Invited talks


  • Yağlı, E. (2022). Dil ideolojisi ve belirtisellik. Talk given in Mersin University Students' Linguistic Society (4 March 2022). Online event.
    (English title: Language ideologies and indexicality)
  • Yağlı, E. (2022). Dil ideolojileri. Talk given in AHBAP Hacettepe (2 March 2022). Online event.
    (English title: Language ideologies)


  • Yağlı, E. (2021). Dil değişkenliği ve toplumsal belirtisellik. Talk given in Dilbilim Öğrenci Platformu (22 December 2021). Online event.
    (English title: Language variation and social indexicality)
  • Yağlı, E. (2021). Language ideology and indexicality. Talk given in Language Studies Students Society of İstanbul Aydın University (26 November 2021). Online event.
  • Yağlı, E. (2021). Türkiye'de dil değişkenliği çalışmaları. Talk given in İzmir Linguistics Circle (3 April 2021). Online event.
    (English title: Linguistic variation studies in Turkey) [YouTube LINK]
  • Yağlı, E. (2021). Dil etkileşimi ve etkileşim dilleri. Talk given in Bilim Virüsü Vaka Kampı (12-13 March 2021). Online event.
    (English title: Language contact and contact languages)
  • Yağlı, E. (2021). Dilin kültürel ve biyolojik evrimi. Talk given in EMSA Pamukkale. (9 January 2021). Online event.
    (English title: The cultural and biological evolution of language) [YouTube LINK]


  • Yağlı, E. (2019). Toplumdilbilim ve dil değişimi. Talk given in İstanbul Medeniyet University Linguistics Society. (29 November 2019). İstanbul, İstanbul Medeniyet University, Turkey.
    (English title: Sociolinguistics and language change)



  • Kökpınar Kaya, E., & Yağlı, E. (2023). Futbolda galibiyetin çerçevelenmesi: Twitter platformundaki futbol söylemi üzerine eleştirel bir çözümleme. Paper presented at the 36th National Conference on Turkish Linguistics. (11-12 May 2023). Kayseri, Erciyes University, Turkey.
    (English title: Framing victory in football: A critical analysis on the football discourse on the Twitter platform)


  • Kökpınar Kaya, E., Demir, Y., Yağlı, E., Çınar, O., ve Efeoğlu Özcan, E. (2022). Türkiye medyasında ‘koronafobinin’ söylemsel inşası. Paper presented at the 35th National Conference on Turkish Linguistics. (12-13 May, 2022). Konya, Necmettin Erbakan University, Türkiye.
    (English title: Discursive construction of ‘coronaphobia’ in Turkish media)


  • Kumcu, A., & Yağlı, E. (2021). Sensory norms for 925 Turkish nouns. Paper presented at the 20th International Conference on Turkish Linguistics. (2-4 August 2021). Eskişehir, Anadolu University, Turkey.
  • Yağlı, E. & Kökpınar Kaya, E. (2021). Bu kural o kadar da basit değil: dA ve -DA'nın yazımı üzerine bir dil ideolojisi çalışması. Paper presented at the 34th National Conference on Turkish Linguistics. (29-30 April 2021). Ankara, Middle East Technical University, Turkey.
    (English title: This rule is not so simple: A language ideology analysis on the orthographic form of dA and -DA)


  • Yağlı, E., Karakaş, A. K. (2019). Lubuncanın kullanım ve aktarım biçimleri: Kuir öğrenci topluluğu üzerine bir inceleme. Paper presented at the 33rd National Conference on Turkish Linguistics. (9-10 May 2019). Mersin, Mersin University.
    (English title: Usage and transmission of Lubunca: An analysis on queer student community)


  • Yağlı, E., & Özyıldırım, I. (2018). Social meaning of /r/ in Turkish. Paper presented at the Second International Conference on Sociolinguistics ICS2. (September 6-9, 2018). Budapest, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary.
  • Woschitz, J., & Yağlı, E. (2018). The meaning change of 'hayır'. Paper presented at the Second International Conference on Sociolinguistics ICS2. (September 6-9, 2018). Budapest, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary.
  • Yağlı, E. (2018). Duruş ve kurumsallaşmış bilgi: Heteronormatif topluluklarda /r/ algısı. Paper presented at the 32nd National Conference on Turkish Linguistics. (2-4 May 2018). İzmir, Dokuz Eylül University, Turkey.
    (English title: Stance and institutionalized knowledge: Perception of /r/ in heteronormative communities)
  • Woschitz, J., & Yağlı, E. (2018). The meaning change of 'hayır'. Paper presented at the Language and Context Research Group. (9 March 2018). Edinburgh, The University of Edinburgh, Scotland.


  • Kökpınar Kaya, E., & Yağlı, E. (2017). Arguments of 'innocence' and 'corruption' in Turkish football: A football team's legacy through its resistance towards 'match-fixing' and 'civil coup'. Paper presented at the 15th International Pragmatics Conference. (July 16-21 2917). Belfast, Northern Ireland.
  • Yağlı, E., & Özyıldırım, I. (2017). Türkçede perde genişliğinin konuşma algısı ve belirtisellik. Paper presented at the 31st National Conference on Turkish Linguistics. (12-13 May 2017). Eskişehir, Anadolu University, Turkey.
    (English title: Perception of pitch-width in Turkish and indexicality)
  • Kökpınar Kaya, E., & Yağlı, E. (2017). Yeşil sahalardan Viyana kapılarına: Twitter gönderilerinde Osmanlıspor üzerine bir söylemlerarasılık incelemesi. Paper presented at the 31st Conference on Turkish Linguistics. (12-13 May 2017). Eskişehir, Anadolu University, Turkey.
    (English title: From the football pitch to the gates of Vienna: An interdiscursivity analysis on Osmanlıspor in Twitter posts)
  • Yağlı, E. (2017). Indexing social meaning: Sociophonetic variables and listener perceptions of Turkish. Paper presented at the Language Variation and Change Research Group. (8 March 2017). Edinburgh, the University of Edinburgh, Scotland.


  • Yağlı, E. (2016). Hava durumu eylemleri tipolojisi. Paper presented at the Seminar on Linguistic Typology and Typology of Turkic Languages. (19 December 2016). Ankara, Hacettepe University Department of Contemporary Dialects and Literatures, Turkey.
    (English title: A typology of weather verbs)
  • Yağlı, E., & Özyıldırım, I. (2016). Attending to the perception of 'being a teacher' in Turkey: Sociophonetic variables and listener perceptions. Paper presented at the ExAPP: 3rd Conference on Experimental Approaches to Perception and Production of Language Variation. (21-24 September 2016). Vienna, the University of Vienna, Austria.
  • Kökpınar Kaya, E., & Yağlı, E. (2017). '3 Temmuz Süreci'nin Türkiye spor gazetelerindeki gösterimleri üzerine bir durum çalışması. Paper presented at the 30th National Conference on Turkish Linguistics. (14-15 May 2017). Ankara, Ankara University, Turkey.
    (English title: A case study on the representation of the July 3 Case on sports newsprint in Turkey: A cricital approach)


  • Kökpınar Kaya, E., Çınar, O., & Yağlı, E. (2015). Syrians beyond Syria's border: The standpoints of newsprint media in Turkey through governmental and anti-governmental traits. Paper presented at the Political Discourse: Multidisciplinary Approaches. (26-27 June 2015). London, University College London, England.
  • Kökpınar Kaya, E., Çınar, O., & Yağlı, E. (2015). Türkiye gazetelerinde Suriyeli 'mültecilerin' söylemsel gösterimleri: Suriyeliler üzerine 'tehdit' ve 'mağdur' çerçevesinde farklı tartışmalar. Paper presented at the 29th National Conference on Turkish Linguistic. (21-22 May 2015). Kocaeli, Kocaeli University, Turkey.
    (English title: The discursive representation of Syrian 'refugees' in the newspapers of Turkey: A discussion on Syrians through the topoi of 'threat' and 'victim')
  • Çınar, O., & Yağlı, E. (2015). A cognitive semiotic approach to weather expressions. Paper presented at the Cognitive Linguistics Workshop.. (5 May 2015). Ankara, Hacettepe University, Turkey.


  • Büyükkantarcıoğlu, S. N., Akçapınar Sezer, E., Ayhan, E., Kumcu, A., Alan, C., Hastürkoğlu, G., Yağlı, E., Cangir, H., Ahmadlouei, H., Talaie, N.,Korkmaz, N., Ağırel, S. (2013). Uygulamaya yönelik doğal dil işlemleme odaklı Türk Politika Derlemi Projesi: 1983-2013. Paper presented at the 27th National Conference on Turkish Linguistics. (2-4 May 2013). Antalya, Hacettepe University, Turkey.
    (English title: Corpus of Turkish politics (1983-2013) with the aim of applications related to natural language processing)
  • Yağlı, E., & Çınar, O. (2013). Türkçede hava durumu eylemi yağ-: En Uygunluk Kuramı yaklaşımı. Paper presented at the 27th National Conference on Turkish Linguistics. (2-4 May 2013). Antalya, Hacettepe University, Turkey.
    (English title: The weather verb yağ- in Turkish: An Optimality Theoretical account)
  • Yağlı, E. (2013). Turkish MP's use of personal pronoun 'we' in Twitter community: A genre-based political discourse analysis. Paper presented at the Twitter and Microblogging: Political, Professional and Personal Practices. (10-12 April 2013). Lancaster, Lancaster University, England.


  • Yarar, E., & Yağlı, E. (2012). An Optimality Theoretical analysis of information structure in Turkish. Paper presented at the 16th International Conference on Turkish Linguistics. (18-20 September 2012). Ankara, Middle East Technical University, Turkey.
  • Yağlı, E., & Yarar, E. (2012). En Uygunluk Kuramı çerçevesinde Türkçede bilgi yapısının incelenmesi. Paper presented at the 26th National Conference on Turkish Linguistics. (24-26 May 2012). Isparta, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Turkey.
    (English title: Analysis of information structure within the farmework of Optimality Theory)
  • Kökpınar Kaya, E., & Yağlı, E. (2012). Türkçe konuşmalarda sıra tamamlama ve sıra tutma eylemlerinin bürünsel özellikleri. Paper presented at the 26th National Conference on Turkish Linguistics. (24-26 May 2012). Isparta, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Turkey.
    (English title: The prosodic features of turn-yielding and turn-holding in Turkish conversations)
  • Yağlı, E. (2012). En Uygunluk Kuramı (EUK) ilkeleri ve EUK bağlamında Türkçenin bilgi yapısı çalışmalarında uygunalabilecek sınırlılıklar. Talk given in Ankara Linguistics Circle. (27 April 2012). Ankara, Hacettepe University, Turkey.
    (English title: The principles of Optimality Theory (OT) and the constraints that can be employed in the studies on the information structure of Turkish)