Dr. M. Tekin Yürür

Geomatik Mühendisliði Bölümü Öðretim Üyesi

Geology for Mining Engineers

(lecture notes as PDFs to download)


1. Chapter  Introduction to plate  tectonics

2. Chapter  Earthquakes

3. Chapter  Minerals and rocks

4. Chapter  Igneous rocks

5. Chapter  Weathering of rocks             

6. Chapter  Sedimentary rocks      

7. Chapter  Metamorphic rocks     

8. Chapter 1  Deformation of rocks, part 1

8. Chapter 2  Deformation of rocks, part 2 


Note. Documented essentially from the lecture notes of Dr. Kadir Dirik.

Arazi çalýþmalarý

Latest exam questions

Questions coming from our students


1) Parent material of igneous rocks consist of what?

Liquid portion (melt), solids (if any, are crystals of silicate minerals), and volatiles


2) What are the hazards of volcanoes?

pyroclastic flows


volcano-related tsunamis

volcanic ash/gases


3) What are the two types of weathering?

Mechanical and chemical


4) What's an example of chemical weathering?



5) Which type of rock covers about 75% of Earth?



6) What are the three types of stress on rocks?

Compressional, tensional, shear


7) Which type of seismic waves tend to cause the greatest destruction to buildings during earthquakes?

Surface waves


8) Most earthquakes happen where?

at Earth's faults


9) What is Earth's core temperature?

5500 degrees celsius


10) What are some examples of energy resources?

Petroleum, coal, and natural gas


11) What are Earth's 4 spheres?

Atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, and asthenosphere


12) What are the processes of the rock cycle?

cooling and crystallization of lava

weathering, transport, and deposition





13) What are the two different types of lavas?

Block lavas and pillow lavaþ


14)What are the two major groups of sedimentary rock?

Detrital and chemical/organic


15)What are the types of metamorphism?


Subduction zone, contact, regional, burial, and hydrothermal







1. Coal is an organic sedimentary rock TRUE/FALSE

2.What is Earth's earthquake causing structure? A.lithosphere B.Crust C.Mantle D.core

3.Rocks are classified as sedimentary clastic and chemical rocks. TRUE/FALSE

4.What is the plutonic equivalent of rhyolite (volcanic rock)?         A.gold B.quartz C.granite D.silver

5.The continental crust is denser than the oceanic crust. TRUE /FALSE










Second mid-term of Geology for Mining Engineers                   7th of May, 2019


Two processes of mechanical weathering are a)   .....................................                                         ........................................   and  .............................................                                 

Iron in minerals like olivine, biotite, pyroxene combines with oxygen to form the reddish iron oxide, called  …………………, or the yellowish / brown hydroxide, called …………………………..

Olivine is more / less stable than biotite against weathering. (put an X on the wrong term).

Which layer of the soil is important for mining activities ?   …………………

Laterite is an important kind of soil since it contains …………………oxides and   …………………oxides.

Gossans have been mined for iron, but they may also contain elements like …………… and ……………

Depositional processes include configuration, transportation, selection and proliferation (circle the right term).

Sedimentary rock is simply any rock composed of  ………………… .

When a sedimentary rock is poorly sorted, its sediments have ………………… sizes.

Lithification by compaction, cementation and recrystallization are processes by which sediments turn into …………………………………………... 

Depositional areas of the sedimentary rocks are continental, …………………………….. and ………………………

Mud is composed of ………………… and ……………………

Mud need to experience compaction, recrystallization, cementation or both of them to be a mudstone (circle the right ter mor terms).

………………… is a common chemical cement.

Put into order these particles, from the finer to the coarser: silt, gravel, clay, sand.


Coal is a …………….. sedimentary rock.

In normal graded bedding, the finer detritics are on the lower / upper part of the bed (circle the right term).

Agents of the metamorphism are ……………….. , pressure and ………………………..

The metamorphic equivalent of the limestone is ………………….

Rocks may deform by two different types of pressures: directed (differential) pressure and …………………….. pressure.

First mid-term of Geology for Mining Engineers                       2nd of April, 2019

Why do you think that geology is an important topic for mining activities?

The Earth’s structure that generates earthquakes is a  . . . . .     .

Most of the Earth is composed of . . . . .  which, in turn, are composed of . . . . . . . .      .

To be a mineral, a solid should have the following properties:

a. It should  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

b. It should  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Rocks are classified as sedimentary, . . . . . .  and . . . . . . . . . . .   rocks.

Earth is composed of a crust, . . . . . .  and . . . .     .

The continental crust is less . . . . . . than the oceanic crust.

The Bowen reaction series (BRS) deal with facts associated with a . . . . .  that solidifies.

The last and the first mineral that solidify according to the (BRS) is, respectively, the . . . . . . and the . . . . . . .      .

In which kind of magma do you expect to find more iron ? Answer:

If I am able to distinguish with naked eye the minerals in an igneous rock, the texture is . . . . . . . . . .    

The plutonic equivalent of the rhyolite (volcanic rock) is:        . . . . . . .        . 

Put the following minerals in order, from the hardest to the softest, according to the Mohs hardness scale: quartz, diamond, calcite and corundom:                                                                

Knowledge of igneous rocks is important since several  . . .   deposits are associated with them.

Processes that originate deep in the Earth’s interior are called . . . . . . . .  processes. These are the . . . . . . .     forces that raise mountains, cause earthquakes and produce volcanic eruptions.