posted on the web: Jan.12, 2010 (pdf
due: Jan. 20, 2010 for class presentation and electronic submission to
Submit hard copies by Jan. 21, 2010
assignment is for groups of two or three students. Please choose three
of the following topics listed below, list them in order of preference
and email to along with the names of the group members.
Project 1:
Prepare a 15 minute lecture (Power point presentation) and a simple
review paper (in the format of a journal paper) of at least three basic
papers on various applications of “statistical entropy”. The work should
give a definition of statistical entropy and its history (one slide),
describe in which areas it is used and how it is applied to solve
different problems, emphasize for each application the relation between
statistical aspects and thermodynamic aspects if there exist any.
Project 2:
Prepare a 15 minute lecture (Power point presentation) and a simple
review paper (in the format of a journal paper) of at least three basic
papers on the application of “exergy”. The work should give a definition
of exergy and its history (one slide), describe when it is used, what it
implies and how it is applied to analyze different problems, emphasize
for each application the reasons for its preference for analysis.
Project 3:
Prepare a 15 minute lecture (Power point presentation) and a simple
review paper (in the format of a journal paper) of at least three
technical papers on the metastable phase diagram of NaCl-water solution.
Give information on the physical and chemical properties of the system.
Explain the experimental and mathematical methods that were used to
develop the phase diagram. Give more information on the types of solid
phases present and specifically amorphous phases if there exist any.
Project 4 (for group of two students only):
Prepare a 15 minute lecture (Power point presentation) and a simple
review paper (in the format of a journal paper) using Baker’s PhD
dissertation (
and any supporting documents (journal papers, book chapters, etc) to
explain the increase in the chemical potential of the solute during a
fast freezing process. Explain how Baker and his PhD advisor Cahn came
up with this idea and how they proved it.
Format for paper:
Use a
standard technical paper format, including an abstract, introduction,
Use Times New Roman 10 pt and single spacing to reduce the amount
of paper used
Leave 2.5 cm margin space on both left and right sides
Leave 2.0 cm spacing on top and bottom
Label all tables and figures
Show units with all values in the text, tables and figures
Refer to all the references used as necessary, use your own words
and avoid plagiarism
Format for presentation:
presentation should include (but is not limited to) the following:
- A
title slide including the title of your presentation, your names and
affiliations, date and place
- A
slide showing an outline of your speech
- A
slide explaining the goals of your presentations
Slides explaining the material (should have font size minimum 20pt, i.e.
readable by the audience; should be bulleted, i.e. do not use long
paragraphs or sentences)
References next to pictures and figures adopted from web or literature
- A
conclusion/summary slide
- look
- not
contain unclear information
- be
clear and brief (no long sentences)
- be
just enough to keep you within the time limitation