Önerilen Kitaplar:
- http://www.pveducation.org/
- Physics
of Solar Cells, Jenny Nelson, Imperial College Press, (2003
- Third
Generation Photovoltaics, M.A. Green, Springer, (2006)
- Applied
Photovoltaics, Stuart R Wenham (Ed.), Martin A Green (Ed.),
Muriel E Watt (Ed.), Richard Corkish (Ed.), Earthscan,
- Solar
Electricity, T.Markvart, Wiley, (1994)
- Optoelectronics
And Photonics: Principles And Practices, S.O. Kasap,
Prentice Hall (2001).
- Semiconductor
Optoelectronics, J. Singh,
Mc Graw Hill Press,
- Semiconductor
Devices: Physics and Technology, S.M.Sze, Wiley (1985).