A collection policy is a standard library practice for publicly declaring a library's intent for breadth and depth of the material it will collect within certain subject areas, genres, or physical formats. Such declarations are useful tools that scholars can use to determine the relative utility of a collection for their purposes, as well as to assist in cooperative collection development with other libraries.
A preservation policy states criteria by which materials in danger of loss through physical decay, orphaned formats, etc. are selected for preservation. In the case of the Digital Library SunSITE, materials can be selected for preservation at any point; once selected, The Library of the University of California, Berkeley, commits to making certain that the information is preserved in some form by a reputable institution on a permanent basis. For more information on digital preservation issues, see Preserving Digital Information: Report of the Task Force on Archiving of Digital Information, commissioned by the Commission on Preservation and Access and the Research Libraries Group, May 1, 1996.
Typical collection development categories for print collections include such categories as:
These designations place the collecting activities of a particular library within a continuum of collection upon which other libraries can also be placed. In so doing one can determine which library is attempting to be the library of last resort in a particular field and which is supporting only a minimal level of use.
The Berkeley Digital Library SunSITE collects (see below for the different levels of digital collection) at the research level in the areas of digital library development and information technology. In other subject areas, the resources and projects we select are reviewed by the appropriate selector for that discipline and gauged against our existing collecting levels for print publications in that area.
Print-based collecting level designations are still useful within the digital realm, but for digital collections even more information is required. The very idea of "collecting" is, for example, an issue. What comprises "collecting"? At the Digital Library SunSITE we propose four levels of collecting, which may also include designation of preservation commitment. For more information on each collecting level, follow the link for each level. Each collection level is preceded by the image that is used throughout the SunSITE to show to which level a particular item is assigned.
Material in any category except Archived may be re-designated from one level to another as required to meet changing information needs, remote server accessibility or responsiveness, local resource demands, etc. Material that receives the Archived designation cannot be downgraded to a lower status.
Collections or collection items will be reviewed by the appropriate
library selector and others as necessary before receiving the
Archived designation. Any collection or collection item that has achieved
archived status will be so designated with this graphic: . Questions about specific
collections or
collection items should be directed to the SunSITE Project Manager at manager@sunsite.berkeley.edu.
1 Based upon Collection Development Policy Statement Preliminary edition, January 1980. Prepared by Dorothy Koenig and Sheila Dowd. The General Library, University of California, Berkeley.
© 1996 UC Regents. All rights reserved.
Document maintained at http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/Admin/collection.html
by the SunSITE Manager.
Last update 6/7/96. SunSITE Manager: