Hacettepe University Department of Information Management

BBY 309 Database Management Systems (Fall 2005) Yaşar Tonta


Complete by November 07, 2005 12:30 pm.

Note: Cookie assignment aims to teach you how to use Microsoft Access database management systemThese assignment will also prepare you for the first midterm scheduled on November 07, 2005.  You are not required to turn in this assignment officially.  Yet questions in the midterm will be similar to the ones given here.  Follow the instructions, download the Cookie database and try to answer questions using MS Access available in the Computer LabTeaching assistants (Yurdagül Ünal or İrem Soydal) and myself are prepared to answer your questions regarding Cookie assignment.

If you wish to complete your Cookie assignment on your personal computer, you can do soMake sure you have MS Access available on your PC and download the Cookie database from the course web site by following the instructions given below.  

Before you start, please ask the teaching assistants (TAs) for login id and password to get access to your own folder (subdirectory) under "Network Neighborhood/bilgi/".  Folders are ordered according to your student numbers.

If not already created, please create a path under the C: drive in the form of C:/MSOFFICE/ACCESS/COOKIE. To do this, go to the C: drive. Under the "File" menu of Windows Explorer, pick "New" option. A new option should appear with a folder icon named "Folder". Click on it. You will be asked to give a name to this folder. Name it as "MSOFFICE". Then, repeat the same steps given above to create subfolders under C:/MSOFFICE and C:/MSOFFICE/ACCESS, respectively. Needless to say, folder names should be "ACCESS" and "COOKIE" in the second and third steps, respectively.

Then, go to the course web site and download the file and copy it under your own directoryThe Cookie2000.mdb file that you use to answer queries is located in the compressed file.  Here are the instructions to download this file.  Go to the course web site ( Double click on the file name called Cookie2005.zipThe download window should be opened and you will be asked to identify the folder under which you wish to copy the file.  The default folder is My Download FilesChange it to "Network Neighborhood/bilgi/<yourfolder>.  You will be asked to enter your password in order to be able to download the file. Enter it. The file will then be downloadedWhen download is completed, you will be asked if you wish to "Extract" the zipped file.  Say "yes" and "Extract" the file under the same folderWhen the process is complete, double click on the file named "Cookie2000.mdb".  (The procedure of downloading may vary. If you are not asked if you wish to exrtact the zipped file, then use the Windows Explorer to go to your folder under Network Neighborhood/bilgi/, locate the file name "Cookie2005" and double click on it. When the Winzip program starts, "Extract" the contents of the zipped file on to your folder. Then click on the file named "Cookie2000.mdb".) This should start the MS Access 2000 program and open the named file.  You are ready to complete your assignment.

Use the Cookie database to answer the following questions.


1.      Who is the author of the CD-ROM in the Library? (CD-ROM in the Library  adlı kitabın yazarı kimdir?)

2.  Find the publisher name and address of the book CD-ROM in the Library. (CD-ROM in the Library adlı kitabın yayıncısını ve adresini bulunuz.)

3.      Which library or libraries own the book CD-ROM in the Library? (CD-ROM in the Library adlı kitap hangi kütüphanelerde vardır? )

4.  Which subject headings are assigned to the book CD-ROM in the Library? (CD-ROM in the Library adlı kitaba hangi konu başlıkları verilmiştir?)

5.      List the authors and titles of books owned by the Moffitt Library on the subject of "Education" and published by "Dell Publishing" along with their call numbers. (Moffitt Kütüphanesinin sahip olduğu “Eğitim” (Education) konu başlıklı ve “Dell Publishing” yayınevi tarafından yayımlanmış olan kitapların yazarlarını ve eser adlarını yer numaralarıyla birlikte listeleyiniz. )

6.  List all the books owned by the Berkeley Public Library and its branches along with their call numbers, prices, and number of copies. (Berkeley Halk Kütüphanesinin ve şubelerinin sahip olduğu tüm kitapları yer numaraları, fiyatları ve kopya sayılarıyla birlikte listeleyiniz. )

7.  List the duplicate books owned by all libraries that cost more than 10 dollars in descending order by price(Tüm kütüphanelerdeki fiyatı 10 dolardan daha fazla olan duplike kitapları en pahalısından en ucuzuna doğru listeleyiniz.)

8.  How many books do all libraries own? (Tüm kütüphanelerde kaç kitap bulunmaktadır?)

9.  How much would it cost to replace all the books owned by all libraries? (Tüm kütüphanelerin sahip olduğu kitapların toplam fiyatı ne kadardır?)

10. What are the subject headings assigned to the book authored by Veysey and owned by the Library of Congress? (Kongre Kütüphanesindeki Veysey tarafından yazılan kitaba hangi konu başlıkları verilmiştir?) 

Think of at least three questions that can be solved by using the Cookie database.  Use at least three tables.  Formulate and execute them.

Yaşar Tonta

Last updated: October 24, 2005