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Lütfi ERDEN April, 2012


Undergraduate : Uludag University, Department of Econometrics, 1993
Graduate/Masters’ Degree : University of Colorado at Denver, Department of Economics, 1997
Graduate/ PH.D: The Florida State University, Department of Economics, 2002
Foreign Languages: English

Applied Econometrics
International Trade and Finance

2009- : Associate Prof., Department of Economics, Hacettepe University, Turkey
2008- : Adjunct Lecturer, TOBB-Economics and Technology Univ., Ankara
2005-2008: Assistant Prof., Department of Economics, Hacettepe University, Turkey
2006-2007: Adjunct Lecturer, Police Academy, Gölbasi, Ankara,
Dec 2004 – Sep 2008: Assistant Chair, Department of Economics, H.U.
2003 Spring – 2005: Instructor, Dr., Department of Economics, Hacettepe University, Turkey
2003 Fall: Research Assistant, Dr., Department of Economics, Mersin University, Turkey

Erden, L. “The effects of financial markets on private capital formation: An empirical analysis of Turkish data over 1968-1998 period.” METU International Conference, Sep-2002, Ankara, Turkey.

Çakmak-Karaçay, H. and Erden, L. “New Industrial Districts and Spatial Search: Cases of Denizli and Gaziantep” Pamukkale Univ. Ekonomi Yaz Seminerleri, Temmuz-2004, Denizli, Turkey. (in Turkish)

Journal Articles Indexed in SCI, SSCI and Other International Indices (Econlit, IBSS, IndexCopernicius)

Erden, L. and R. G. Holcombe (2005) “The Effects of Public Investment on Private Investment in Developing Economies,” Public Finance Review, 33(5), 575-602.

Erden L. (2005) “The Effects of Financial Markets on Private Capital Formation: An Empirical Analysis of Turkish Data over 1968-1998 period” Yapi Kredi Economic Review, 16(2), 21-29.

Erden, L. and R. G. Holcombe (2006) “The Linkage between Public and Private Investment: A Cointegration Analysis of a Panel of Developing Countries,” Eastern Economic Journal, 32(3), 479-492.

Özkan, I. and L. Erden (2007) “Identifying the Turning Points in Turkish Business Cycles” Akdeniz Univ. Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 7(2), 1-19. (in Turkish)

Erden, L. and I. Özkan (2007) “Country-size Argument as a Potential Explanation for the Feldstein-Horioka Puzzle” The Empirical Economics Letters, 6(6), 501-507.

Erden, L. and S. S. Önder (2008) “Exchange Rate Pass-through within the Framework of Inflation Targeting in Turkey”. The Empirical Economics Letters, 7(12), 1243-1250.

Ozkan, I; L. Erden and B. Turksen (2009) “A Fuzzy Analysis of Country-size Argument for the Feldstein-Horioka Puzzle” Information Sciences, 179 (16), 2754-2761.

Erden, L.; I. Ozkan and B. Gunalp (2009) “What do Productivity Shocks tell us on the Saving-Investment Relationship?” Prague Economic Papers, 18 (3), 195-208.

Erden, L. and A. Güven (2009) “The Impact of Aid on the Fiscal Behavior of Governments in Transition Economies” Ekonomicky Casopis, 57 (5), 445-457.

Çakmak-Karaçay, H. and Erden, L. (2010) “The link between regional efficiency and public policies in Turkey: An analysis of a panel threshold model” Iktisat,Isletme ve Finans, 25 (289), 47-70. (in Turkish)

Erden, L. and H. Çakmak-Karaçay (2010) “Optimality of Public Capital in Turkey: A Regional Analysis” Gaziantep Univ. Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 9, 533-551. (in Turkish)

Erden, L. and O. Çagatay (2011) “The Relationship between Current and Capital Accounts in Turkey” Hacettepe Univ. Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 29 (2), 49-67. (in Turkish)

Gur, T., L. Erden and I. Ozkan (2011) “An investigation on the determinants of domestic saving-investment interaction” Panoeconomicus, 3, 343-353.


Articles in Refereed National Journals
Çakmak-Karaçay, H. and L. Erden (2004) “New regional development approaches and public policies: An empirical analysis of a regional panel from Turkey” Gazi Univ. Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 6 (3), 77-96. (in Turkish)

Erden, L. (2005) “Public and Private Investment in a Vector Error Correction Model: Empirical Evidence from Turkey”, Hacettepe Univ. Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 23(1), 17-27.

Erden, L. (2005) “Structural Adjustment and Domestic Private Saving and Investment Interaction in Turkey: A Cointegration Analysis”, Celal Bayar Univ. Journal of Management and Economics, 12(1), 95-106.

Erden, L. and H. Çakmak-Karaçay (2005) “Local development and the changing role of government in Turkey: An analysis of Provincial Panel Data” Hacettepe Univ. Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 23 (2) 13-32. (in Turkish)

Çakmak-Karaçay, H. and L. Erden (2005) “New Industrial Districts and Spatial Search: Cases of Denizli and Gaziantep”, Cumhuriyet Univ. Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 6, 111-129. (in Turkish)

Erden, L. (2005) “The Impact of Capital Account Liberalization on the Coefficient of Saving Retention in Turkey”, Erciyes Univ. Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 25(2), 19-32.

Güven, A. and L. Erden (2007), “Foreign Aid in a Fiscal Response Model: Case of Turkey”, Hacettepe Univ. Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 25(1), 21-37. (in Turkish)

Erden, L. and G. Saglam (2009) “The Effects of Exchange Rate Volatility on Industrial Imports in Turkey: An Analysis of an ARDL Model for Imports” Hacettepe Univ. Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 27(2), 19-44. (in Turkish)

1) “An investigation on the effects of investment subsidies and public investment on provincial efficiency in Turkey: Provincial panel data applications” TUBITAK Research Grant, 2008-2010.
2) “International Transmission of Business Cycles: Where is the Turkish Economy at?” TUBITAK Research Grant, 2011-2012.
3) “Fiscal Responses of Governments to Privatization: The Cases of Turkey and Transition Economies” TUBITAK Research Grant, 2011-2012.

Masters’ Theses: (Advisor)
1.Sahin Sakir Önder (August 2008) “Enflasyon Hedeflemesi ve Döviz Kuru-Enflasyon Arasindaki Geçiskenlik: Türkiye Örnegi”. (Inflation targeting and Exchange rate pass-through: Turkish Case)
2. Rengin Saliha Yildiz (June 2009) “Klasik Karsilastirmali Üstünlükler Teorisi'nin Türkiye'deki Geçerliliginin Sinanmasi”. (Testing the validity of classical comparative advantage theory for Turkey)
3.Güliz Saglam (June 2009) “Türkiye'de Döviz Kuru Oynakliginin Yatirim ve Tüketim Mallari Ithalat Talebine Etkileri”.(The effects of exchange rate volatility on the imports of investment and consumption goods in Turkey”
4.Oktay Çagatay (June 2010) “Türkiye'de Cari Islemler Hesabi ile Sermaye Hesabi Arasindaki Nedensellik Iliskisi”.(The relationship between current and capital accounts in Turkey)
5.Ayda Güven (Jan 2011) “Dis Ticaret Serbestlesmesi ile Ekonomik Büyüme Arasindaki Iliskinin Incelenmesi”.(An investigation on the relationship between trade liberalization and economic growth)
6. Merve Kir (June 2011) “Türkiye’de Büyüme ve Issizlik Arasindaki Iliskinin Ampirik Analizi” (An empirical analysis of the relationship between economic growth and unemployment in Turkey)
Working Papers
1. “The Impacts of Regional Public Policies on Efficiency in Turkey”
2. “Turkish Business Cycle and Transmission of International Business Cycles” (in Turkish)
3. “Fiscal Responses to Privatization in Transition Economies: An Empirical Assessment”
4. “Determinants of International Transmission of Business Cycles to Turkey”
5. “The Impact of Privatization on Fiscal Behavior in Turkey” (in Turkish)

Scholarship granted by the Ministry of Education for graduate studies abroad.

Turkish Economics Association

Hacettepe Univ. Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences (Hacettepe Üniv. I.I.B.F Dergisi)
Tax Report (Vergi Raporu)
Socioeconomics (Sosyoekonomi)
Journal of Development Economics
Business and Politics
World Development
Economic Modeling



Designed by: Asli Tantekin Last Updated: May 8, 2012