Hacettepe University Department of Information Management

DOK 422 Information Networks (Spring 2004) Yaşar Tonta




(Worth 20 points; Notification of instructor for the topic chosen: 23 March 2004; due 11 May 2004 09:00 a.m.)



You are already familiar with different types of library and information networks.  Some networks may function in a geographically limited area while others may on a regional, national or international scale.  Some networks may concentrate on certain tasks (e.g., bibliographic control or document delivery) while others may address the needs of specific user groups (e.g., libraries, web users) or technical aspects of networking.  Although we have a wide variety of networks used in library and information centers for various purposes, they all share certain characteristics.  In this assignment, you are asked to write a short paper (maximum five pages long, double spaced, 10 point Arial) on a network or an activity that can be performed through the networks (e.g., electronic commerce, electronic document delivery).



Assignment can be completed in two ways.  Please choose one or the other and inform your instructor:


1.       Choose a network of any type or a cooperative system (you must notify me by 23 March 2004) and:

a.       Develop an organizational chart for the administration of the network;

b.       Draw a flowchart of the specific functions that the network performs;

c.       Write a short section decribing its mission, funding, administrative structure, governance according to the law, and operational functions.

d.       Emphasize its relationships (if applicable) to other networks;

e.       Discuss relevant issues (e.g., legal regulations, security, privacy, piracy) briefly.


You can choose any type of network such as an academic network, a library consortium, a network for specific functions,  and so on.  The network does not have to be based in Turkey.


2.       Choose an activity that can be carried out through networks (e.g., providing email services, selling books, supplying electronic document delivery services, electronic reference services) (you must notify me by 23 March 2004) and:

a.       Describe the activity briefly;

b.       Emphasize how this activity is carried out through the network by giving step by step flow of functions (e.g., choosing a product or service, making payment and so on);

c.       Describe briefly the organization/company that performs this activity or offers the service

d.       Emphasize its relationships (if applicable) to other networked activities;

e.       Discuss relevant issues (e.g., how is this activity or service governed according to the law, security, privacy, piracy) briefly.


Your final paper should be written clearly (either in English or in Turkish) using a word-pocessor.  Use both printed and electronic information sources to do research on your topic. Target non-specialists who may have no knowledge of information networks.  Explain concepts carefully and clarify acronyms.  Provide footnotes and references.  Please make sure to notify your instructor on or before March 23, 2004 as to which topic you intent to write your paper on.  Please note that topics chosen by students must be approved by me.  Failure of notification will affect your grade severely.  The final report should be printed on paper and submitted to me by 11 May 2004, 09:00am.


Academic or scholastic dishonesty, such as plagiarism, cheating, or academic fraud will be dealt with accordingly.  Students attempting to cheat or plagiarize shall be expelled from school for one or two academic semesters according to the clause 9/m of theBy-Law of the Student Code of Conduct” (Yükseköğretim Kurumları Öğrenci Disiplin Yönetmeliği).    


Good luck.

Yaşar Tonta

Last updated: 02 March 2004