Hacettepe University Department of Information Management
DOK 422 Information Networks (Spring 2003) Yaşar Tonta

Ders saati ve yeri: Pazartesi 09:10-12:00 (B8 1K 102)
Ders sorumlusu: Yaşar Tonta (e-posta:; tel: 297 82 04) 
Dersin web adresi: 

Objectives    Reading List


1 Introduction to Concepts of Library Information Networks (24/2)

2 Historical Background -- Network Topologies/ Local Area Networks (3/3)

3 Development of Wide Area Networks (BITNET, EARN, Internet); Internet2, Next Generation Internet, TEN 155/ European Academic and Research Networks (10/3)

Homework: Write a brief paper on a given topic. Be prepared to discuss it in class (about 5 minutes). Further instructions are given in the homework. Use the link to see the list of assigned topics. Deadline: 31 March 2003. Homework is worth 20% of the final grade.

4 History of Networking in Turkey (TÜVAKA, TRNET, TURNET, ULAKNET, TTNet, etc.) (17/3) 

5 Information Networks and Interlibrary Cooperation (MORENet, GALILEO, ICOLC, JISC, CICNet, ANKOS, etc.) (24/3)

6  Network Standards, Hardware, Software, New Standards and Services (Z39.50 Information Retrieval Standard) (31/3) 

7 (7/4; Midterm I)

8. Distributed Digital Libraries (NCSTRL, NDLTD); Federated Search Concept; Access Management; Authentication & Authorization (14/4)

9 Access to Networked Information Sources/Search Engines/Meta Search Engines (21/4)

10 Metadata; Digital Object Identifiers (28/4)

11 Data Security in Information Networks; Organization and Administration of Information Networks (5/5)

12 (Midterm II (12/5) )

13 19/5 Holiday

14 Future of Information Networks / Conclusions and Evaluation (26/5) 

Yaşar Tonta
Last updated: Feb 20, 2003