Mustafa Çimen

ResponseEve, a responsive template by SiGa


Here is the teaching material I share with my students, or anyone else interested.


Course Pages:

Office Hours:
Thursday, 16:00 – 17:00. You may also ask for an appointment for a meeting out of office hours.

Main References:

  • Textbook: Barnett, R. A., Ziegler M. R. & Byleen K. E., (2010) “College Mathematics for Business, Economics, Life Sciences and Social Sciences”, 12th ed., Prentice Hall.
  • Sidebook: Ross, S. (2010). “A First Course In Probability”, 8th ed., Prentice Hall.
  • Sidebook: Goldstein L. J., Schneider D. I. & Siegel, M. J. (2014) “Finite Mathematics & Its Applications”, 11th ed. Pearson. (Sample chapter on probability can be downloaded from for free.)
  • Sidebook : Bain, L. J., & Engelhardt, M., (2000). “Introduction to Probability and Mathematical Statistics”, 2nd ed., Cengage Learning.

You can also benefit from any other textbook, article, note or lecture note, in English or Turkish, which covers the course material.

This is the second course of the two-step ”Mathematics for Business” series, primarily designed for constructing a mathematics background for business students, covering related topics to deriving necessary information from mathematical functions, using statistical data and solving mathematical business models.

A satisfactory-level understanding of the material taught in “Mathematics for Business I” course (functions, drawing and using graphics, basic derivatives and integration) is assumed.

Grading Policy:

  • Your final grade will be a result of a midterm exam (30%), homeworks (30%) and a final exam (40%).
  • Midterm and final exams will be made as open-book exams.
  • Please bring your calculators and necessary stationary equipment with you for all of the exams. Sharing calculators or any stationary equipment will not be allowed.
  • Attendance will not be used for grading purposes, except for the related university regulations.

Class Policy:

  • Students are obliged to maintain the learning environment.
  • When asked, students are expected to participate in in-class activities.
  • Lack of knowledge of the rules is not a reasonable explanation for a violation. Any violation of the rules or causing a disturbance in the classroom will be observed and necessary actions will be taken.

Tentative Course Outline:

Week -1-

Introduction to the course and systems of linear equations (Section 4.1)

Week -2-

MATRICES: augmented matrices and Gauss-Jordan elimination and basic matrix operations (Sections 4.2, 4.3, 4.4)

Week -3-

MATRICES: Matrix inverse and matrix equations (Sections 4.5, 4.6)

Week -4-

PROBABILITY: Logic, sets and basic counting principles (7.1, 7.2, 7.3)

Week -5-

PROBABILITY: Combination (7.4).

Week -6-

PROBABILITY: Permutation (7.5).

Week -7-

PROBABILITY: Sample spaces, events and discrete probability (8.1, 8.2)

Week -8-

MIDTERM WEEK - Course will not take place.

Week -9-

PROBABILITY: Conditional probability and Bayes’ formula (8.3, 8.4)

Week -10-

PROBABILITY: Random variables and expected value (8.5)

Week -11-

PROBABILITY: Probability density functions and continuous probability (14.2)

Week -12-

PROBABILITY: Cumulative probability

Week -13-

PROBABILITY: Frequently used probability distributions

Week -14-

PUBLIC HOLIDAY: Course will not take place (19.05.2017)

Any announcements on course assignments will be posted here.