


Associate Professor

Department of Civil Engineering
Hacettepe University
Beytepe, Ankara, Turkey, 06800

Book Chapters

Refereed Papers in Journals

Papers in Conference Proceedings

Technical Reports

Workshop Presentations

Conference Presentations


Book Chapters

1. Boyaci, B. and B. Guldur (2016). "The Revisions for the Gusset Plate Load Rating Approach: A Comparative Case Study,”Developments in International Bridge Engineering: Selected Papers from Istanbul Bridge Conference 2014, Springer, Medford, MA, 41-50, ISBN: 978-3-319-19784-5 (Print) 978-3-319-19785-2 (Online). (

Refereed Papers in Journals

12. Aktepe, R., and B. Guldur Erkal (2024). "Prediction of the initial geometric imperfection magnitudes for numerical modeling of cold-formed steel channel sections," Structures, 60:105869. (
11. Cagrici, O. G., R. Aktepe, and B. Guldur Erkal (2023). " Novel Imperfection Method for Post-Buckling Strength of C-Sectioned CFS Members,” Turkish Journal of Civil Engineering, 34(6). (
10. Guldur Erkal, B. (2023). "“Hafif Çelik Elemanlar için İki Boyutlu Görüntülerden Üç Boyutlu Yüzey Ağı Elde Edilmesi (Obtaining three-dimensional surface meshes from two-dimensional images for cold-formed steel members),” Düzce University Journal of Science and Technology, 11(4):1930-1945. (
9. Aktepe R. and B. Guldur Erkal (2023)."State-of-the-art review on imperfection measurement techniques and numerical modeling in CFS members," Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 207, 107942. (
8. Arpali, O. Y., U. C. Yilmaz, B. Guldur Erkal, E. Aydin Gol and M. Gol (2023). "MDP based real time restoration for earthquake damaged active distribution systems," Electric Power Systems Research, 218, 109230. (
7. Aktepe R. and B. Guldur Erkal (2023)."Experimental and numerical study on flexural behaviour of cold-formed steel hat-shaped beams," Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 202, 107774. (
6. Aktepe R., S. Akduman, and B. Guldur Erkal (2023). "Experimental investigation on lateral behavior of novel hybrid cold-formed steel walls with composite sheathing," Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 202, 107766. (
5. Guldur Erkal, B. (2023). "Nokta bulutları kullanılarak hafif çelik elemanlardaki şekilsel kusurların doğru tespit edilmesi ve boyutlandırılması (Accurate geometric imperfection detection and quantification of cold-formed steel members from point clouds)," Journal of Gazi University Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, 38:3 (2023) 1561-1575. (
4. Guldur Erkal, B. and O. G. Cagrici (2022). "Automated Geometric Imperfection Detection and Quantification of CFS Members from Point Clouds," KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 26(9). (
3. Guldur Erkal, B. and J. F. Hajjar (2020). "Using Extracted Member Properties for Laser-Based Surface Damage Detection and Quantification,” Structural Control and Health Monitoring, e2616:1-27. (
2. Guldur Erkal, B. and J. F. Hajjar (2017). "Laser-based Surface Damage Detection and Quantification using Predicted Surface Properties,” Automation in Construction, 83:285-302. (
1. Walsh, S. B., D. J. Borello, B. Guldur and J. F. Hajjar (2013). "Data Processing of Point Clouds for Object Detection for Structural Engineering Applications," Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 28(7): 495-508. (

Papers in Conference Proceedings

27. Toprak, S., E. Nacaroğlu, B. Wham, M. Sakamoto, E. Uçkan, B. Güldür Erkal, O. Dal, M. Ceylan, E. S. Kaya, M. Bayraktar, A. E. Şentürk, and R. Cappa (2024). “Kentsel Altyapi Sistemlerinde Şubat 2023 Depremleri Etkileri ve Çikarilacak Dersler,” Şubat 2023 Depremleri Sempozyumu, Adana, Türkiye, January 18-20.
26. Bayraktar, M., M.T. Beyhan, and B. Guldur Erkal (2023). "Yapılarin Risk Durumlarının Belirlenebilmesi için 3B Modelleme," Mühendislikte Bilgisayar Uygulamaları ve Teknolojik Gelişmeler Sempozyumu, Ankara, Türkiye, December 22-23.
25. M. Bayraktar, Y. E. Bacik, O. Sert, A. Aldemir and B. Guldur Erkal (2023). "A Curation of Image Datasets for Urban Segmentation Applications," 7th International Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Antalya, Turkey, November 6-10.
24. Bayraktar M. and B. Guldur Erkal (2022). "Kırılganlık Eğrisi Kullanımının Elektrik Dağıtım Sistemlerinin Depremden Sonra Yeniden Ayağa Kaldırılmasına Etkisi," Türkiye İnşaat Mühendisliği 18. Teknik Kongre ve Sergisi, İstanbul, Türkiye, November 7-9.
23. Guldur Erkal, B. and O. G. Cagrici (2022). "Determination of Geometric Imperfections via 3D Data Processing," CFSRC Colloquium 2022, Online, USA, October 17-19.
22. Bayraktar M., E. Aydin Gol, M. Gol, and B. Guldur Erkal (2022). "Use of Fragility Curves in Restoring Electrical Distribution Systems after an Earthquake,” Proceeedings of the Third European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (3ECEES), Bucharest, Romania, September 4-9.
21. Yan, Y., B. Guldur Erkal and J. F. Hajjar (2022). "A Framework for Automated Bridge Inspections and Assessments with Visual Sensing Technology,” Proceedings of  the IABSE Symposium 2022, Prague, Czech Republic, May 25-27.
20. Bayraktar M., E. Aydin Gol, M. Gol, and B. Guldur Erkal (2022). “Elektrik Dağıtım Sistemlerinin Depremden Sonra Yeniden Ayağa Kaldırılmasında Kırılganlık Eğrisi Kullanımı,” 2022 TMMOB Afet Sempozyumu, Ankara, Türkiye, Nisan 20-22.
19. Arpalı, O. Y., U. C. Yilmaz, E. Aydin Gol, B. Guldur Erkal, and M. Gol (2020). “MDP based Decision Support for Earthquake Damaged Distribution System Restoration,” Proceeedings of the 2020 IEEE PES General Meeting, Virtual Meeting, August 3-6.
18. Aldemir, A., O. B. Yucel, and B. Guldur Erkal (2019). "Mathematical Model for Predicting the Period of Vibration of Concrete Gravity Dams with Full Reservoir Conditions," 5th International Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Ankara, Turkey, Ekim 8-11.
17. Aydin Gol, E., B. Guldur Erkal, and M. Gol (2019). “A Novel MDP Based Decision Support Framework to Restore Earthquake Damaged Distribution,” Proceeedings of the 2019 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe), Bucharest, Romania, September 29 - October 2.
16. Guldur Erkal, B. (2019). “Image-Based 3D Surface Reconstruction of Cold-Formed Steel C-Sections,” Proceeedings of the 2019 European Conference on Computing in Construction (EC3), Chania, Crete, Greece, July 10-12.
15. Guldur Erkal, B., R. Aktepe, A. C. Alkoyak, M. Bayraktar, B. Demir and Z. Unsal (2019). “Camera-based imperfection determination of cold-formed steel members,” Proceedings of the ASCE Structures Congress (SEI2019), Orlando, FL USA, April 24-27.
14. Guldur Erkal, B. (2019). “3D Model Generation of CFS Members from Surface Data,” Proceedings of  the 4th International Conference on Structural Engineering and Concrete Technology (ICSECT19), Rome, Italy, April 8-10.
13. Guldur Erkal, B. (2018). “Laser Scanning Coupled with High-definition Color Imaging for Defect Localization and Quantification,” Proceedings of the Advances in Civil Engineering (ACE2018), İzmir, Turkey, September 12-14.
12. Guldur Erkal, B. and J.F. Hajjar (2018). “Development of a Laser and Image-based Surface Damage Detection Software Application,” Proceedings of the ASCE Structures Congress (SEI2018), Fort Worth, TX, USA, April 19-21.
11. Guldur Erkal, B. and N. M. Apaydin (2017). “Bridge Surface Damage Detection Application With A Laser-Based Software Prototype,” Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Geoinformation Science: GeoAdvances 2017, Safranbolu, Turkey, October 14-15.
10. Yan, Y., B. Guldur and J. F. Hajjar (2017). “Automated Structural Modelling of Bridges from Terrestrial Laser Scanning,” Proceedings of the ASCE/SEI Structures Congress 2017, Denver, Colorado, April 6-8.
9. Guldur Erkal, B. (2017).“The Prototype of a Software Application for Laser and Image-based Surface Damage Detection,” Proceedings of the 2nd World Congress on Civil, Structural, and Environmental Engineering (CSEE17), Barcelona, Spain, April 2-4.
8. Guldur, B. and J. F. Hajjar (2016). "Automated Classification of Detected Surface Damage from Point Clouds with Supervised Learning,” Proceedings of the 33 rd International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2016), Auburn, Alabama, July 18-21.
7. Yan, Y., B. Guldur, L. Yoder, V. Kasireddy, D. Huber, S. Scherer, B. Akinci and J. F. Hajjar (2016). "Automated Damage Detection and Structural Modeling with Laser Scanning,” Proceedings of the Structural Stability Research Council Annual Stability Conference, Orlando, Florida, April 12-15.
6. Guldur, B. and J. F. Hajjar (2015). "Laser-based Condition Assessment Assistant for Bridges,” Proceedings of International Symposium NDT-CE 2015, Berlin, Germany, September 16-18.
5. Guldur, B., Y. Yan and J. F. Hajjar (2015). "Condition Assessment of Bridges Using Terrestrial Laser Scanners,” Proceedings of the ASCE/SEI Structures Congress 2015, Portland, Oregon, April 23-25.
4. Guldur, B. and J. F. Hajjar (2014). "Automated Damage Assessment from 3-D Laser Scans,” Proceedings of the Istanbul Bridge Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, August 11-13.
3. Guldur, B. and J. F. Hajjar (2014). "Damage Detection on Structures Using Texture Mapped Laser Point Clouds,” Proceedings of the ASCE/SEI Structures Congress 2014, Boston, Massachusetts, April 3-5.
2. Guldur, B. and J. F. Hajjar (2013). "Laser-based Automatic Cross-Sectional Change Detection for Steel Frames," Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring 2013, Stanford University, Stanford, California, September 10-12.
1. Guldur, B. and T. C. Sheahan (2011). "Indication of Clay Structure Restoration in Laboratory Testing Using Bender Element Measurements,” Proceedings of the International Symposium on Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials, Seoul, Korea, August 31 – September 3.

Technical Reports

4. Cetin, K.O., J.D. Bray, J.D. Frost, A. Hortacsu, E. Miranda, R.E.S. Moss, J.P. Stewart (2023, only editors are listed). "February 6, 2023 Türkiye Earthquakes: Report on Geoscience and Engineering Impacts." EERI, LFE Program - GEER Association Report 082, 382 pp. (https://10.18118/G6PM34)
3. Aldemir A., B. Unutmaz, M. K. Kockar, B. Guldur Erkal, U Sahin, M. A. Sandıkkaya, M. Sahmaran, B. Ozturk, S. Kucukali, E. Cicek, R. Aktepe, S. Akduman, A. Icen, C. Demir, O. Kocaer, A. Kul, G. Sahin, H. Ilcan, M. Sonmez, S. Canturk, O. Okcu, B. Guryuva, A. K. Karabulut, Y. E. Kaya (2023). “06 FEBRUARY 2023 – Kahramanmaraş Pazarcık (Mw=7.7) and Kahramanmaraş Elbistan (Mw=7.6) Earthquakes Investigation Report.” Department of Civil Engineering, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey.
2. Guldur, B. and J. F. Hajjar (2014). "Laser-based Structural Sensing and Surface Damage Detection." Report No. NEU-CEE-2014-03, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, 375 pp.
1. Hajjar, J. F., B. Guldur and A. Sesen (2011). "Northeastern Laboratory for Structural Testing of Resilient and Sustainable Systems (STReSS Laboratory): Features and Specifications." Report No. NEU-CEE-2011-01, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, 99 pp.

Workshop Presentations

1. Guldur, B. (2009). Concrete Mixing/Pouring in the Field. Engineering Without Borders (EWB)-USA 2009 Northeast Regional Workshop. Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, November 6-8.

Additional Conference Presentations

3. Guldur Erkal, B. (2018). Image-based Imperfection Determination of Cold-formed Steel Members. ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference 2018 (EMI2018). Boston, MA, USA, Mayıs 29 - Haziran 1.
2. Guldur, B. and J. F. Hajjar (2014). Texture Mapped Laser Point Clouds for Damage Detection and Documentation on Structures. ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference (EMI 2014). McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, August 8.
1. Guldur, B. (2008). Use of Bender Elements Measurements for Determination of Consolidation and Shear Effects on Soft Clays. Northeast Geotechnical Research Symposium. University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts, October 29.

Seminars - Webinars

16. EERI Lifelines Team (2023). EERI Kahramanmaraş Earthquakes Reconnaissance Webinar Series: Lifelines. Learning From Earthquakes Program, Online, May 9. (YouTube)
15. Guldur Erkal, B. (2022). Detection and Quantification of Pavement Defects Using Deep Learning Algorithms. Digitalization & Sustainability in the built environment. Data Sensing and Analysis Commitee (DSA of European Council of Computing in Construction (EC3), Online, November 2.
14. Guldur Erkal, B. (2020). Dijital Çağda Yapısal İzleme: Uzaktan Algılama ve Hasar Tespiti. 2020 Aralık Çevirimiçi Perşembe Seminerleri. İMO Ankara Şubesi, Online, December 17. (YouTube)
13. Guldur, B. (2017). İnsansız Hava Araçlarıyla (İHA'larla) Köprülerde Yapısal İzleme ve Modelleme. 6. Çelik Köprüler ve Yapılar Çalıştayı. Türk Köprü ve İnşaat Cemiyeti (TKIC), Movenpick Otel, Söğütözü, Ankara, Turkey, May 15.
12. Guldur, B. (2015). Laser-Based Structural Sensing and Surface Damage Detection. Seminar. Hacettepe University - Department of Electrical Engineering, Ankara, Turkey, March 13.
11. Guldur, B. and J. F. Hajjar (2014). Laser-Based Structural Sensing and Surface Damage Detection. Seminar. Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Inc., Waltham, Massachusetts, December 18.
10. Tang, S. and B. Guldur (2014). Structural Modelling. Aerial Robotic Infrastructure Analyst (ARIA) Symposium. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, December 4.
9. Yan. Y., B. Guldur and J. F. Hajjar (2014). Surface Damage Detection. Aerial Robotic Infrastructure Analyst (ARIA) Symposium. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, December 4.
8. Guldur, B. (2014). Laser-Based Structural Sensing and Damage Assessment. Seminar. Hacettepe University, Istanbul, Turkey, August 19.
7. Guldur, B. (2014). Laser-Based Structural Sensing and Surface Damage Assessment. NRI: Large: Collaborative Research: Fast and Accurate Infrastructure Modeling and Inspection with Low-Flying Robots. Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, online, July 25.
6. Guldur, B. (2014). Strain Energy of Elements under Axial Force, Bending and Shear. 2014 Structures Seminar Series. Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, July 17.
5. Guldur, B. (2014). Selimiye Mosque: The Precious. 2014 Structures Seminar Series. Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, June 5.
4. Guldur, B. (2014). Laser-Based Structural Sensing and Damage Assessment. Seminar. Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey, March 7.
3. Guldur, B. (2014). Laser-Based Structural Sensing and Damage Assessment. Seminar. Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, March 5.
2. Guldur, B. (2014). Laser-Based Structural Sensing and Damage Assessment. Seminar. Atilim University, Ankara, Turkey, March 4.
1. Guldur, B. (2012). Laser-Based Structural Sensing. 2012 Structures Seminar Series. Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, April 5.

Last update: May 2024

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