Homeworks and Midterms

Homework I

Due Date: Monday, February 23, 2009

1. Read the following article and write paragraph (~maximum 200 words) about what you understand mathematical modeling is http://pages.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/~gaines/reports/PSYCH/IJISG91/index.html

2. Show that matrix right division and matrix left division are related by the equation B/A = (A'\B')' . Hint: X = B/A is the solution to the equation XA = B and X = A\B is the solution to AX = B

Homework II

Due Date: Wednesday, March 4, 2009 

Solve the set of equations ([a] [x] = [y]) given by the augmented matrix

A=[-2 4 1 2; 5 1 3 10; -6 7 0 9]

for x using the elimination method such that an upper or lower triangular matrix is obtained using any of the diagonals. Compare your results with those of the regular Gauss elimination method.

Homework III

Due Date: Wednesday, March 11, 2009 

Solve the set of equations ([a] [x] = [y]) given by the augmented matrix

A=[-2 4 1 2; 5 1 3 10; -6 7 0 9 ]

for x using the inverse method. First find the inverse of [a] using the Gauss-Jordan method, then solve for x using x = [a]-1y


Check out the quiz questions asked in 2008, click here

Check out the following examples, click here

Midterm I

March 16, 2009

2.45 PM - 5 PM, D6

Homework IV

Due Date: Wednesday, March 25, 2009  Postponed to April 1, 2009

Click here to see the homework

Submit electronically at kmu206@gmail.com

Homework V

Due Date: Monday, April 13, 2009 

Click here to see the homework



Due Date: 2009



Rules for submitting electronic homework

When saving your homework:

   - use the name of the method and your name (initial of your name and your last   name), for example Cramer_sonel . If there are two questions, then use Cramer_sonel1 for the first question and Cramer_sonel2 for the second,

   - avoid using Turkish characters such as ç, ğ, ü, ö, ş, ı

While submitting your homework

   - make sure your email address shows your full name

   - include subject title as kmu206hw1, kmu206hw2, etc.

   - make sure you attach the file and send only once 

Submit electronically at kmu206@gmail.com

Homeworks in Previous  years To see homeworks given during the 2008 spring semester, click here.