Hacettepe University Department of Library Science
DOK 322 Database Management Systems (Spring 2002) Yaşar Tonta


Note: Please use the Northwind database to answer the following questions. Before you start, please create a folder (subdirectory) under "Network Neighborhood/tonta/d322-2002" and name it as your student number (i.e., 9851897). Then, copy the database called "Northwind.mdb" under this folder.  (You can find the Northwind.mdb file by doing a file search.  Then copy it under Network Neighborhood/tonta/d322-2002/<yourfolder>.  You can complete your Northwind assignment by answering the queries below.  The Northwind.mdb file is also located in the course web site in compressed format. Go to the course web site ( Double click on the file name called  The download window should be opened and you will be asked to identify the folder under which you wish to copy the file.  The default folder is My Download Files.  Change it to "Network Neighborhood/tonta/d322-2002/<yourfolder>.  The file will be downloaded.  When download is completed, you will be asked if you wish to "Extract" the zipped file.  Say "yes" and "Extract" the file under the same folder.  When the process is complete, double click on the file named "Northwind.mdb".  This should start the MS Access 2000 program and open the named file.  You are ready to complete your assignment.

Please note, the downloading process for the file is the same.  Use the same address given above and download the file.  Uncompress it and complete your Cookie assignment.   

The assignment is due April 2, 2002.  

No late assigments shall be accepted.  

Both Nortwind and Cookie assignments shall be placed in  your own folder under Network Neighborhood/tonta/d322-2002.  No other method of assignment submission (via e-mail or on floppy-diskettes) is acceptable.  

Please note that on April 2, 2000, your access to your directory will be blocked temporarily  to grade your assignments. 



1.      Find the names of all “sales representatives” who work in London.

2.   Find the name of the female "sales representative" who work in London and report to the Sales Manager Mr. Steven Buchanan. (Please do not enter any criterion under the "ReportsTo" field when answering this query.)

3.      Find the names and addresses of all the suppliers which can provide “tofu”.  (Note: You should be able to find two companies.)

4.      List the sales for orders shipped to France.

5.      Find the products on order from companies based in the UK.

6.      List all the orders taken by the sales representative Anne Dodsworth from the companies based in London along with the unit price and quantity of each order.

Yaşar Tonta
Last updated: March 19, 2002