- Hacettepe University
Department of Library Science
- DOK 422 Information
Networks (Spring 2001) Yaşar Tonta
- Time and place: Monday 09:10-12:00 (B8 1K
Outline Reading List
- To examine information
networks in its historical context with special emphasis on
library cooperation
- To understand the
similarities and differences between various library and
information networks (systems, networks, and other cooperative
efforts) and how they work for better library services
- To develop an understanding
of the technological, administrative and organizational
characteristics of information networks (ie, infrastructure,
costs, personnel, and other factors)
- To develop hands-on
expertise with the use of network software, microcomputers, and
other information technologies.
Most of the assignments in this course will be related to using
various information networks and library cooperatives. A second
set of assignments will involve information hunting exercises.
You will try to answer a set of queries using the resources
available through the networks and various search engines. We
will discuss these assignments further in class.
It should be obvious that
you will need to spend some time in the Department’s
Microcomputer Lab.
Grades for this course will be based on completion of the
assignments, midterms, and participation in class discussions.
- Yaşar Tonta
- tonta@hacettepe.edu.tr
- Last updated: Feb 18, 2001