Grading Guidelines for Lab “Construction of Model Unit Cells”


Technical Grade

This portion of the lab report/memorandum will be graded by the teaching assistants based on the criteria shown in Table 1 below. There are a total of 100 points, with 2 bonus points.


Table 1: Technical Grading Guidelines





1) Format


This should be a formal lab report or technical memorandum.

It should be as brief and clear as possible. Avoid using unnecessary information as well as long sentences and paragraphs.

2) Modeling Limitations and Sources of Error


What may or may not have caused errors in your measured values (eg. interplanar spacing)? This is a key component to any lab report. No matter how bad your data turns out, if you can explain why it is off, you have usually accomplished the goal. 

3) References to Graph/Table in text


References to the tables and graphs in the text are important so that the reader can reference the data being spoken about. 

4) Captions


Captions on graphs and Data Tables make it easier for the reader to find the data he or she needs quickly and easily.

5) Units


Correct units should be shown with all the measured and calculated values.

6) Model construction


Explain why you are using ping-pong balls to construct the crystal structures in this lab. Show measured diameters as well as the average diameter.

7) Measured Interplanar Spacing Values


Present in a table the measured (10 pts) values for interplanar spacing.

8) Calculated Interplanar Spacing Values


Present in a table the calculated values (10 pts) for interplanar spacing.

Show related equations (5 pts).

9) Interstitial Voids


Tabulate the measured values for the interstitial voids in the three structures.

10) Comparison of different structures


Compare the properties, both similarities and differences, of the three structures (size of interstitial voids, packing factors, interplanar distances, volume comparison etc.)

For example explain how did the packing of balls in fcc and hcp structures differ from that in bcc?

Refer to Tables.

11) Materials Examples


List at least three elements in each structure.

12) Close/Closest packed planes


What is the difference between a close-packed plane and a closest-packed plane? Use specific examples from each structure to illustrate your discussion, and include info on planar density. What is the importance of close-packed planes?

13) Packing


How did packing affect the interstitial size?

14) Basal plane


What is a basal plane? Indicate the structure that has a basal plane and its indices.

15) Close pack direction in FCC/BCC


Identify the close packed directions in the FCC and BCC structures, as well the linear density for a close packed direction.

What is the importance of close-packed directions?

16) Stacking Sequence


Explain what ‘stacking sequence’ means.  Show which stacking sequence if any each structure shows.

17) Additional points


Bonus points for good explanations and extra visual aids.