MAD 349 Rock Mechanics

Definitions and importance of rock mechanics, Stress-strain analysis , stress transformations, Concept of principal stresses and graphical representation of the state stress, Strain analysis , special stress-strain cases, Introductory linear elasticity, Failure criteria, time dependent behaviour of rocks, In-situ state of stress, design and stability of underground openings, Rock mass properties and classification systems, Graphical representation of rock mass structure and basics of slope design.


 MAD 427 Tunneling and Support Design

Effect of rock mass properties on tunnel excavation and support design, Analysis of stress distribution around tunnels, Support types, excavation techniques and equipment, Support design of tunnels opened in different rock mass conditions (elastic, stratified, jointed, squeezing and swelling etc.), Use of computers on tunnel support design and examples, in situ testing methods together with the use of results.


MAD 446 Mine Design

Introduction to personal and main frame computers, Operating systems, introduction to high level software languages, Modelling and simulation techniques, Computer applications for reserve estimation, Computer applications for surface and underground mining, Applications of artificial intelligence in mining operations.




MAD 529 Rock Mechanics in Hard Rock Mining

Rock strength measurement techniques, and equipment, monitoring systems in rocks, strata control and related measurements, pillar system in underground mining and stability analysis, rock mechanics application in underground mining and supports.


MAD 554 Instability Problems in Underground Mines

Production methods used in underground mines and related instability problems. Instability problems originating from tectonic, production method and rock mass properties. Methods to minimize instability problems and necessary precautions. Measures to be taken when an instability problem arises and related examples.


MAD 651 In-Situ Measurements in Tunnels and Underground Mines and Physical Modelling

Devices and in-situ test procedures for load, stress, closure, strain and in-situ strength determination. Examples on the use of test results. Preparation of physical models and simulation of results obtained from physical models with real case.

MAD 652 Non-Mining Applications of Rock Mechanics

Use of rock mechanics in the design of dam constructions, tunnels, foundations, nuclear waste disposal, underground storage of oil and gas, very large openings and caverns.