Hacettepe University Department of Library Science
DOK 322 Database Management Systems (Spring 2001) Yaşar Tonta


Note: Please use the Northwind database to answer the following questions.  The database can be found under MS Access 2000 subdirectories in most of the lab computers. The assignment is due on April 3, 2001, 9:00 am.


1.      Find the names of all “sales representatives” who work in London.

2.   Find the name of the female "sales representative" who work in London and report to the Sales Manager Mr. Steven Buchanan.

3.      Find the names and addresses of all the suppliers which can provide “tofu”.  (Note: You should be able to find two companies.)

4.      List the sales for orders shipped to France.

5.      Find the products on order from companies based in the UK.

6.      List all the orders taken by the sales representative Ann Dodsworth from the companies based in London along with the unit price and quantity of each order.

Yaşar Tonta
Last updated: March 13, 2001