at the beginning of the class. 


To be able to participate actively in the presentations, it is very important that you read the assigned chapters before each class.  The presenters should not merely lecture and present info but should foster interaction and discussion in class.  To do so, presenters should prepare a number of key questions, which they will pose during or after their presentations.




Grading Policy:

     Attendance ............................................   10 %

     Midterm Exam ........................................   20 %

     Projects/Presentations .........................   20 %

     Final Exam ...............................................   50 %


                                                                         100 %