General Interest Area: Operations Research/Business Analytics
Specific Interest Areas: Prescriptive Analytics, Mathematical Programming, Routing and Scheduling Problems, Multicriteria Decision Analysis, Performance Evaluation, Portfolio Optimization, Project Management, Gurobi/Python Modeling, Spreadheet Modeling with VBA.
My applied research focuses on the energy, finance, higher education and healthcare industries.

Energy and Enviromental Planning
From the mid-1700s, with the wider use of steam and onset of industrial revolution, coal became a commercial commodity; from the mid-1800s, petroleum rose to prominence; and from the early 1900s, electricity emerged as a modern secondary energy source. In the last quarter of the twentieth century, natural gas became a globally traded energy raw material. Recently, in addition to hydrocarbon resources with historic-high production capacities, renewable resources such as biomass, wind, and solar pushed the energy supply to very high levels. Nevertheless, the fundamental social and technological changes experienced by humanity in the last two centuries caused an increase in the amount of energy demand and prioritized the access to energy resources together with the transportation of energy to the markets with affordable costs and safe routes. Therefore, energy is one of the most important topics on the world’s political agenda due to the several factors such as uncertainties caused by the fluctuations in oil and natural gas prices, the interruption of safe energy supply due to regional conflicts, the fact that more people need access to modern energy, and the enormous quantity of funding required. One other reason why energy plays such a big role in the world political agenda is that, no matter which source is used, every unit produced has an environmental impact. Greenhouse gas emissions, as the most important of such impact, increased at unusually high rates, and the global warming resulting from greenhouse effect created the climate change problem. The use of Business Analytics/Operations Research techniques in Energy and Environment issues has been frequently encountered in literature recently. We are actively researching business analytics and operations research applications in this area. Main issues that we study in energy sector can be listed as: energy policy analysis, environmental policy analysis, energy investment planning, energy technology choice.
Books-Book Chapters
- “Operations Research”, Aydın Ulucan, Hacettepe University IIBF Publication Nr. 29, 2004. (republished by Siyasal publishing company, September 2004, ISBN 975-6325-11-9).
- Kara M., Atici K.B., Ulucan A. (2021) Price and Volatility Forecasting in Electricity with Support Vector Regression and Random Forest. In: Dorsman A.B., Atici K.B., Ulucan A., Karan M.B. (eds) Applied Operations Research and Financial Modelling in Energy. Springer, Cham. 101-124.
- Engin P., Atici K.B., Ulucan A. (2020) Measuring the Effects of Energy Efficiency Policies: Evidence from Turkish Manufacturing Industry. In: Dorsman A., Arslan-Ayaydin Ö., Thewissen J. (eds) Regulations in the Energy Industry. Springer, Cham.
- Ranking of Natural Gas Transmission Projects at the Southeastern Corridor: A Multi-Criteria Approach on the Countries of the Region (Book Chapter),"Energy Economy, Finance, and Geostrategy", Mehmet Baha Karan, Aydın Ulucan, Arif Özden; Springer, 2018, Germany , ISBN: 978-3-319-76866-3.
Published Papers (SCI-SSCI-SCIE-ESCI-Other International Index)
- Kazim Baris Atici, Gokhan Yasayacak, Yilmaz Yildiz, Aydin Ulucan, 2021. Green University and academic performance: An empirical study on UI GreenMetric and World University Rankings, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 291, p.125289.(SCIE)
- “A GIS-based Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis approach for wind power plant site selection”, Kazim Baris Atici, Ahmet Bahadır Şimşek, Aydın Ulucan, Mustafa Umur Tosun, Utilities Policy Vol. 37, 86-96, 2015. (SCI Expanded)
- “A Multiple Criteria Energy Decision Support System”, Kazim Baris Atici, Aydin Ulucan, Technological and Economic Development of Economy, Vol.17-2, 219-245, 2011. (SSCI)
- “Non-Parametric Efficiency Analysis in Energy and Environment Issues and A Turkey Application on Energy Efficiency”, Aydın Ulucan and Kazım Barış Atıcı, Journal of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Hacettepe University, Vol.28-1, 173-203, 2010.
- “Utadis Multiple Criteria Sorting Methodology and its Application to the Turkish Energy Sector”, Aydın ULUCAN, Kazım Barış ATICI, Journal of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Hacettepe University, Vol.27-2, 141-159, 2009.
- “Multi Criteria Decision Analysis Approaches in Energy Projects Evaluation Process and Turkey Applications”, Kazım Barış ATICI, Aydın ULUCAN, Journal of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Hacettepe University, Vol.27-1, 161-186, 2009.
International Conferences
- “Price and Volatility Forecasting in Electricity with Support Vector Regression and Random Forest”, Mahmut Kara, Kazim Baris Atici and Aydin Ulucan, 8TH MULTINATIONAL ENERGY AND VALUE CONFERENCE, May 6th - 7th, 2021, Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
- “Measuring the Effects of Energy Efficiency Policies: Evidence from Turkish Manufacturing Industry”, Pınar Engin, Kazım Barış Atıcı, Aydın Ulucan, The 7th Multinational Energy and Value Conference, May 23-24, 2019, Ankara, Turkey.
- “Ranking of Natural Gas Transmission Projects at the Southeastern Corridor: a Multi-Criteria Approach on the Countries of the Region”, A. Ulucan, A. Özden, M.B.Karan, The 6th Multinational Energy and Value Conference, May 18-20, 2017, Guzelyurt, Northern Cyprus.
- “Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis Approaches for Energy Investment Decisions”, Ahmet Bahadır Şimşek, Kazım Barış Atıcı and Aydın Ulucan, The 5th Multinational Energy and Value Conference, May 7-9, 2015, İstanbul, TURKEY.
- “Multi Criteria Decision Analysis Approaches in Energy Projects Evaluation and Turkey Applications,”, K.Barış Atıcı and Aydın Ulucan, 2nd Multinational Energy and Value Conference, 2-3 July 2009 Istanbul, Turkey
Theses Supervised
- İrem Konyalı, “Türkiye İçin Mevcut Enerji Üretimine Alternatif Yenilenebilir Ve Sürdürülebilir Enerji Kaynaklarının Seçimi”, 2019. (M.Sc.)
- Ahmet Bahadir Şimşek, “Geographic Information System Based Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Implementation In Wind Turbine Site Selection Problem”, 2014. (M.Sc.)
- Kazım Barış Atıcı, “Development and Implementation of a Decision Support System in Energy Industry”, (B.S. Hacettepe University, Business), 2008. (M.Sc.)
- Özgür İcan, "An Application of the Stochastic Programming Approach in Energy Industry", (B.S. Hacettepe University, Business), 2006. (M.Sc.)

Finance/Economics/Investment Planning
Economics, Finance and Investment Planning problems are an important application field for Business Analytics and Operations Research. We are actively researching business analytics and operations research applications in this area. Main issues that we study in Economics, Finance and Investment sectors can be listed as: optimal investment decisions, country and company level risk ratings, efficiency evaluation of financial institutions.
Books-Book Chapters
- “Operations Research”, Aydın Ulucan, Hacettepe University IIBF Publication Nr. 29, 2004. (republished by Siyasal publishing company, September 2004, ISBN 975-6325-11-9).
- “Portfolio Optimization”, Aydın Ulucan, Hacettepe University İİBF Publication Nr. 28, 2004. (republished by Siyasal publishing company, September 2004, ISBN 975-6325-09-7)
Published Papers (SCI-SSCI-SCIE-ESCI-Other International Index)
- Meydan, B., Ulucan, A., & Atıcı, K. B. , (2021). Evaluation of Regional Development with Banking and Finance Data. Journal of Urban and Regional Analysis , vol.13-1, 125-144. (ESCI)
- Bahçeci, A., Atıcı, K. B. , & Ulucan, A., (2020). Kamu-Üniversite-Sanayi İşbirliği (KÜSİ) Kapsamında Bölgesel Etkinlik ve Potansiyel Değerlendirmesi. MALIYE DERGISI , vol.178, 289-312. (ESCI)
- “A Hybrid Approach for Generating Investor Views in Black-Litterman Model”, Mahmut Kara, Aydin Ulucan, Kazim Baris Atici, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol.128, No.15, 256-270, 2019 (SCIE)
- “A Multiple Criteria Sorting Methodology with Multiple Classification Criteria and an Application to Country Risk Evaluation” Aydin Ulucan, Kazim Baris Atici, Technological and Economic Development of Economy, Vol. 19-1, 93-124 2013. (SSCI)
- “Credit Risk Estimation Using Payment History Data: A Comparative Study of Turkish Retail Stores”, Mehmet Baha Karan, Aydın Ulucan, Mustafa Kaya, Central European Journal of Operations Research: Vol. 21-2, 479-494 2013. (SCI Expanded)
- “Efficiency evaluations with context-dependent and measure-specific data envelopment approaches: An application in a world bank supported project”, Aydın Ulucan and Kazım Barış Atıcı, Omega, Vol.38, 68-83, 2010. (SCI, SSCI)
- “Assessment of Sustainability of The European Union and Turkish Agricultural Sectors”, Şükrü MOLLAVELİOĞLU, Hakan MIHCI, Selim ÇAĞATAY, Aydın ULUCAN, NEW MEDIT Mediterranean Journal of Economics, Agriculture and Environment, Vol. IX - n. 3, 13-21, 2010. (SCI Expanded)
- “An Analysis of Mean-Variance Portfolio Selection with Varying Holding Periods”, Aydin Ulucan, Applied Economics, Vol: 39, Nr: 11, pp: 1399-1407, 2007. (SSCI)
- “OECD Ülkelerinin İş Yapma Kolaylığı Açısından Çok Kriterli Karar Analizi ile Sıralanması”, Çağlayan Önalmış, Aydın Ulucan, Kazım Barış Atıcı, Journal of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Hacettepe University, Vol.37-2, 341 - 363, 2019.
- “The Political Instability, Investment Profile and the Macroeconomic Performance of the Middle East & North Africa (MENA) Region”, M. Umur Tosun, M. Cahit Güran, Aydın Ulucan, Problems and Perspectives in Management, Vol. 6-2, 31-38, 2008.
- “Estimation of Credit Risk of Retail Stores by Using Their Payment History: A Combined Logistic Regression and Multi DEA Approach”, M.Baha Karan, Aydın Ulucan, Mustafa Kaya, Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific Conference Business And Management' 2008, 154-161 (CPCI-SSH indexed Proceedings Paper), 2008.
- “Financial Efficiency of the Turkish Textile and Clothing Industry before the 2005 Trade Liberalization”, Necmiddin Bagdadioglu and Aydin Ulucan, Eurasian Review of Economics and Finance, Vol.1-4, 1-11, 2005.
- “An Application of the Markowitz Quadratic Programming Portfolio Selection Model: Determination of the Portfolio which has the Same Risk-Return Structure with the ISE-30 Indice”, Aydın Ulucan, Journal of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Hacettepe University, Vol.20, pp.141-153, 2002.
- “A Comparative Analysis of ISE Technical Efficiency with European Countries”, Aydın Ulucan and Argun Karacabey, Ankara European Studies Journal, Vol. 2-3, pp. 101-111, 2002.
- “Data Envelopment Analysis Approach in Effciency Measurement of ISO500 Companies: Evaluations Using Different Input Output Components and Different Returns To Scale”, Aydın Ulucan, Review of the Faculty of Political Sciences, Ankara University, Vol. 57-2, pp. 185-202, 2002.
- “Data Envelopment Analysis Approach in Performance Measurement of Companies: General and Sectoral Evaluations” , Aydın Ulucan, Journal of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Hacettepe University, Vol.18-1, pp.405-418, 2000.
- “An Empirical Investigation of the Planning Horizon in Markowitz’s Quadratic Programming Portfolio Selection Model: An Application at the İstanbul Stock Exchange”, Armağan Tarım and Aydın Ulucan, Review of the Faculty of Political Sciences, Ankara University, Vol. 55-2, pp.143-160, 2000.
International Conferences
- “A Multiple Criteria Sorting Methodology with Multiple Classification Criteria and an Application to Country Risk Evaluation”, Aydın Ulucan and K.Barış Atıcı, EURO 2009, 23rd European Conference on Operational Research, July 5-8, 2009, Bonn, Germany.
- “A Multiple Criteria Sorting Methodology with Uncertain Data and an Application to Country Risk Evaluation”, Aydın Ulucan, Volkan Haskılıç, Seventeenth Annual Conference of the Multinational Finance Society, June 27-29, 2010, Barcelona, Spain.
- “Estimation of Credit Risk of Retail Stores by Using Their Payment History: A Comparative Study Using Logistic Regression and Multicriteria Analysis”, M.Baha Karan, Aydın Ulucan, Mustafa Kaya, Fifteenth Annual Conference of the Multinational Finance Society, July 6-9, 2008, Orlando, USA.
- “Estimation of Credit Risk of Retail Stores by Using Their Payment History: A Comparative Study Using Logistic Regression and Multicriteria Analysis”, M.Baha Karan, Aydın Ulucan, Mustafa Kaya, 2nd International Credit Risk and Rating Conference, 8-9 May 2008 Hacettepe Universtiy, Ankara, Turkey.
- “Estimation of Credit Risk of Retail Stores by Using Their Payment History: A Combined Logistic Regression and Multi DEA Approach”, M.Baha Karan, Aydın Ulucan, Mustafa Kaya, Business and Management 2008, 16-17 May 2008, 154-161, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Vilnius, Lithuaina. (CPCI-SSH indexed)
- “Political Stability, Investment Profile and Macroeconomic Performance”, M.Umur Tosun, M.Cahit Guran, Aydın Ulucan, Sixth International Conference of the MEEA, 14-16 March 2007, Zayed University, Dubai, UAE.
- “Financial efficiency of the Turkish textile industry before the 2005 trade liberalization” Necmiddin BAĞDADİOĞLU and Aydın ULUCAN, Twelfth Annual Conference of the Multinational Finance Society, July 2-7, 2005, Athens, Greece.
- “Effectiveness of Mean-Variance Model as a Portfolio Selection Instrument: Evidence From Istanbul And Athens Stock Exchanges” Aydın ULUCAN, Twelfth Annual Conference of the Multinational Finance Society, July 2-7, 2005, Athens, Greece.
Theses Supervised
- Mahmut KARA, “Extension with Artificial Intelligence Model for Hybrid Black-Litterman Model Proposal and Testing on Istanbul Stock Exchange Bist-30 Index Data”, 2017. (Ph.D.)
- Mehmet Çolak, “Performance Analysis of Turkish Furniture Industry: Comparative Analysis with Parametric and Non-Parametric Approaches”, (B.S. Hacettepe, Industrial Engineering), 2009. (Ph.D.)
- Mutluay Doğan, "Chaos Theory: An Istanbul Stock Exchange and International Petroleum Markets Applications", (B.S. METU, Mechanical Engineering), 2002. (Ph.D.)
- Cem Recai ÇIRAK, ”Improvement of Time Series Forecasts via Control Theory Applications”, 2019. (M.Sc.)
- Bilge Meydan, “City Ranking Towards Banking and Finance Data”, 2016. (M.Sc.)
- Volkan Haskılıç, "Mean Variance Portfolio Optimization with Various Risk Measurements: An ISE Application", (B.S. METU, Industrial Engineering), 2007. (M.Sc.)
- Hazım Tokuçcu, “DEA and Mean-Variance Analysis Based Portfolio Allocation Methodology”, (B.S. METU, Electronics Engineering), 2007. (M.Sc.)
- Nilgün Çanakgöz, "Business Failure Prediction Using Rough Sets: An Application to the Turkish Financial Market", (B.S. METU, Statistics), 2004. (M.Sc.)

Higher Education Planning
Strategic decision making in the field of higher education require scientific approach and high level planning. To serve this purpose, we are developing models that use the business analytics and operations research approaches. Main issues that we study in Higher Education sector can be listed as: Multicritearia analysis in E-learning environments, elective course assignment, benchmarking in higher education.
Books-Book Chapters
- “Operations Research”, Aydın Ulucan, Hacettepe University IIBF Publication Nr. 29, 2004. (republished by Siyasal publishing company, September 2004, ISBN 975-6325-11-9).
Published Papers (SCI-SSCI-SCIE-ESCI-Other International Index)
- Şahin, M., Ulucan, A. & Yurdugül, H., 2021. Learner classification based on interaction data in E-learning environments: the ELECTRE TRI method. Education and Information Technologies, 26, 2309–2326. (SSCI)
- Armagan Ozbilge, Aydin Ulucan & Kazim Baris Atici (2021) Elective course assignment problem: a revenue management based approach, INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research, 59:1, 145-168, DOI: 10.1080/03155986.2020.1796064 (SCI)
- Kazim Baris Atici, Gokhan Yasayacak, Yilmaz Yildiz, Aydin Ulucan, 2021. Green University and academic performance: An empirical study on UI GreenMetric and World University Rankings, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 291, p.125289.(SCIE)
- Bahçeci, A., Atıcı, K. B. , & Ulucan, A., (2020). Kamu-Üniversite-Sanayi İşbirliği (KÜSİ) Kapsamında Bölgesel Etkinlik ve Potansiyel Değerlendirmesi. MALIYE DERGISI , vol.178, 289-312. (ESCI)
- “Benchmarking in Higher Education Using Data Envelopment Analysis and the Bologna Process Data”, Aydin Ulucan, Kazim Baris Atici, Akin Ozkan, Croatian Operational Research Review, Vol.9 No.2, 301-316, 2018 (ESCI)
- “Measuring the Efficiency of Turkish Universities Using Measure-Specific Data Envelopment Analysis”, Aydın Ulucan, Sosyoekonomi Dergisi, cilt 14-1, 181-196, 2011.
International Conferences
- “An integer programming based scheduling of university wide orientation course activities”, A. Ulucan, E.M.Aydin, B.Çekiç, EURO 2018, 29th European Conference on Operational Research, July 8-11, 2018, Valencia, Spain.
- “Benchmarking in higher education using data envelopment analysis and the Bologna process data”, K.B. Atıcı, A. Ulucan, A.Özkan, EURO 2018, 29th European Conference on Operational Research, July 8-11, 2018, Valencia, Spain.
- “A DEA based Clustering Approach as a Classification Tool for Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis: An Application to World University Rankings”, K.Barış Atıcı and Aydın Ulucan,, EURO 2009, 23rd European Conference on Operational Research, July 5-8, 2009, Bonn, Germany.
Theses Supervised
- Akın ÖZKAN, “Solving University Course Timetabling Problems Using Integer Programming and Heuristic Approaches”, 2019. (Ph.D.)
- Armağan Özbilge, “Improving Higher Education Quality by Optimal Capacity Allocation: A Revenue Management Approach”, 2016. (M.Sc.)
- Akin Özkan, “Measurement of Higher Education Academic Program Efficiency in Bologna Process: An Application for Turkish Universities”, 2015. (M.Sc.)
- Serdar Polat, “Cross-country Evaluation of Education Systems’ Performance with Multicriteria Decision Analysis Method”, (B.S. Hacettepe University, Business), 2010. (M.Sc.)
- Barış Özkaya, “University Rankings and a Stochastic Multicriteria Acceptability Analysis Application”, (B.S. METU, Industrial Engineering), 2010. (M.Sc.)

Healthcare Planning
Another stream of our research focuses on the development and use of operations research and analytics in health and health care. Main issues that we study in Healthcare sector can be listed as: surgery planning and scheduling, patient flow control, human resource planning, optimization of healthcare processes, home care routing and public health policy assessment.
Books-Book Chapters
- “Operations Research”, Aydın Ulucan, Hacettepe University IIBF Publication Nr. 29, 2004. (republished by Siyasal publishing company, September 2004, ISBN 975-6325-11-9).
- “Forecasting in Health Management” in Operations Management In Health Industry, Anadolu University Press, 2016, ISBN: 978-975-06-1249-7.
- “Resource Allocation, Production and Capacity Planning using Linear Programming in Health Organizations” in Operations Management In Health Industry, Anadolu University Press, 2016. ISBN: 978-975-06-1249-7.
International Conferences
- “Bakımın Süreklilik Indeks Değerini Dikkate Alan Transfer Seçenekli Evde Sağlık Hizmetleri Atama Ve Rotalama Problemi”, Ahmet Bahadır Şimşek, Aydın Ulucan, Kazım Barış Atıcı, The 39th Operations Research / Industrial Engineering National Congress, YAEM 2019, June 12-14, 2019, Ankara, Turkey.
Theses Supervised
- Ahmet Bahadir SIMSEK, “Operations Research Applications in Health Care”, 2019.(Ph.D.)

Other Subjects
Agricultural planning, production planning, service industry planning, routing and scheduling are other applied research fields in which we produce academic output.
Books-Book Chapters
- “Operations Research”, Aydın Ulucan, Hacettepe University IIBF Publication Nr. 29, 2004. (republished by Siyasal publishing company, September 2004, ISBN 975-6325-11-9).
- “Inventory Management”, in Corporate Management in Falling Inflation, Ankara Chamber of Industry, 2004.
Published Papers (SCI-SSCI-SCIE-ESCI-Other International Index)
- “The measurement of agricultural productivity change in OECD countries with fuzzy data”, Kazim Baris Atici, Aydin Ulucan and Irmak Uzun Bayar, RAIRO-Oper. Res., Volume 52, Number 3, 1003 – 1017, July–September 2018 (SCI Expanded)
- “Veri Zarflama Analizi İle Uygulama Alanı Türkiye Olan Performans Ölçümü Çalışmaları: Literatür Araştırması ve Değerlendirmeler” Kazım Barış ATICI, Ahmet Bahadır ŞİMŞEK, Aydın ULUCAN, Mustafa Umur TOSUN, Verimlilik Dergisi, 2016/1, 7-47, 2016.
- “Mobilya Endüstrisinde Karlılığı Etkileyen Faktörlerin UTADIS Yaklaşımı ile Belirlenmesi”, Mehmet Çolak ve Aydın Ulucan, Sosyoekonomi Dergisi, cilt 15-1, 250-262, 2012.
- “Advertisement Scheduling in TV Channels: An Application of MIP”, Aydın Ulucan and Onur Ülker, Journal of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Hacettepe University, Vol.23-2, pp.221-233, 2005.
- “An Application of the Operations Research Methods in Airline Flight Operations Planning” Aydin Ulucan and Mehmet Eryiğit, Review of the Faculty of Political Sciences, Ankara University, Vol. 59-4, pp.227-248, 2004.
- “A Mathematical Programming Model for the Synchronized Development of Nonstationary Inventory and Distribution Schedules”, Armağan Tarım and Aydın Ulucan, Journal of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Gazi University, Vol. 2-3, pp.53-62, 2000.
- “Cost Minimisation in Seaborne Transportation of Petroleum Products: A Mixed Integer Programming Application for the Petrol Ofisi”, Armagan Tarim and Aydin Ulucan, Journal of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Hacettepe University, Vol.15, pp.190-197, 1997.
- “Network Analysis Approach in Problem Solving”, Aydın Ulucan, Journal of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Hacettepe University, Vol. 11, pp. 95-114, 1993.
International Conferences
- “Efficiency Assessment of the European Union and Turkish Agricultural Sectors from the Sustainability Perspective”, Şükrü Mollavelioğlu, Hakan Mihci, Selim Çağatay and Aydin Ulucan, 4th GARNET Annual Conference, 11-13 November 2009, Rome, Italy.
- “Efficiency Evaluation with Multi-DEA Analysis: An Application in a World Bank Supported Project”, Aydın Ulucan, 4th Conference on Performance Measurement and Management Control, September 26-28, 2007, EIASM, Nice, France.
Theses Supervised
- Barış Özkaya, “Atölye Tipi Üretim Için Makine Öğrenmesi Yöntemleri Ile Üretim Saati Tahmini: Havacılık Ve Savunma Sanayii Uygulaması”, 2021.(Ph.D.)
- Arif Eser, “Dinamik Araç Rotalama Problemi için Kesin ve Sezgisel Çözüm Yaklaşımları Geliştirilmesi”, 2021.(M.Sc.)
- Emre Leblebici, “Pandemi Sürecinde İnsansız Hava Araçları ile Keşif/Gözetleme ve Medikal Ürün Dağıtımı için Rotalama Uygulamaları”, 2021. (M.Sc.)
- Volkan HASKILIÇ, “A Mathematical Optimization Application for Autoclave Loading and Scheduling of Composite Production in Defense Industry”, 2019. (Ph.D.)
- Mehmet Eryiğit, "Design and Implementation of a Decision Support System for Fleet Assignment Problem", (B.S. Hacettepe University, Business), 2005. (Ph.D.)
- Dilara Aybala ELMAS, “On Vehicle Routing Problem of Unmanned Air Vehicles”, 2019. (M.Sc.)
- Yunus YILDIRIM, “The Classification of SCUBA Diving Sites with Multicriteria Decision Analysis and the Routing of a Diving Vacation Covering These Sites”, 2019. (M.Sc.)
- Irmak Uzun, “Time-based Efficiency Analysis with Missing/Fuzzy Data in World Agriculture”,2015. (M.Sc.)
- İnan Can,, "A DSS for Multicriteria Decision Making and Application in Defence Industry", (B.S. METU, Industrial Engineering), 2006. (M.Sc.)
- Emrah Özkaya, "Planning and Scheduling of Public Transportation Systems using Linear Programming ", (B.S. Gazi, Industrial Engineering), 2006. (M.Sc.)
- Çiğdem Şenöz, "Application of Integrated Fleet Assignment and Crew Pairing Models for Small Airlines in Aviation Sector", (B.S. Gazi, Industrial Engineering), 2005. (M.Sc.)
- Selen Çimen, "An Application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process and the Mixed Integer Programming to the Choice of Internet Access Technology Process in Rural Areas", (B.S. Gazi, Industrial Engineering), 2005. (M.Sc.)
- Onur Ülker, "Advertisement Scheduling in Television Channels: An Application of Mixed Integer Programming", (B.S. Hacettepe, Industrial Engineering), 2005. (M.Sc.)
- Kamer Korkmaz, "Management of Multi Projects: An Application in the Telecommunication Industry”, (B.S. Gazi, Industrial Engineering), 2004. (M.Sc.)
- Serkan Yıldız, "Resource Leveling and Earned Value Analysis in Project Management: An Application in Construction Industry", (B.S. Turkish Military School), 2001. (M.Sc.)