Hacettepe University Department of Library Science
DOK 322 Database Management Systems (Spring 2000) Yaşar Tonta
Time and place: Friday 09:10-13:00 (B8 1K 104)
Yaşar Tonta
tel: 235 19 68)
web site:
Goals: This course is concerned with the application of
Database Management Systems (DBMS) to solve a wide range of information storage
and retrieval problems, particularly in libraries and information centers. We will combine the practical aspects of
DBMS use with more theoretical discussions of database design methodologies and
the “internals” of database systems.
major work in the course will be practical: you will design your own database
and implement it on DBMSs. In the
theoretical portion of the course we will examine the major types, or “data
models,” of DBMS (hierarchical, network, and relational). We will discuss the principles and problems
of database design, operation, and maintenance for each data model.
Assignments: Most of the assignments in this course will be
related to your own database and exercises to familiarize you with the systems
that you will be using. A second set of
assignments will involve the use of an existing database to answer a set of
queries, or to modify the database. We
will discuss these assignments further in class.
should be obvious that you will need to spend a lot of time in the Department’s
Microcomputer Lab.
Readings: There are two sets of readings included in the
course outline: theoretical and practical.
They are listed in the syllabus.
Grades: Grades for this course will be based on completion
of the assignments, midterms, and participation in class discussions.
The required
textbook for the course is:
Kroenke, David M. Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design,
and Implementation.
6th Edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1998.
I will share
my copy with you and make the needed chapters available for xeroxing. An older edition
(1990) of this book can be found at Bilkent University Library Reserve
Some of the recommended
sources are as follows:
Adım Adım Microsoft Access 97. Çev. Mehmet Yolcu.
Ankara: Arkadaş, 1997. (5 MTL)
Atre, S. Data Base: Structured Techniques for Design, Performance, and Management.
New York: Wiley, 1980.
Cox, Joyce
and Nathan Dudley, Quick Course in Microsoft Access 97. Bellevue, WA:
Online, mc. 1997. (16.19 USD)
Elmasri, Ramez and Shamkant B. Navathe. Fundamentals of Database Systems. Second Edition. Redwood City, Calif.:
Benjamin/Cummings Pub. Co., 1994.
Hızlı Kurs
Microsoft Access 97. Çev. Hakan Uraz. Ankara: Arkadaş, 1998. (3 MTL) (The
Turkish translation of Cox and Dudley’s book cited above.)
McFadden, F.R. and J.A. Hoffer, Data
Base Management. (2d ed.) Menlo Park, CA:
Benjamin Cummings Publishing Co., 1988. (1994 edition can also be found)
Stephen L. Field Guide to
MicrosoftAccess 97. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Press,
1998. (10.75 USD)
Yaşar Tonta
Last updated: Feb 24, 2000