Emre Yağlı
Associate ProfessorHacettepe University, Faculty of Letters,
Department of English Linguistics
Beytepe, 06532
Çankaya, Ankara, Turkey
+90 312 297 8525 (121)
Hi! I am an associate professor in the Department of English Linguistics
in the Faculty of Letters at Hacettepe University.
As a sociolinguist, my primary interest is in the social meaning-making process visible through language variation.
Related to this, I am interested in language variation and change.
I received my MA and PhD from the Department of English Linguistics at Hacettepe University,
and I work as an associate professor in the same department.
- PhD in Linguistics | 2012-2018 Hacettepe University Department of English Linguistics
- Research during PhD | 2017 (January - April) The University of Edinburgh, School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences, Edinburgh, Scotland
- MA in Linguistics | 2009-2012 Hacettepe University Department of English Linguistics
- BA in Linguistics | 2004-2009 Hacettepe University Department of English Linguistics
Title: Indexing social meaning: Sociophonetic variables and listener perceptions of Turkish | [LINK]
Advisor: Prof Dr Işıl Özyıldırım
Advisor: Dr Lauren Hall-Lew
Title: An Optimality Theoretical analysis of focus in Turkish | [LINK]
Advisor: Assoc Prof Dr Emine Yarar
Research Interests
- Language variation
- Language change
- Speech perception
- Language ideology