About Me

Berk Anbaroğlu received his BSc from the Computer Engineering Department at Baskent University where he developed interest in decision support systems and their utilisation in geographical information science. Consequently, he started his MSc at the Geodetic and Geographical Information Technologies Department at the Middle East Technical University, where he improved his skills on data mining and machine learning. Thanks to a joint-scholarship from Hacettepe University and the Council of Higher Education in Turkey, he pursued his PhD at the Civil, Environmental and Geomatics Engineering Department at University College London. During this endeavour he was fortunate to be supervised by Prof. Tao Cheng and Prof. Benjamin Heydecker and work on a compelling project regarding the investigation of spatio-temporal characteristics of transport networks. He successfully defended his thesis on developing a non-recurrent congestion detection methodology in 2013. Please refer to his CV for further details on his academic background, publications and awards.

At the moment he is working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Geomatics Engineering at Hacettepe University. He aims to share his enthusiasm on the broad area of geographical information science with his peers as well as his students. As an academic he is aware of his life-long studentship, during which Atatürk's and Rûmî's teachings would shed a light on his path.