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You are here: EPHESUS > Attractions > The Artemis Temple
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Ephesus proudly houses one of the seven ancient wonders of the world; the Temple of Artemis.

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The Artemis Temple

The Artemis Temple of Ephesus was demolished and rebuilt seven times, according to the famous historian Strabon. It was built always to the same site. Since the first construction it has seen certain modifications and improvements.

Today the site of the temple is a marshy field. A single column is erect to remind visitors that once there stood in that place one of the wonders of the ancient world.

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Marshy field of Artemis Temple today

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Last updated on 2/17/1999 by Hakan Tuzun
e-mail: htuzun@indiana.edu
URL: http://php.indiana.edu/~htuzun/ephesus/ephesus_home.html

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