Mustafa Çimen

ResponseEve, a responsive template by SiGa


Here is the teaching material I share with my students, or anyone else interested.


Course Pages:

Office Hours:
See the instructor's door for scheduled office hours. You may also ask for an appointment for a meeting out of office hours.
Please do not disturb the instructor during lunch and refreshment breaks, and during academic research and meetings time.

Main References:

  • Textbook: Winston, W. L., & Goldberg, J. B. (2004). “Operations research: applications and algorithms”. Belmont, CA: Duxbury press.
  • Sidebook: Taha, H., (2011). “Operations Research: An Introduction”. NY: Pearson.

You can also benefit from any other textbook, article, note or lecture note, in English or Turkish, which covers the course material.

This is the second course of the two-step “Operations Research” series, primarily designed for constructing a background on the quantitative decision making techniques, including mathematically modelling and optimizing basic decision models. This second step mostly focuses on developing an ability to apply the techniques taught in the first step in real-life problems.

The techniques taught in the course Operations Research I is assumed to be known. A primary level knowledge on Excel software is also assumed.

Grading Policy:

  • Your final grade will be a result of a midterm exam (30%), in-class activities (20%) and a final exam (50%). % Bonus points for homeworks will be also given.
  • The final examination will be a written exam with essay questions/problems. In addition to classical problems, you will also be asked to fill in forms representing Excel spreadsheets. Please bring your calculators and necessary stationary equipment with you for the exam. Sharing calculators or any stationary equipment will not be allowed.
  • Attendance will not be used for grading purposes, except for the related university regulations.

Class Policy:

  • Students are obliged to maintain the learning environment.
  • When asked, students are expected to participate in in-class activities.
  • Lack of knowledge of the rules is not a reasonable explanation for a violation. Any violation of the rules or causing a disturbance in the classroom will be observed and necessary actions will be taken.

Tentative Course Outline For Operations Research II :

Week -1-

Introduction to the Course

Week -2-

Network Models: Shortest Path, Transhipment (8.2)

Week -3-

Network Models: Shortest Path, Transportation Problems and Maximum-Flow Problems (8.3, 8.5)

Week -4-

Integer Programming: Capital Budgeting (9.1, 9.2)

Week -5-

Integer Programming: Fixed-Charge (9.2)

Week -6-

Integer Programming: Set-Covering (9.2)

Week -7-

Goal Programming - Introduction (4.16)

Week -8-

MIDTERM WEEK - Course will not take place.

Week -9-

Goal Programming - Various Approaches (4.16)

Week -10-

Goal Programming - Examples (4.16)

Week -11-

Introduction to Forecasting: Moving Average (24.1)

Week -12-

Introduction to Forecasting: Exponential Smoothing (24.2)

Week -13-

Introduction to Forecasting: Holt’s Method (24.3)

Week -14-

Introduction to Forecasting: Winter’s Method (24.4)

Students with the following ID numbers have failed to meet attandence requirements of the course and cannot take the final exam. If you have any valid excuses, please provide to instructor before final exam. Aşağıda öğrenci numaraları listelenen öğrenciler dersin devam koşulunu sağlayamamış ve final sınavına girme hakkı kazanamamışlardır. Eğer geçerli mazeretiniz varsa, lütfen final sınavından önce ders sorumlusuna bildirin. 21313149, 21512318, 21512744, 21512782, 21513018, 21612168, 21612187, 21612374, 21612518, 21612939, 21691528

Click here for the first in-class activity results.

Click here for the second in-class activity results.

Click here for the midterm and all in-class activity results.

Any announcements on course assignments will be posted here.