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You are here: EPHESUS > Location
I'm just pointing where you are.
Located in the Republic of Turkey, Ephesus is about 10 km inland from the Aegean coast and approx 700 km south of Istanbul. Selçuk and Ephesus are located about 50 km/31 miles south of Izmir.

From Izmir (the airport gateway to the Turkish Riviera from most European connections) take a one hour taxi ride. The Dolmus (or mini-bus) is also great fun and will deliver you there cheaply, and certainly quickly from almost anywhere within the region.

Itinerary information from Ankara to Ephesus
CityRoad NoCumulative
distance (km)
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Road map from Ankara to Ephesus

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Last updated on 2/17/1999 by Hakan Tuzun
e-mail: htuzun@indiana.edu
URL: http://php.indiana.edu/~htuzun/ephesus/ephesus_home.html

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