Hacettepe University Department of Information Management

BBY 309 Database Management Systems (Fall 2005) Yaşar Tonta





(Worth 20 points; due 02 January 2006 12:30 p.m.)


The Department of Information Management has some 400 undergraduate and graduate students.  It offers both undergraduate and graduate courses each semester.  There are about 20 instructors.  Each instructor teaches about 3 to five courses each semester.  The number of students enrolled in each course ranges somewhere between 3 to 120, depending on whether the course is undergraduate or graduate.  The Department has 5 classrooms and a seminary room where courses are held. 


Consider the following set of requirements for a database for the Department of Information Management to keep track of: 1) student records; 2) courses offered by the Department; 3) instructors’ names and the courses they teach; 4) student grade reports (transcripts); and 5) rooms where courses are held.  The Department wishes to be able to use this database to answer both regular and ad hoc questions and produce periodic and ad hoc reports. 


1.        The Department gets the registered student records from the Registrar’s Office.  Each student record has the following fields: student’s name, student number, current address and phone number, birthdate, sex, and class (first-year, second-year..., master’s, doctoral).

2.        Each course offered by the Department has a course name, description, course code number, number of credits, semester it is offered (fall or spring) and the level (undergraduate or graduate), along with the instructor’s name teaching the course, the classroom where the course is held (e.g., classroom), and its day & time.

3.        Each records for instructors contains instructor’s ID, name, room number, phone number, and email address.

4.        A grade report (transcript) lists student’s name, course name and the student’s grade (A, B, C, etc.).

5.        The following information about each classroom is held in the database: building where the classroom is located (e.g., Faculty of Literature, Faculty of Science), room location (e.g., B81K104), capacity (number of seats), and the availability of Internet conncetion in the room.


Complete the following tasks:


1. Design an ER schema for this application and draw a diagram for that schema using IDEF1X notation.  Specify attributes (including primary keys) of each entity, types of relationships (1:1, 1:N, M:N), and structural constraints on each relationship type.  Note any unspecified requirements, and make appropriate assumptions to make the specification complete.

2. Create a database for the ER diagram you drew in step 1 using MS Access and save it under your directory that you used for the previous assignment.  Pay attention to the primary keys and relations among tables.

3. Enter data in to the tables that you created.  The objective of this project is not to enter data.  So, between 10 and 20 records should be more than enough.  It is important that the data you enter will show the capabilities of the Department’s database that you developed. 

4. Create two data entry screens for the table(s) you defined and save it. Do not use the default screen format.

5.  Develop three SQL queries similar to the ones given below and run them against the database:

a) Which courses are offered by Professor X during the fall semester?

b) Which student’s received a passing grade (A, B, C) from course Y?

c) Which students are enrolled in courses offered by Professor X?

Queries you are to create shall show the capabilities of the database you design and shall be answered by means of using more than one table.  Save the results of SQL queries separately.  Give query names that describe what the query does (as in “Courses taught by Professor Tonta)”, and “Students Who Received Passing Grades from BBY 309”).   

6.  Create two reports using the report generator. Again, reports you are to develop should show the capabilities of the database you designed (e.g., create a report for each course listing the course information, students who took that course and their grades).  Save them.

7.   Evaluate the merits and deficiencies of the database design and how you would improve it the next time.


Data entry screens, queries, and the reports should be saved on your folder.  Problems you identified and the solution you proposed, along with your evaluation of the merits and deficiencies of your design, should be written as a Word document and saved under your folder. The IDEF1X diagram that you developed should also be saved as a file under your folder. (Use a drawing program to do this.)




Grading will be based on the quality of the proposed solution, IDEF1X diagram correctly depicting the proposed solution (40 points), the database itself  (tables, data entry screens, SQL queries, report generation, etc) (40 points), and the report (20 points).


The database design model shall clearly identify primary keys and foreign keys as well as referential constraints.  The proposed design shall include the details and the correct IDEF1X notation (relationship types identified, cardinalities correctly identified, primary and foreign keys correctly identified, etc.) (40 points)


Database shall be created using MS Access.  Make sure the database you created conforms to the proposed design given in 1 above (primary and foreign keys, attributes, referential integrity constraints should be identified).  All tables included in the design shall be created and filled with data.  SQL queries shall be created and they shall be easy to understand (explained what the query is supposed to do in the Database Report that you are to create using MS Word). The reports shall be created. Try to beautify your report by formatting it using the capabilities of the report generator (eg, titles added, fonts, etc.) (40 points)


Database report shall be written using MS Word.  Do not write a procedural report (ie, “I created the tables, did this and did that”).  The report shall specify the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed design.  What would you have done differently if you had more time, for example? (20 points)


Please note that, even though the scenario given above suggests a certain design approach, this assignment can be completed in different ways: there is no “single correct design” to set up the database.  It all depends on your reading of the entities and the relationships among them.  Do not try to come up with a detailed and complicated desi,gn.  Remember the motto: Keep it simple.  


Good luck.

Yaşar Tonta

Released: 28 November 2005