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Article # : SC26

Sema Çalış, Ph.D.



Quality Contral of Conventional and Controlled - Release Carbamazepine Tablets Available in Turkish market


İrem Yenice, Sema Çalış, Yılmaz Çapan


Hacettepe University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, 06100 Ankara, Turkey



Carbamazepine is used as anticonvulsant. antiepileptic. antidepressant and antimanic. In clinics, conventional dosage forms with effective plasma Carbamazepine level are provided by multiple drug administration. Multiplicity of dosage reduces the patient  compliance and also causes in consistent Carbamazepine plasma level leading to adverse effects because of narrow difference between therapeutic level and toxic level.

In this research work, quality control studies of different batches of conventional and controlled release tablets containing carbamazepine which takes place in Turkey was carried out. Quality control parameters were weight variations, diameter/height, content uniformity, friability, resistance to crushing, dissolution. Differences between series were evaluated by quality control studies.


Key words

Carbamazepine Tablets, Quality Control, Conventional and Controlled Release.


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