Welcome to the personal page of Prof. Dr. Ufuk Ozdag

    Ufuk Özdağ is Professor of American Culture and Literature at Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey. Özdağ specializes in American nature writing, ecocriticism, interdisciplinary studies in literature and environment, comparative studies of environmental literatures of the U.S. and Turkey, and intersections between literature and visual arts. Özdağ is the author of Literature and the Land Ethic: Leopoldian Thought in American Nature Writing (2005, 2017) and Introduction to Environmental Criticism: Nature, Culture, Literature (2014, 2017), both in Turkish. She is the co-editor of The Future of Ecocriticism: New Horizons (2011), Environmental Crisis and Human Costs (2015), Anatolian Cranes: Biology, Culture, Conservation (2019), and Nature v/s Culture (2022). Özdağ is the translator of Aldo Leopold’s conservation classic A Sand County Almanac (Bir Kum Yöresi Almanağı 2013), and the co-translator of Edward Abbey’s seminal work, Desert Solitaire (Çölde Tek Başına 2018) into Turkish. Her work has appeared in various publications, including Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment (ISLE), Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies, and Journal of American Studies of Turkey (JAST). Özdağ has initiated and has been offering “literature and environment” courses at Hacettepe University for over 15 years. As a “land ethic leader” (ALF’s LEL graduate 2010), Özdağ is also pioneering Land Ethic studies in Turkey. She is the Founder-Director of the Land Ethic Research and Application Center at Hacettepe University, dedicated to the legacy of conservationist, wildlife ecologist, and nature writer Aldo Leopold. She has served as the vice dean of Hacettepe’s Faculty of Letters, and chair of the Department of American Culture and Literature. Özdağ is one of the organizers of Turkey’s first ecocriticism conference on “The Future of Ecocriticism: New Horizons” (2009). She is committed to environmental conservation.
