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You are here: EPHESUS > Attractions > The House of Virgin Mary
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This house, where the Virgin Mary is supposed to have lived during her last days, and to have died with Johanna at her side, is situated 7 km south of the antique city of Ephesus. The German Nun Katharina Emmerich (1774-1824) described the surroundings of the house from a dream she had. Lazarist monks in Izmir set out in 1891 to find the house based on sister Emmerich's description. They found the remains and built a chapel here.

Pope John XXIII declared it a pilgrimage site in 1961.

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The House of Virgin Mary in Ephesus

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Last updated on 2/17/1999 by Hakan Tuzun
e-mail: htuzun@indiana.edu
URL: http://php.indiana.edu/~htuzun/ephesus/ephesus_home.html

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